Social Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

What are the last three things that you do before going to sleep at night?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11178points) July 25th, 2020 from iPhone

Only three.

Brush teeth
Use the facilities

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15 Answers

chyna's avatar

Those are my exact same three!

canidmajor's avatar

And me! We all be twinsies!

ucme's avatar

Pet Oscar
Kiss my wife
Brief internet browse (phone)

JLeslie's avatar

Watch TV
Brush my teeth
Cuddle if I’m in bed with my husband. If I’m not in bed with my husband then I Facebook a little or play a game on my phone.

si3tech's avatar

Put my book down. Put ice water in fridge. Powder my nose. Ready for bed!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I follow this instructional video , goldfish platforms and all.

cookieman's avatar

Take my pills.
Kiss the family goodnight.
Put on music.

johnpowell's avatar

Put my glasses on the desk

Put a bottle of fruit punch Gatorade on the nightstand

Cover my fishtank.. Goldfish don’t have eyelids so I cover the tank for them. Poor little guys.

anniereborn's avatar

Other than brushing my teeth, there isn’t anything consistently the same. Mostly I just fall into bed.

Kardamom's avatar

Take melatonin, check my phone, turn on my white noise/ ambient sound CDs.

gondwanalon's avatar

Clean cat boxes, pee, brush/floss teeth.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Breathe in
Breathe out
Hope for a repeat

tinyfaery's avatar

Brush Teeth

cookieman's avatar


@tinyfaery: Go on. ;^)

Lonelyheart807's avatar

Pee, give my cats treats, turn out light.

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