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SQUEEKY2's avatar

What happens if Trump loses the election and refuses to accept the results?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23542points) July 21st, 2020

Keeps screaming fake ,or rigged.
Can he call another election after all recounts are exhausted?
Now what if it is a landslide and keeps screaming it’s Obama’s fault and refuses to step down, does he have to power to do the election over again?
Will the Stormtroopers move in and simply remove him at that point?

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30 Answers

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canidmajor's avatar

This is from June 1, it’s a quick explanation of what would likely happen.

Darth_Algar's avatar

If Trump refuses to accept the results, refuses to step down then he gets dragged kicking and screaming out of the White House (and probably trying to grasp on to every door frame and piece of furniture on the way out).

And no, he cannot nullify or reorder an election.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thank you @canidmajor and @Darth_Algar for your answers.

kritiper's avatar

He commits suicide in the Oval Office on the day he is to leave. Can’t you see him, sprawled out there on his desk?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@kritiper I would show as much empathy for him as he does for Covid19 victims.

Jeruba's avatar

I think he’s the least likely person in the world to commit suicide. He would commit 7 billion murders first.

LadyMarissa's avatar

That’s what they said about Hitler, but he did.

Jeruba's avatar

Did they? Hitler had already glorified the suicide of a defeated warrior as a heroic standard. He actually criticized some of his own generals for not dispatching themselves honorably when they were beaten in Russia. So it couldn’t have been a surprise to those who knew him.

He was capable of shame, and so he would not have chosen public humiliation. His choice kept him in control of his fate.

My source here is William Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. I’m at about the 80% mark now.

janbb's avatar

I’ve read the same procedures as @canidmajor so that is one thing I’m less worried about. Let’s just concentrate on roundly defeating him.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Of course he will scream that he’s been robbed. No one expects him to behave differently. When has ANYTHING EVER been his fault? Suicide is not a trait I would ever ascribe to Trump, though I don’t doubt for a moment that he would personally execute us all for a stick of gum. He’s the embodiment of outright cowardice, and rampant megalomania. The only trait he shares with Hitler is in the staunch belief that his defeat will be at the hands of his traitorous generals and shamefully unwarranted betrayal by the people.

anniereborn's avatar

@Darth That painted a very funny picture.

Jeruba's avatar

I also think someone who commits suicide is likely to be the opposite of someone who says “I don’t take responsibility at all.” That’s my opinion as a layperson.

josie's avatar

He will bitch up a storm, give a rambling farwell speech, and then he’ll move back into Trump Tower, with occasional trips to Mar-a-Lago, where he will write a book. His fans will buy it to hear what he has to say, his haters will buy it so they can make fun of what’s in it and it will probably sell more copies than the Bible.
Thus, he will have once again turned defeat into victory.

kritiper's avatar

@josie It will be a lonely victory, if true…

josie's avatar


The general Fluther hatred for the man notwithstanding, I understand he has plenty of friends.
They are just not inside the beltway people.

Darth_Algar's avatar

“I understand he has plenty of friends.”

“Friends” being very loosely defined here. You think he really has any genuine friends? Every relationship the man has is a transaction. He’s “friends” with people he thinks can do something for him. They’re “friends” with him because they think he can do something for them.

kritiper's avatar

I doubt he has enough friends to turn the supposed sale of a “book” into what some may call a “victory.”

josie's avatar


It’s one thing to dislike a man.

I get that.

But it is, in my opinion, sort of petty if not arrogant that one could dislike a man and use that as evidence that he could have no friends.

John Adams was an unlikable man, but he had friends.

You folks don’t think much of me but I have so many friends I can’t fit them all in my house for a party.

So typical. So much bitterness.

hmmmmmm's avatar

@josie: “But it is, in my opinion, sort of petty if not arrogant that one could dislike a man and use that as evidence that he could have no friends.”

Josie is correct. Trump has friends. There are plenty of amoral sociopaths in this class. Their concept of “friendship” might not align with our own.

kritiper's avatar

I still don’t think that how many friends he has will make a “victory” out of “book” sales…

stanleybmanly's avatar

@josie Again, the confusion of loathing with hatred. Of course the fool has friends. The fact that most of them wind up disgraced or in jail is irrelevant. This regrettable loathing of the turd is a necessary process. You cannot allow the pile of shit to be passed off as routine, regardless as to whether you are accustomed to it.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Certainly he has friends. But how many of those friendships are build on genuine affection and not “what can you do for me?”? How many of those friends would be there to lend an ear of support or a shoulder to lean on? How many of those friends would set with him in the hospital throughout the night while a spouse or child lay in critical condition? How many of those friends would call or stop by just to see how he was doing? How many of those friends would do anything for the man without the expectation of some favor in return? Likewise, how many of those friend would he do anything for without the expectation of something?

There are friends, and then there are friends.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Being conservative, 2 out of 3 of his marriages were due to what he could GIVE them & it may well be 3 out of 3!!! IF you pay attention, he NEVER uses the word “friend”. He simply says “I know them” or “I never knew them, but…”

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