Has anyone ever seen Trump’s birth certificate?
Asked by
JLeslie (
July 13th, 2020
from iPhone
Or, do we have anyone who was present at his birth who can testify to the date? I just want to know he wasn’t actually born on the 6th.
Talk about birther, imagine the irony of demanding Obama’s birth certificate when we really should be asking for Trump’s.
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24 Answers
You should be asking to see his tax returns.
@ARE_you_kidding_me I think if his birthday is the 6th it will be more effective in turning his base against him than his tax returns.
I’m missing something here. Why would that matter?
It’s listed as June 14, 1946.
I don’t understand the significance of it being an issue if Trump was indeed born on 7/6.
I saw a copy of it, when I was working with the STASI.
He is actually the maternal half-brother of Vladimir Putin, and right after his birth, they had half of his brain removed, due to a malignant brain tumor.
If he was born June 6, 46, that’s 666. Like the movie The Omen. His birthday of record is June 14,46.
Is there anything out there saying that he was, or is this just theory?
And it really wouldn’t be 666, it would be 6646.
@chyna In the movie he wasn’t born in 1906. Depending which version of the movie he’s born 6:00 am June 6, or another version June 6, 1976 I think? The movie was remade a few times.
Nothing real out there. There are comparisons about Trump and Damien floating around on the internet. Just something that was thrown out there, like everything else that people make up. Is it real? Was Obama born in Nigeria? Does it need to be real?
Here’s a link
On Facebook there are plagues of killer bees and locusts and cosmic events being passed around. Probably, if someone wanted to really go after the angle they could get some people worked up. The very people who support Trump blindly. People will believe anything. They believe covid doesn’t exist, they believe Black people want to be in power and dominate the country, they believe Trump is a practicing Christian.
Wait…this is about a movie?
The most plausible theory is that 666 in revelations meant “Nero Ceasar.” People have already called Trump the anti-christ just like they did Obama. Also 6–6-46 does not really equate to 6–6-6.
@canidmajor Movie to you. Plenty of superstitious and conspiracy minded people out there who will believe anything and reject proof and facts if they prefer other explanations of events.
@JLeslie, your reference to a 45 year old movie puzzled me, as I have not seen discussion anywhere about this being a concern, except for your rather fringey link up there. I don’t limit myself only to sources that align with m views on things, and even on the further off-the-path groups I haven’t seen this mentioned as a concern for anyone.
@JLeslie That link is really something. Looks worse than the prophecy bibles sold by mega churches.
I’ve heard nothing like that here.
@KNOWITALL I don’t think it is being messaged much. People could probably push it if they wanted to. I have no idea how many people would start to question the possibility. Do you think people would actually take some of it seriously and become afraid of Trump? That link even has inconsistencies and things that are not true, so I would guess people who defend Trump would punch holes in it pretty fast. Some of it is true though, it’s just how the writer twists it into a story so to speak.
@canidmajor There was a remake in 2006. A whole new generation has now seen the movie. Everyone knows 666 though. Even people who have not seen the movie could read things like the link I gave and maybe start getting worked up if the idea was pushed enough. People will believe anything. I think the link is overkill though. Like I said to @KNOWITALL some items could be dismissed out of hand, they would need to get rid of that and stick to things that people could not dismissed. There are plenty on there. .
@JLeslie, OK, there was a remake. My point was that I have not seen anything (except your link) pertaining to this or making it an issue.
That’s all.
@canidmajor Maybe someone should make it an issue. I wouldn’t have the guts to float it, and it’s outside of my MO. I do believe the far right puts total slanted bullshit into social media all of the time, and some of it sticks and Republicans pass it around and it catches on. I think it is started by really bad people and even foreign countries. I assume some of that happens on the left also, and this could be something out there to get at the very religious who believe in things like this. They are part of Trump’s loyal base. I am not talking about the average Republicans or average church goer, just a segment of the group.
@JLeslie I think most people in my area would think it’s a complete bs story cooked up by Dems to help sink Trump in the elections. That’s what they think about any anti-Trump sentiment.
I’ve paid for a burger at Wendy’s that totalled 6.66 and didn’t freak out and I’m a Christian, so I don’t think much of it. I ate that ‘Devil’ burger and survived…haha!
@KNOWITALL I wouldn’t think of you as the target audience, I don’t think of you as extreme or conspiracy minded, but your answer that you don’t think anyone would go for it is good to know. It would kind of be a story cooked up by Dems if it was put out there.
Each side cooks up BS stories but it is really farfetched to think the left would float a story like this.
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