Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What is it going to take to end the riots of the Black Lives Matter movement?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23572points) August 14th, 2020

What do you think is needed?
Do you think the Trump administration can peacefully end them?
I am not sure Trump even wants them ended, it’s a great distraction from the Pandemic.
What is your opinion?

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59 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

We want some cops to practice due process (the 14th amendment) by cuffing and placing people in a car to then bring them to a station and process them via paperwork.

Notice how I did not say anything about punching, kicking, raping, planting drugs, or falsifying their reports.

They could also maybe try running after people or simply putting a warrant out for their arrest instead of shooting them in the back.

In the military, we were taught to never place your finger on a trigger unless the other person also had a weapon and began to raise said weapon.

LadyMarissa's avatar

i have NO solution to this problem; however, i am POSITIVE that the current administration has NO desire to make it any better & will work to make it worse!!! It was a GREAT distraction to the pandemic as well as the election so trump could ignore our problems for even longer!!!

zenvelo's avatar

Disarming the police. Make the police the same as they are in England.

elbanditoroso's avatar

1) Trump can’t end them, and even if he wanted to, he wouldn’t. He needs BLM to fight against for his reelection. He is pissing BLM off just in order to keep things percolating.

2) The only way any of this will end will be when the BLM get the respect they deserve from law enforcement.

janbb's avatar

Not all the rioters are BLM and not all BLM protests are riots. The looting in Chicago last weekend was organized criminals who rolled up in vans according to Mayor Lori Lightfoot.

JLeslie's avatar

A part of me thinks BLM should stop protesting so riots will no longer be blamed on them. I have very mixed feelings about saying that. Rioters take advantage of protests. Criminals, far right groups, and probably far left groups too, are wreaking havoc.

I think it works to the advantage of both political parties to have protests and rioting so most politicians won’t effectively do anything about it.

What will it take at this point? Well, there can’t be any harassing or shooting of Black people by the police.

If we had a president who didn’t purposely use words that are considered racist it would help. I know we can’t hope for that.

If the FBI dismantles Q and other WS groups it would help.

If the media followed up on people who are arrested for the rioting showing they get caught and prosecuted that might help. When rioters come in, protestors should leave. Don’t be near that craziness.

As I said on another Q a couple of months ago, night time curfews should be in place where protesting is happening.

My friend’s aunt lives in Chicago and her building was locked down, she couldn’t leave.

kritiper's avatar

When the people who are doing the burning and looting have their homes burned and looted.

Blackberry's avatar

Yea we are all tired of opportunists ruining protests. Whether it’s a music festival or college party or a protest: people in large groups always end up making huge mistakes.

What should be happening is way more dialogue. Like why can’t we have a televised forum where people present arguments from both sides?
It would make people go home to “tune in to the debates” after something like this happens.

You could vet regular citizens and educators from colleges and police or police chiefs come to a podium or sit at a round table and present their arguments. These arguments could be used as a baseline for future legislation.

This whole things always just ends with people yelling and fighting in the steets every time.

Blackberry's avatar

@kritiper Kinda like when police drop a bomb on your apartment building?

I have 2 more examples of a white mob actually completely destroying a black community if you’d like to know about it as well.

stanleybmanly's avatar

All that is necessary is for the truth of the slogan to be reflected in the society. And good luck with that.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah, @stanleybmanly the right will fight that tooth and nail.
What gets me is why can’t they just say Black lives matter,but they can’t, the best they can vomit is all lives matter.

Brian1946's avatar


I knew about 2 such atrocities, but I didn’t know about the Red Summer of 1919, nor many others. :-0

seawulf575's avatar

Turning the United States of America into the Unified Socialist Alliance.

gondwanalon's avatar

As soon as Trump is gone the violent protests will likely end.

BLM is not about getting rid of systemic racism or respecting black folks. It’s about getting rid of Trump in particular and tearing down capitalism in general.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@gondwanalon Yes! BLM, the political agenda, is not the same. That’s what @SQUEEKY2 doesn’t understand.

JLeslie's avatar

No. Almost everyone marching in the streets is marching for equality and to get racism and brutality out of the police force. Part of that group might also be in favor of more socialistic practices in America, but that is not throngs of people in the streets trying to tear down capitalism. If the capitalists would treat and pay workers well and housing and healthcare was affordable there would be no one trying to bring on big changes. People don’t like change.

Did you see the Q about landlords and the South Africa example? It’s exactly what I’m saying. Get too greedy and you wind up in worse shape in the end. Poverty and lack of safety all around you.

