Social Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

(A lot of folks that are new to me here) What’s your profession?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11178points) July 27th, 2020 from iPhone

As asked.

I teach ESL.

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15 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

I’m a retired communications technician. I used to trouble shoot and maintain main frame computers for AT&T.


Do you teach ESL to people, whose first language is usually French?

I lived in Ottawa until I was 8 YO.

jca2's avatar

I work in local government. I was in child welfare for over 10 years and for the past 9, I’ve been a full time union rep. So presently, I’m a full time union rep.

si3tech's avatar

Retired CPhT here. Certified phamacy technician.

Coolhandluke's avatar

I’m a manufacturing Engineer.

hmmmmmm's avatar

data/IT for labor unions (ex-software engineer)

KNOWITALL's avatar

Media/ mgmt.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Systems Engineer. Semi retired.

kritiper's avatar

Former auto and diesel technician/mechanic. For the last 30 years I have owned and operated my own business, going to people’s houses (generally speaking) and cleaning up after their dogs.

cookieman's avatar

graphic & web designer
associate professor of art and design

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Truck driver.

gondwanalon's avatar

Retired Medical Technologist (38 years). Now I’m an outrigger canoe paddler and sailer.

Cupcake's avatar

Health researcher

ucme's avatar

Hi, my name is Al & I’m basically a chilled out entertainer who dabbles in fish tickling as a kind of hobby.

josie's avatar

I’m retired from I‘m not disposed to discuss it.
Currently, I’m not at liberty to say.

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