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ucme's avatar

What are examples of love songs/ballads that you fell for & others that make your skin crawl?

Asked by ucme (50052points) July 23rd, 2020

Love to hate you!

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17 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

The Titanic theme song “My Heart Will Go On and On”.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Romeo and Juliet song from Salior Moon I like. Sorry that is all I know about it.

I also like weird Al Yankovich’s You don’t love me anymore.

filmfann's avatar

Sweet Caroline was written about Caroline Kennedy when she was like 8 years old.
“Warm… Touching Warm…”

it’s creepy.

KNOWITALL's avatar

More Than Words by Extreme has always moved me. Lady in Red. Good Morning Beautiful. Too many!

Rock ballads are funny to me, there are so many. Beth by Kiss for example. Pornstar Dancing. Every Rose erc..

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I like Almost Blue & Lover Man
As for the worst ever??
I was trapped with this revolting song in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber while it decompressed. I didn’t choose it. My husband asked the nurse to play it while I was trapped in there & he did it.
I got to watch them smiling away through the glass. XD

rockfan's avatar

Doesn’t necessarily make my skin crawl, but I can’t stand the song “Longer” by Dan Fogelberg.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I can’t stand achy breaky heart.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Do You Wanna Make Love?
My “first” kept singing along with it when we were first getting to know each other.
I would counter with Paradise By The Dashboard Lights.

I still like the first one, but meatloaf just gives me gas and a headache these days.

zenvelo's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille That is really the worst ever…..

Best way to have a girl leave and never come back…

jca2's avatar

One I can’t stand: Three Times a Lady by The Commodores.

One I love: Sarah Smile by Hall and Oates.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@zenvelo – She’ll come back….Just be poised and quiet be poised and quiet

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL See, the Lady in Red makes me want to punch a kitten lol
So glad you didn’t post the vid, I would have been compelled to watch, like a car crash on your lawn.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme In 1986 I was 13 years old when it came out, and we always said “butt-cheek to butt-cheek”, maybe that will give you a giggle. :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme -I can’t argue with you.

jca2's avatar

Two more to add to the annoying list: Foreigner Waiting for a girl like you and I want to know what love is.

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