The people afraid of the fall of capitalism will bring the fall on themselves.

ragingloli's avatar

BLM is about “converting the colonies to socialism” as much as Feminism is about “turning men into slaves”.
Both are transparent right wing lies to demonise the movements, just like the anti-Jewish propaganda in Nazi Germany.

jca2's avatar

I just saw a video on social media where the BLM person with the megaphone said she wanted whites to leave their homes so the displaced black people could have them. Hopefully she was just a rogue who was not representative of what BLM really wants, because if that’s really what they think then it’s not going to end well. If I didn’t see a video of it, I wouldn’t have believed it.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Many of my Republican friends where I live have been posting on facebook to not donate money to BLM, because the leader is a Marxist. I didn’t even know BLM is an actual organization you can donate to. Is it? One of my most vocal facebook friends regarding this, I do not consider her to be racist at all. Her DIL is Black, I have never had one inkling feeling of antisemitism, she goes to the same Spanish conversation group I used to go to. She was horrified when George Floyd was killed. The thing is, no matter what some BLM leaders might be doing, I don’t feel most people marching know anything about this supposed Marxist plan if there is one. Not one Black person I know says anything about the marches being for socialism. Not one. I have Black friends who posted almost every day for a month messages about BLM, and not one time did it have to do with bringing down capitalism. It is not the message from the masses .

For years I have been telling Republicans to stop being so extreme and supporting runaway capitalism, because I don’t want an extreme reaction of very socialist policies either, but they don’t listen. If the world would just listen to me. ~ LOL.

It’s like a marriage, if your spouse treats you reasonably well the marriage stays together. If the spouse makes you a little miserable there is some upset, but you try to do what you can to make it tolerable. If he is abusive long enough, and you are in pain long enough, you revolt, leave, and then the next SO is your transitional SO, and likely has some very different characteristics from your ex-spouse. That often doesn’t work out well either. That’s what happened in Venezuela, the masses were poor and couldn’t catch a break so they voted in a socialist. That is different to me than countries in Europe that had an evolution towards social policies, and still have a combination of capitalism and social safety nets.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So admitting B.LM. turns everyone communist ?
I don’t get it could you explain @seawulf575 or @KNOWITALL ?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Seems anything against or opposite of what the Republicans want is full blown socialism?
Other countries have capitalism with good social safety programs for their citizens and they are not communist why is that?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Don’t let me try to convince you, let me let Patrice Cullors, the co-founder of BLM, clear it up for you. It’s a short clip.
Please go to about 1:00 in the video where she says they are trained organizers and are trained Marxists. These are the people that founded BLM, the ones that are pushing their ideals on everyone. Let’s be completely honest with the entire thing. BLM doesn’t care about black lives. They don’t get up in arms about all the black people killed in Chicago every weekend by other black people. They don’t care about children getting slaughtered. They don’t make a peep about the extraordinary violence by the black community. If you look at demographics, you find that blacks comprise about 13% of the population. But when you look at FBI stats show that blacks commit 53% of murders, 28% of the rapes, 34% of the aggravated assaults…the list goes on. It isn’t until you get to DUI or liquor laws or drunkeness that they even come close to hitting the 13% target. So we see that blacks per capita are far more violent than any other group. Yet they complain they are “targeted” by cops and arrested at a higher rate than their population should warrant and they use this as proof that cops are out to get them. And the saddest part is that most times, the victims of their crimes are other blacks! But you don’t hear BLM talking about that. So if Black lives don’t matter to BLM, what does? Police targeting? Well we just looked at that and they are being disingenuous with their claims. Police killing them? This has a great break down of the numbers. in 2018 police used deadly force on 998 criminals. 951 of those criminals were armed and posed a deadly threat to the cops. That’s 47 remaining contacts where the cops killed an unarmed person. Out of 53,380,000 times a cop interacts with the public, that is only .00009% that is use of deadly force with an unarmed person. Of the 47 remaining ones, the ones that were unarmed, 18 were black. That drops the stat to .00003% of the times the cops interact with the public that they kill an unarmed black person. So all this hoo-haw is over 18 deaths? And remember, there may actually have been extenuating circumstances with those 18. Look at Michael Brown as an example. Unarmed but extremely aggressive and has already proven he is completely out of control and willing and able to physically attack the cop to get his gun. So BLM is making this big a deal out of .0003% of the interactions cops have with the public? No. It isn’t that big a deal. But trying to make it such so they can push another agenda? Absolutely.

