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LostInParadise's avatar

Do you think Sarah Cooper does a good job of satirizing Donald Trump?

Asked by LostInParadise (32308points) August 3rd, 2020

Finally someone has figured out how to satirize someone who talks complete nonsense. You can’t come up with anything funnier than what Trump says, so just lip sync what he says. Brilliant! I can now listen to a Trump speech that I could never before stomach. Have you seen her? Link

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33 Answers

filmfann's avatar

They are very entertaining!

MrGrimm888's avatar

It would be funny, if Trump wasn’t POTUS…

zenvelo's avatar

It is the reason Trump wants to ban Tik-Tok.

janbb's avatar

Doesn’t do much for me frankly.

Darth_Algar's avatar

No idea. Don’t know who this person is.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Sooooo funny!
She did a very good impersonation!
I laughed so hard! Thanks you made my day! Hahahah

stanleybmanly's avatar

She does a first rate job of lip synching our fool. But the effect of listening to such inane and petty silliness minus his visage is not exactly funny. I have a regrettable tendency when Trump speaks to feel badly for him. While ridicule of the fool is absolutely essential, you can’t get past the reality that poking fun of him is too close to making fun of the disabled. Listening to Trump speak is like watching a morbidly obese woman struggle to escape a bathtub. It’s funny yet tragic, while worse is the realization that I can take such glee in the fact that he is such a preposterous simpleton and monument to pettiness.

seawulf575's avatar

Not all that funny. Trump was explaining the cognitive abilities test he took. My son has to give those for his job. But it seems all this girl is doing it lip syncing something that wasn’t funny to start with and certainly wasn’t bizarre. She is playing to the TDS in people to gain fame.

Caravanfan's avatar

@seawulf575 That test is something we give to Alzheimer’s patients

seawulf575's avatar

@Caravanfan It is given to a lot of older people. It is used to help determine if there is a cognitive disorder such as Alzheimer’s that needs to be addressed. It was part of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment. And being able to repeat a set of words and then again a few minutes later is a pretty good test for that. Apparently Trump was able to do that and could STILL list the words months later.

chyna's avatar

@seawulf575 How do we know those were the 5 words? He could have just made up five words as an example, which is what I felt he was doing.

Yellowdog's avatar

Agree with @seawulf575

In order for something to be satire, it needs to poke fun at a real issue.

Pretending to be someone else and acting like an idiot doesn’t quite make the cut.

While I’m at it, hate speech doesn’t qualify as satire, either. I remember a lot of students when I was in college who would come up with some pretty debased, perverted dialogues and actuions, attributing them to conservative political candidates and religious figures, and claim it was ‘satire’. Again, satire requires poking fun at a real issue or idiosyncrasy

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna He very well could have, but I will tell you…they are the same five my son uses all the time.

LostInParadise's avatar

Those 5 words were related and not at all difficult to remember in order, which makes the several minutes it takes for him to explain it all pretty humorous. A person can be a woman or a man. They were on camera so they could appear on TV. Now you will have memorized the 5 words whether you want to or not.

Caravanfan's avatar

@seawulf575 You probably forget to whom you are writing but I know precisely why and for whom that test is given.

Brian1946's avatar


If a symptomatic person contracts the coronavirus, how long does it usually take for the symptoms to present?

mazingerz88's avatar

All I can say is man, woman, person, cameerah, TV!

Caravanfan's avatar

@Brian1946 Anywhere between 5 days to 2 weeks, more or less.

Pandora's avatar

I think she’s hysterical. It’s not just her lip-syncing that makes me laugh but the faces she makes cracks me up more. Now what’s sad is that the funny parts are actually words coming out of the lips of the President of the United States and they aren’t even accidental gaffs. He intentionally says these things. Like how do you check a bunker out 2 and a half times?

LadyMarissa's avatar

I find his voice to be irritating much like fingernails scraped across a chalkboard. I appreciate her ability to appear to be exactly in sync with the original, yet I found the voice still as irritating coming from her as I do coming from him. It’s a talent I wouldn’t want to explore!!!

Darth_Algar's avatar

@seawulf575 ” And being able to repeat a set of words and then again a few minutes later is a pretty good test for that. Apparently Trump was able to do that and could STILL list the words months later.”

Impressive. I mean, kindergartners can do that, but it’s still pretty impressive.

LadyMarissa's avatar

After my stroke, I kept telling my doctors that I was getting to where I couldn’t remember anything, so they scheduled this test.I had a very competitive spirit when it came to taking tests & didn’t like to lose. I aced the test but still couldn’t remember my own name by total recall. IF you watched him carefully in the interview, he was struggling to remember the words & got lower & slower at recalling them as the interview went on.

seawulf575's avatar

@Caravanfan So you are saying, as a DOCTOR, that they don’t give the Montreal Cognitive Assessment to anyone that isn’t already diagnosed with Alzheimer’s?

Caravanfan's avatar

@seawulf575 I’m not answering that question because of the snide tone. There was no need for the all caps.

seawulf575's avatar

Ahhh…so in other words, they do give that test to quite a few people and probably most don’t have Alzheimer’s. And so basically, nothing I said was wrong. And the fact that I said it to the conversation and you assumed I was somehow correcting you and you brought a snide comment to me really has no bearing on anything, right? But good way of trying to turn it back on me so you don’t actually have to say the words that you were w-r-o-n-g. Not in your initial statement of giving the test to Alzheimer’s patients, but in being snide and trying to act superior.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 Isn’t it bad enough that you’re a trump supporter? Why be an asshole as well like trump?

Yellowdog's avatar

Nothing in the OP’s question, the video, nor anything in this thread, resembles satire.

It is a reaction or deflection to the fact that Biden cannot say anything coherent. There is no need to do something like this to Biden—just watch when he tries answering something without his aids and prompters close by. This is an attempt to say Trump does it, too. Most of you have no idea what Trump stands for or believes or says, don’t want to know, and don’t care. In order to do true satire, you have to know who a person is, what the issues are, and satirize them.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^No idea what trump stands for? Do you have any idea how nuts that is, @Yellowdog?

Pandora's avatar

@Yellowdog , This is the definitions of Satire. noun
the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
Similar:mockery, ridicule. derision, scorn, caricature, irony, sarcasm,a play, novel, film, or other work which uses satire.“a stinging satire on American politics”,
a genre of literature characterized by the use of satire.

So this does follow the definition. Now, of course, a person is allowed their opinion of what they find amusing or not amusing. Just because you don’t feel it meets the level of what you consider satire doesn’t mean that it is not by the dictionary’s definition considered satire. I’m sure this has long been the definition before you were even born.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 I give as good as I get, so I guess that makes me an asshole. But just curiosity: by “Trump supporter” do you mean someone that doesn’t bash him with every breath and who doesn’t eat up all the lies about him and sing the liberal narrative? Why yes! I guess I am at that. But you might want to revisit that definition. Because by that definition, those that are not “Trump supporters” have serious mental issues.

mazingerz88's avatar

No mental issues. That’s old. Very old invention. You and you’re trump cabal whether you’re deranged or methodical are cruelty and chaos.

stanleybmanly's avatar

For those who miss the irony or satirical nature of Cooper’s impersonation—here’s the deal.

Her performance is brilliant in that it is such a beautifully simple illustration on how ridiculous the fool’s word jumble is, regardless of whatever visage is employed in stringing it together. Because we have adapted and are now accustomed to the drivel emanating from our commander in chief, the process of those words tumbling from another mouth alerts our conditioned minds to just how absurd and unintelligible must be whatever passes for the intellect responsible.

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