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ucme's avatar

Where are your dark thoughts coming from?

Asked by ucme (50052points) July 24th, 2020

Not enough attention as a child or too much?

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17 Answers

ucme's avatar

Here kitty, kitty, kitty! :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

That doesn’t really describe me but when I have had them, they come from the basement.

KNOWITALL's avatar

My only dark thoughts come from all the negativity right now. A whole country loudly complaining at the same time about everything. And we have it so much better than many in the world but no one seems to be grateful for anything.

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL Ah but you see, there are those unfortunate ones who thrive on negativity.
Ask them to smile & their face cracks.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme There are always things we can work on but right now, it’s like fueling a wildfire. Just sad to see.

ucme's avatar

Waiting for the old dear to wake up.
This is taking forever :D

ucme's avatar

My wife loves dark chocolate.
That is the best answer ever! :D

Inspired_2write's avatar

“Not enough attention as a child or too much?”

Later in life as one looks back on ones life with a mature eye they begin to understand

behaviors, incidents,people etc that had a mark on ones life .

With this mature understanding one then can put to rest the negative incidents when

compared to the positive outcomes that came out of some dark times.

Once its accepted and understood then its finally put to rest and one can get on without

further without going over the past again.

I suppose that usually for the most this is completed in later years when one has the time

now to think on.

Thus retirement becomes welcoming with a peaceful acceptance that while life afforded

difficult experiences it also afforded a learning curve that in the end produced the effect of a

much stronger person because of it.

I think it then gives hope to others going through difficult times that Yes we will get through

this and survive and grow stronger and that this is one stage in everyone’s life.

JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

This damn power outage. I can’t see a thing!

Demosthenes's avatar

Just my OCD-addled mind.

josie's avatar

Once they came from far away and what is starting to seem like a long time ago.
But I avoid such thoughts now. They are not healthy.

But I also agree with @KNOWITALL

With a few exceptions most of the people who seem to be habitual and facile complainers have no idea how good they have it. But I believe they would pine for the USA they despise, even with Trump as president, if they woke up from their angry reverie and realized the were in a rice paddy in Hunan, or a steel mill in Magnitogorsk- both horrible places. Perhaps rivaled by Kandahar.

jca2's avatar

I don’t have dark thoughts about much, but recently I occasionally think “what if this virus doesn’t go away and so many more people get sick” and “what if someone I know gets sick and dies” and “what if I get sick and die?”

ucme's avatar

If it looks like things are turning to shit then there’s nowt you can do about it.
That is precisely the time to be positive, arm yourself against strife & beat it away with your strength & yes…laughter!

cookieman's avatar

Any issues I have hanging on from childhood present themselves in my own behavior. Poor stress management, feeling unappreciated, etc. These result in beat-myself-up-thoughts.

Any dark thoughts I have are pretty rare and come from what @KNOWITALL describes.

Patty_Melt's avatar

My childhood has nothing to do with any dark thoughts I’ve had for a long time.
Lately, it stems from the civil insanity.
THERE’S an oxymoron for ya.

Coolhandluke's avatar

I have a demon inside me. I’m not afraid to admit that. He hasn’t came out in a few years, luckily.

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