Aster's avatar

I am fairly convinced neither Trump nor anyone else can end violence “peacefully” but we shall see. If he does end violence he should be POTUS for four more years in my opinion.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 If it makes you feel better, when Defund the Police was first being talked about a few months ago I saw a lot of my area police chiefs, sheriffs, and mayors in the Orlando area being interviewed, all Black, and they almost always were sure to say that the areas that are policed the most are because the statistics warrant it.

By the way I never hear Defund the Police any more at all on MSNBC or CNN, only on Fox News, so I’m thinking possibly you might think that is still alive and well, but almost no Democrats are saying it anymore. I never agreed with the slogan, not did a lot of politicians and talking heads in the media and it was squashed from what I can tell.

The thing about the statistics is it has a lot to do with economics. If the same people grew up in middle class suburbia they wouldn’t be committing the crimes. It’s not like they are born bad. That means the way to stop crime is for people to be raised and live in healthy environments. We should care about people living well to not only help them, but to help ourselves.

LadyMarissa's avatar

More Reps who think like this!!!

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie Except there are Democratically controlled cities that are already implementing plans to defund the police and replace them with social workers. So while you may think it is gone, it isn’t. It is growing. And you have many police in these cities just quitting or retiring. They want nothing to do with any more of this silliness. So the Dems are getting their wish…they are getting lawless cities.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 certain circumstances it would be better to answer calls with a social worker instead of a cop.
Even cops think so, as for totally defunding police that is a scare tactic that I won’t believe no matter how many fright wing links you can muster up, I believe cops need better training in a lot of areas.
But please keep spreading your fright wing rhetoric.
Like BLM is a black problem caused by violence to black people by black people, guess that is why a white cop kneeled on a black mans neck until dead huh?

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: Minneapolis is actively defunding the police and so is NYC.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What is actively defunding the police?
Pulling the budget back so far is all they will have is Honda civics and BBguns?
or investing in social workers to answer things like wellness checks?
So the cops can do other things.

jca2's avatar

@SQUEEKY2: It means reducing police department budgets.

There are lots of articles on it on the internet, about Minneapolis and NYC.

Here’s one about Minneapolis:

I can tell you in NYC the violent crime rate is way, way up since the same time period last year.

jca2's avatar

This is an article about NYC crime rate:

NYC residents are fleeing, partly due to the crime rate and partly due to wanting more space due to the Covid.

Shootings and murders are up in NYC.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I understand you don’t want to believe your holy lefties could ever do things so stupidly, but Seattle has already put forth a bill to get rid of cops altogether. Portland has slashed their budget and done away with 84 positions. NYC did a similar thing, slashing funding and positions. Minneapolis, Austin TX, and many more have all cut huge chunks of their PDs. So yeah, Defunding the police is actually happening. It isn’t your “fright wing scare tactics”. It is your idiotic leftist leadership. But the cops that are left are all looking for other employment too. If you were in a job where people actively tried to set you up to be murdered and your bosses backed them instead of you, and then those leaders cut your staffing and pay so you are even more vulnerable, would you want to keep that job? So many more cops are just going to walk out. So these cities will have zero protection except for those wonderful unicorns these idiot leaders believe in.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Good grief if this is true it is beyond dumb, it’s true the cops need better training especially when dealing with minorities,but to slash and defund police in this way is a mistake,holy shit I am actually agreeing with @seawulf575 although I won’t go as far to blame it on weak kneed liberals, defunding the police is NOT the answer.

JLeslie's avatar

@seawulf575 @jca2 I am not opposed to the idea of reallocating some funds for more social workers and other specialties. I just have a serious problem with the word defund. Social workers are often overworked and underpaid.

@jca2 Are you still hearing defund being used in NY? Some cities might go overboard, like everything it will take time to see what is effective.

The Republicans have commercials on TV that there won’t be any police to answer a call for help. BLM set us up for that. That’s why I was glad when at least some Democrats immediately pushed back on the slogan.

seawulf575's avatar

@JLeslie When they are cutting 30% and more of the budget, what would you call it? But you can thank BLM for the word “Defund”. They are the ones that coined it in Minneapolis and the leftist politicians all picked it up and ran with it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

13 cities so far and some still in process. Little towns like mine with little crime, I can see, New York, Cali and others with high crime, not so much. I wish them well in their experiment.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: Yes, defund is the word used and if you google, you’ll find NY publications that discuss it recently (NY Times, NY Post, etc.).

Just last night there was a murder in Brooklyn.

Murders are up in NYC.

