Just for fun: If you were going to rename the Covid-19 virus, what name would you give it?
Asked by
jca2 (
July 22nd, 2020
Totally for fun: If it were up to you, what name would you give to the Covid-19 virus?
Trump calls it “The China Virus. Pelosi called it “The Trump Virus.”
What name would you grant it?
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11 Answers
The Cootie Virus. Easy for even idiots to understand, like the grade school cooties.
Trump Virus seems to be most accurate, because it acknowledges His Trumpiness’ role in its spread.
Besides, the turd probably would want his name to be in the history books for something.
Whore virus. It moves fast, and will get to everyone eventually.
Worthless though it is, many people are inviting it.
Once it leaves, you KNOW you’ve been effed.
Th th th th th that’s all hoax!
The Wuhan virus.
According to past tradition of naming its origin
Oh wait
Heaven forbid we would offend the soulless Chinese.
So In that case I would call it the “Mystery Virus”
Maybe it should be Trump’s Fuck-up !
He has screwed a lot of people in the USA.
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