Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Is it socially acceptable to intentionally fake cough around smokers to let them know your disdain and disgust for them?

Asked by ragingloli (52313points) August 10th, 2020

Or is that too politically incorrect?
Is Herman Cain being cancelled by Covid an example of “Cancel Culture”?
Did you know that the murderers of Breonna Taylor are stilly running around free and that Epstein did not kill himself?

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20 Answers

janbb's avatar

I wouldn’t cough on anyone right now lest it be seen as act of aggression. That being said I am almost never around smokers any more. Yes to your other questions although they really have no bearing on the OP.

ragingloli's avatar

Please assume for this question, that Covid is not a thing.

janbb's avatar

If we exclude covid, I would probably do it but only with someone I know who is smoking around me. If it were someone else smoking in a no smoking area I might point that out to them.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Sure, but if the person smokes, is he/she likely to take the hint?

zenvelo's avatar

Rather than a passive aggressive “intentionally fake cough” I just tell people to put out their fucking cigarettes.

I am verbally matching their physical rudeness of even smoking.

As to the rest of your question:

There is no such thing as being “politically incorrect.” That is a term used by people who do not want to treat others with dignity and respect.

Same with “cancel culture”; a deflection by people being held accountable for being racist, sexist, or just being dicks in general.

And yes, it is a shame that the murderers of Breonna Taylor have not been arrested or charged. As to Epstein, his death is why people want Ghislaine Maxwell protected so tha she can tell her story before facing justice.

KNOWITALL's avatar

You can do anything you want and unless legally restricted they can, too. Wish I could do the same for disgusting cheap perfume and cologne.


kritiper's avatar

It’s rude. And if you were ever a smoker you’d know what I mean. If you can’t stand the smoke, leave. No one is keeping you there.

ragingloli's avatar

What if I simply stabbed them in the throat?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@kritiper writes “If you can’t stand the smoke, leave”

Why is it my duty to leave when the smoker is causing the negative situation? That’s nutty.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

When I used to smoke, when smoking was allowed inside, I had at least one guy drum up some fake outrage just for me. As soon as he made it obvious that the smoke supposedly bothered him I put my cigarette out. He was sitiing in front of me so he didn’t see me do it…..and he kept waving non existant smoke away for 15 minutes.

jca2's avatar

I remember back in the day when people could and would smoke in the workplace, in stores, in hospitals, in airports, in restaurants, etc. It was just nuts that it was accepted.

If you want a good documentary about Epstein, check out Netflix’s “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich.”

jca2's avatar

P.S. It was one year ago today that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I wonder how Ghislaine is commemorating the day.

jca2's avatar

@elbanditoroso: She’s celebrating with her three hots and a cot.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

We could smoke on airplanes!!!

JLeslie's avatar

I would never fake cough like that. If the smoke was bothering me I would either say something directly if they were smoking where they should not be, or I would move.

snowberry's avatar

In my experience whether or not I intentionally cough because of someone’s cigarette smoke, they are clueless that their smoke bothers me. Sometimes I do tell them that I’m allergic to cigarette smoke. After that, they will often apologize and put it out or move away from me. Others shrug and ignore me. But I have had one smoker who actually tried to get closer to me and gas me out. Bleh.

It’s an addiction, and many of them don’t care.

JLeslie's avatar

@snowberry I don’t think people believe you are allergic when you say it. They think you are just saying that to try to make it sound more serious. I know people who lie like that about many things. Exaggerate symptoms at the doctor so they are taken seriously, make up reasons for why they refuse and invitation, etc. On the reverse, I was once in a restaurant ordering a meal, and asked for something to be left off, I don’t remember what, and the waitress said she couldn’t do it, so I was struggling to change my order, and then she asked if I was allergic, and I said no, and she said, “oh ok, because if you were allergic I could do it.” WTF? So, basically encouraging me to lie. She would be the type of person to lie I think.

Blackberry's avatar

What’re they smoking…. :)

kritiper's avatar

I would not want to be labeled a smokist.

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