Lots of store chains have left or are leaving NYC, too. There was an article in the NY Times the other day about it. The Gap and other big ones. They pay a quarter million dollars per month rent (which i found amazing) and it’s no longer viable for them to have those big flagship stores in NYC.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Do your homework. You may not want to blame it on weak-kneed Dem leadership, but that is certainly the case. You had the Mayor of Portland and the Mayor of Seattle and the Governor of Washington state that all supported the rioters over the police, told the police to stand down and let the rioters have their way. They have even protested with the rioters. And they have called for getting rid of their own police forces in large measure. DeBlasio in NYC has thrown his police under the bus and has sided with the protesters. He helped them right “BLACK LIVES MATTER” on 5th Ave in downtown Manhattan. He is the one that has pushed for slashing a billion dollars from the PD budget and to cut many police jobs. Lori Lightfoot in Chicago, Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan…the list goes on. And every one of them is a Democrat, every one of them has high crime in their areas, and every one of them has thrown their own police under the bus and sided 100% of the way with the mob. In fact, you would have a hard time finding a Republican that acted this way towards the cops and the mob.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I find it particularly interesting that it is the good citizens of Possum Trot and Skunk Hollow who are so upset over protests in New York City or Portland. If the people of our cities determine it is time for their populations to wrest control of their oppressive police departments, who gives a shit what redlanders have to say about it?

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly I love how you try to ridicule anyone that might think this insane action by Democrats against police everywhere is wrong for the country as a whole. Mob rule never stays in one area. It always moves to eat up whatever it can. Also, those good folk in Possum Trot and Skunk Hollow have something you are sorely lacking, apparently: A respect for human life, for law and order, and for this country. Oh! and common sense….they have loads more of that than you apparently do. By the way, are you still having to tap dance around the human excrement on the sidewalks of your fair city? Gee…how could someone in Skunk Hollow not want that sort of thing in their town?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 ridicule is EXACTLY what you deserve. It is the reasonable response to allegations of “mob rule” and poop infested sidewalks. Of course I’m going to make fun of such nonsense blared my way from inbred misanthropes and backwoods pundits.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 My sister, who lives in NYC, predicted civil unrest back in February. I remember caravanfan predicted a depression.

I almost never hear the term defund anymore when I hear discussions about reallocating funds. Initially, I heard it a lot, but mostly it was interviews where people were asked if they agree with defunding the police, and they would either say they did not agree with the choice of words, but many agreed with taking some money away from the police and give to social workers and other systemic changes. A few people were right there saying yeah, rah rah, DEFUND the police, but not that many. Very local, like I said about, most were not on board with the slogan, but were on board with looking at ways to improve things.

@seawulf575 I do “thank” the BLM movement for the Defund the Police slogan. I would say I blame them actually. I think there are police departments in the country that need to be revamped, and maybe even money moved to different programs, but we can’t make a blanket statement for all police departments. I feel there is a lot of bad in police departments and a lot of good. The bad really needs to be addressed. The job attracts people who seek to have power over others and to be able to carry guns and drive fast and be under the radar for being suspect when they hurt people. It doesn’t mean all cops are bad, it means if you are bad, you can hide out as a cop. It’s like my dad joined he uniformed services so he did not have to worry about being drafted. Or, pedophiles volunteering to coach little league.

zenvelo's avatar

”...we can’t make a blanket statement for all police departments.”

I can make a blanket statement because the Department of Defense Law Enforcement Supply Office is required to give weapons and equipment to local law enforcement.

The militarization of the police needs to end.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly Isn’t the whole point to draw attention and fix it together? Sigh…

stanleybmanly's avatar

That should indeed be the point. But faulting those crying “foul” as progenitors of “mob rule” or worse: the preposterous claim that BLM and ANTIFA are adjuncts of the Democratic party—these are silly allegations that clearly distort the truth, contradict reality and amount to little more than clumsy attempts to label protest as anarchy. It’s mindless babble and I will not apologize for stomping on it at any opportunity.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanley When does protest become anarchy in your opinion? Perhaps its a simple definition clarification.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Toughest question ever. Let’s just say that protesting injustice is not tantamount to endorsement of disorder. I have yet to see a BLM protest sign or banner that reads “loot more shops”

Aster's avatar

^^^^^^^^ if you were going to start looting would you flash a banner around suggesting it? It begins with word of mouth. People suggest it to their buddies and they all smile and laugh ; then they do it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly So if it’s tough for you to define, imagine how it feels to be a non-Democrat and seeing everyone from city mayors/leadership to Pelosi to de Blasio blocking any attempt to curb the violence with stand down orders?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Does anyone maybe think instigators of these riots are Government agents planted so ,the Government can say look, look they can’t behave so now we have to move in and bust heads?
There has been stories about protestors protecting a police officer that got separated from his squad.
Another a bunch of protestors formed a wall around a store so it wouldn’t get looted, but fright wingers choose to ignore these and just focus on their are just lawless thugs that should be dealt with.
Why doesn’t the Government meet with these protestors and see what it will take to end it?
Maybe because the Government doesn’t want the violence to end, then forcing ole orange hair to get back to dealing with the Pandemic?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly And we keep seeing articles like this:

