Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What is your opinion on the Trump regime deploying his Gestapo to Portland?

Asked by ragingloli (52358points) July 18th, 2020

They are driving around in unmarked rental vans, wear no identification, and are abducting people without any justification.
Where are all the 2A people up in arms against these storm troopers?
No wait, let me guess. At home, cheering on the fascists.

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38 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

I think it’s probably pretty much the same as yours.

chyna's avatar

I shouldn’t be, but I’m shocked over it all.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I watch it in horror. There are no marches happening in Honolulu right now, or I would join. I will call my Congressman and both Senators on Monday.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Gestapo or Stasi?

This is Ken Cuccineli’s doing – he’s the neo-nazi that is 2nd in command at the department of Homeland Security.

Zaku's avatar

I think Trump should be in jail, but I’ve thought that since Trump started dismantling environmental protections and appointing corporate shills to head departments of government as soon as he took office..

And I think the Department of Homeland Security is ”‘murican” for GESTAPO, and that Homeland Security should be disbanded. Though I’ve thought that since the GW Bush administration created it.

And I think the specific behavior is largely illegal (“arresting” people without charge) and chaotic idiocy and should never have been undertaken. I think everyone along the chain of command from Trump to the officers doing the violence should be kicked out of all positions of authority and/or charged with crimes where possible for participating in these abuses of their positions.

johnpowell's avatar

Nazi the liberals while you show your patriotism in your american flag budgy smugglers while eating doritos paid for by the liberals you hate. Oh SNAP.

I’m getting pretty fucking sick of the red-state welfare queens. Hey what is good for the goose. Remember a few months ago with the blue-state bail-out shit. Here is my shoe you mason-Dixie trailer-park.

At this point I hope you don’t wear a mask. Keep on dying.

Trumps little stunt to be all tough on the liberal limp wrists here in Little Beirut will mean fuck-all and just make things worse. Here is the thing about Portland. We don’t have black people. When we burn neighborhoods we burn the shit of affluent white people.

But this purely political move by Trump and his goons is fucking stupid. If you think this going to sway anyone when the body count is 300K on November 3rd you are brain-dead.

Now the question is what hotel are the goons staying at? I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if they are being followed. It is probably in Gresham.

chyna's avatar

I’m watching Good Morning America. It took them 35 minutes into the news program to report what is going on in Portland. It should’ve been the top story.

seawulf575's avatar

I think the first question is who these people are, really. Oregon just filed to sue government agencies for these people arresting the protesters. But they couldn’t identify people nor agencies. So to claim they are federal agents is iffy at best. Secondly, if they federal agents and are arresting people, we don’t know why. It could be that they have good reason to do so. They might be operating undercover as they did with Timothy Mcveigh, or with Gary Thomas Rowe and the KKK. To jump from “there is an accusation” to “it is all Trump” without anything in between is completely ignorant.

Darth_Algar's avatar

The mental gymnastics needed to defend Trump and his administration on a daily basis must be exhausting.

seawulf575's avatar

@elbanditoroso Good! It was DHS. Did you actually read that entire interview you posted? It seems like they are doing their jobs in the safest way possible. See, that’s the problem. You have people going off about the “gestapo” type tactics when, in fact, they are nothing the same. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the gestapo didn’t care to hide who they were. They were glad to induce fear in those around them. And when they took someone there was no actual due process involved. And that person pretty much disappeared. That is exactly nothing like what is going on here. Maybe you need to read your own citation.

hmmmmmm's avatar

“It could be that they have good reason to do so.”

There is no way to respond to this. It’s pure submission to fascism.

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli And in your video, they were actually uniformed police, wearing police labels and insignia. Is it your contention that police should not be allowed to do their job? Is that how they do it in Germany?

seawulf575's avatar

@hmmmmmm Look at @elbanditoroso‘s post. They gave the reason and it is a good one. But when all you have is ignorance spewing hatred, you are right. There is no way to respond to it and it is pure submission to fascism.

seawulf575's avatar

^Why do you post pictures of yourself?

Lightlyseared's avatar

@seawulf575 yes. Your right. That’s how they did it in Germany. And that’s why you should listen when someone from Germany warns you about it. Unless you like being a Nazi. I mean you guys have spent years locking up black people and gassing them so you might as well go all out on it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I live in the South and have black friends that remember lynchings and cross burning in our city, after Kennedy was elected !

KKK were the enforcers of the South !

gorillapaws's avatar

I wonder if you could legally shoot them in self-defense if they fail to identify themselves?

ragingloli's avatar

It should be legal.

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli so you are saying that today, in Germany, the cops have a hands-off policy when it comes to keeping the peace and dealing with people that break the law? I mean, after all, that seems to be where you are going with your post. Uniformed cops arrest someone and you think its wrong. So I ask again…is doing nothing how the police in Germany, TODAY, do their jobs?

