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ucme's avatar

Who played the role of Tarzan best?

Asked by ucme (50052points) July 23rd, 2020

I love the loin cloth wearing, elephant riding, Jane humping, jungle dwelling bitch :D

Johnny Weismuller was king but Ron Ely didn’t swing too bad either.
What say you?

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6 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

Herman Brix seemed the most authentic to me.

I hated when Tarzan has a son. It sounded stupid calling him boy. He had names for animals, but his kid he names boy?

doyendroll's avatar

Give a yell for Johnny Weissmuller.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

You could’ve just asked me to play Tarzan Boy. .
While i searched for that song, I found this
instructional video on how to get pregnant.
A giant belt buckle can’t even prevent it.

ucme's avatar

@doyendroll I can copy that magnificent bark to a disturbing level of accuracy.
I have to be sexual aroused though or it just doesn’t work :D

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille That song & the vid literally screams eighties!
The dancers look as if they ate something that didn’t agree with them.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme -I love that song. Don’t steal my joy. XD

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