@KNOWITALL As I said I do have plenty of Republican friends masking up. I think the virus went to, and exploded in, CITIES that have a lot of international travel and densely populated. Moreover, a lot of the cities have public transportation, plus lots of touch points like elevator buttons. It’s similar to the electoral college map of the US that colors an entire state one color when we know there might be a lot of the other color within the state, the same has happened with covid. NYS has a lot of red actually, it is just that NYC is heavily populated, and the city has a lot of Democrats. Miami has a very very large Republican population and the mayor of the county and the mayor of Miami the city are both Republicans. However, that county usually goes blue for presidential elections.
My friends in Michigan are almost all Republicans, and they all wear masks. One of my friends there is nervous about some of the messaging about the government trying to control us, but she believes masks will slow the spread of the virus.
The states in the middle of the country didn’t get a lot of initial cases, because they don’t have all of that travel in the winter from other places, especially not other countries and since the virus is an exponential growth, it is a sleeper for a few weeks before it gets huge. Middle of the country also tends to be more Republican. California, which is majority Democrat, should have been one of the worst states in the beginning, but that governor happened to pay attention to what was happening in Asia and Europe very early, and he mitigated very early. California is starting to have trouble now.
But, again, I don’t see any Democrats refusing to wear a mask or trying to tell people they shouldn’t wear masks. I am not trying to say all Republicans won’t wear masks, I am saying of all the people refusing to wear masks, they all seem to be Republicans, or Republican voters. They almost all seem to be part of the group that also thinks at least 4 or more of the following: Gates is trying to track everyone, Gates purposely gave Africans Polio, the government is going to try to force everyone to get a covid vaccine, we should be trying to achieve herd immunity by letting people get sick, they have strong immune systems and aren’t worried, they are right with God and aren’t worried, masks reduce your oxygen, masks mean you are afraid, the covid numbers are all lies, if masks work why do you care if I wear one, doesn’t your mask work, and Democrats are all Socialists.