‘You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives.’

stanleybmanly's avatar

Unrest in the streets is not the same as armed insurrection. And that quote is nothing more than the proven method for achieving change in this country since its beginnings. I want you to consider the social advancements in this country and go through the list. Pick any issue you choose, be it women’s suffrage through civil rights. Try to find one achieved without people in the streets.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly You have to do some mighty mental contortions to avoid facing the facts of Seattle and Portland where the mob, indeed, rules. You have to TRY to ignore that every Dem in this country has been screaming out to defund the police everywhere. You have to completely stick your head in the sand to miss the stories of Dem leadership that marches with the mobs and bad mouths their own police. And yet you do each and every one of these things so that you can desperately keep your leftist brain from melting by reality. And now you are trying to say unrest in the streets is not the same as armed insurrection. Try again. go tell the parents of these teenagers who made the mistake of driving by the mob zone in Seattle. That was their crime…they drove by the concrete barriers and the armed “peaceful protesters” opened fire. Sounds amazingly like armed insurrection to me. But again…don’t let facts mar your view of rainbows and unicorns.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly I just hope whatever change we end up with is worth the businesses and human lives lost, including children and animals.

74% of Americans believe in police reform, myself included.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So what is your fact filled solution @seawulf575 a complete genocide of the mob?
And if that fails you can blame that on the democrats as well after all NOTHING is the conservatives fault.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

A great number of Canadians want Police reform in this country as well @KNOWITALL , BUT not defunded or eliminated , the police have a hard job and we do need them, but bad ones should be weeded out NOT protected,and fuck ups should be learned from not hidden, and that goes foe both countries.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Second time I’ve agreed with you today, hell must have frozen over. :D

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 that is exactly right. It is never right for a cop to use his position of power to harm someone needlessly. And I know several cops personally and they don’t want to harm anyone at all. But there are bad seeds and they do need to be removed not protected. But I will categorize that by saying they shouldn’t be protected from the law. But neither should they be subjected to the law of the mob. And that is what we often find. A cop interacts with a violent criminal and ends up shooting him. If it is a white cop and a black criminal, suddenly the cop is a racist and shouldn’t have used deadly force and it was unnecessary and he should be hung and ALL COPS ARE HORRIBLE RACISTS! And we end up with what we are seeing today. I have posted some of the stats earlier and they show that cops killed 18 unarmed black people in 2018. That’s all the cops in the USA in all the interactions they had with the public. And that isn’t saying the shooting victims weren’t presenting a threat or were perceived as presenting a threat…just that they were unarmed. I think back to the teenager in Cleveland Oh that was sitting in a park with an air soft gun. These guns look very real except they have a bright orange tip on the end of the barrel so they can readily be identified as being a toy. This kid too the orange tip off and was threatening people as they walked by. Someone called the cops about a person threatening people with a gun in the park. The cops showed up and the kid whipped out the gun…and the cops shot him. Suddenly it was all the racist claims and how the cops were blood-thirsty. But think about it…the kid made the gun look real, he was threatening people with it (as a joke I’m sure, but they didn’t know that), the cops were told there was someone with a gun in the park and so when they show up and this kid pulls out his “gun” what are the cops supposed to think? The cops didn’t enjoy killing this kid and it was a tragedy, but it wasn’t an unreasonable shooting. So to just hang them because the mob says so is wrong. But when a cop actively abuses his power to kill or rape or assault someone, they need to be treated as a criminal.
As for what my solution to the bullshit going on today is? Easy…don’t let the protests get violent. Don’t let the rioters and looters rule the day, don’t give them any credibility at all. They are out of control and are criminals. We should never reward criminals. In the “city” near me, we had George Floyd protests break out. And the rioters showed up to push it even further. The cops stepped in and stopped them cold. But they didn’t try to stop the peaceful protests. In fact, other than that first night, the rioters/looters never came back and the cops actually worked with the protesters to ensure they were safe…blocking off intersections when they were marching that way, etc. In the end, when the city council wanted to discuss the issues, they invited the leaders of the protests to join them in those discussions. Gee…doesn’t that sound like a much more rational way to deal with the issues? More productive? Less divisive?

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