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Yep, the KKK were enforcers in the south. Enforcers for the Democratic Party. In fact, they were founded by the Democratic party and were all Democrats. Today, it’s Antifa and BLM, but the game is the same. It’s still about suppression of others.

seawulf575's avatar

@gorillapaws I suspect you COULD shoot them in self-defense if they failed to identify themselves. But you have to be sure they haven’t identified themselves. For instance, if they walk up to an individual and tell him they are police and are detaining him, they HAVE identified themselves, even if they aren’t wearing clothing normal to police or showing insignia or anything like that. But if someone just walks up and starts to grab you, you have every right to defend yourself. They only problem you might find in shooting them is if they aren’t threatening you with weapons.

hmmmmmm's avatar

@seawulf575: “Today, it’s Antifa and BLM, but the game is the same. It’s still about suppression of others.”

You read it here folks. Antifascists and people who want the state to stop killing black people are about the suppression of others.

Words no longer have meaning, apparently.

chyna's avatar

@seawulf575 So if a woman is grabbed by these men, told that they are the police, but with no identification, she is to go quietly with them in a van or SUV with darkened windows? To possibly be raped, groped, beaten or killed? And it would be their word against hers.
Doesn’t seem right to me.

elbanditoroso's avatar

When you work for Trump, you never have to say “you’re sorry”. (Apologies to Ryan O’Neal)

seawulf575's avatar

@hmmmmmm The “antifascists” sure use a lot of fascist tactics. Maybe you need to delve a bit deeper than their name. And BLM is all about wanting to stop the state from killing black people. Yep. That happens about 18 times a year. And in almost all of those cases the person that was shot was so out of control and aggressive the cops felt use of lethal force or potentially lethal force was called for. And in the meanwhile, BLM ignores the thousands of blacks that are killed by other blacks all the time. Face it…they aren’t a benevolent society, they are a political warfare outfit.

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna Has that happened? Or is it just fear mongering? As I said, there are rules to be followed if they want to actually hold people accountable for crimes committed. If the people arresting them were in uniform, walked up and said the person was being detained and was put into handcuffs, loaded into the back of a car and driven away, would that really be any different? The only real difference is that the rest of the radical protesters would likely attack and put the police and the detainee in danger.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

All KKK “Dixiecrats” became Republicans after President Johnson, a Democrat, signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964. And segregation was no longer the Status Quo for the American South, they got pissed and left the party.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@seawulf575 And BLM is all about wanting to stop the state from killing black people. Yep. That happens about 18 times a year.

Since 2015 1301 black americans have been killed by the police. That is 260 a year. Not 18. For those among us that can’t count. Black americans are 3 times more likely than white americans to be killed by the police despite the fact they account for just 13% of the population. If you don’t see an issue with that the problem is not the other people pointing it out.

seawulf575's avatar

@Lightlyseared Correct. the 18 is questionable or unjustified shootings which is, after all, what BLM claims all of them are. But let’s stick with 260 for a moment. That equates to roughly .0006% of the black population, since you want to talk about percentages of population. Meanwhile, roughly 7400 blacks are killed by blacks every year. That equates to 0.017% of the black population. Now for those of you that can count, that’s a lot more. But those are insignificant according to you and the BLM. If you don’t see an issue with that, the problem is not other people pointing it out. But let’s go a bit deeper. You want to claim all 260. Most of those are criminals with guns or knives or even vehicles that are attacking the cops. Are you really suggesting that when a violent criminal is threatening their lives, the cops should just run away and let that person continue on with their terrorism of our societies? Because after all, that is what you are espousing.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Senator Robert Byrd, one of the most influential Democrats in Congress for 58 years, was an active member of the KKK right up until his death in 2010. Sorry, your claim is false. Now, let’s hammer home the point: Show me one dixiecrat that was a Democrat and swapped over to being a Republican. And please, make it someone with a voting record of supporting racism, such as Robert Byrd. The problem here is that they don’t exist. Your claim is nothing more than leftist propaganda. Fake news.

chyna's avatar

@seawulf575 Oh no, that is a flat our lie. I’m from WV where Robert Byrd was from. He was a member of the KKK in his early life, but left that in the 40s. Sorry, your claim is FALSE. You are spouting propaganda.
Robert Byrd

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna Okay, you got me there. But he was a racist long past the 40’s. He fought against the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and all efforts to help blacks financially. What was the quote? “You can take people out of the slum, but you can’t take the slum out of the people”. He opposed the nomination of Thurgood Marshall to the SCOTUS in 1967 and of Clarence Thomas in 1991. Apparently you can take the person out of the KKK but can’t take the KKK out of the person.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@chyna most of what someone says is make believe. and doesn’t want to admit Trump is trying to wreck the country. Oh (Putin is paying off his loan payments to Russian Mafia) !

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