How/when do we reopen the US-CAN border?
Asked by
Smashley (
August 15th, 2020
Going on 5 months, the world’s longest undefended land border has been closed to most people. Public opinion in Canada heavily supports not changing the rules until at least 2021. When and how do you think the border should reopen?
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19 Answers
As soon as they let Mexicans out of the cages?
@Blackberry – So to you, this is about punishing Americans for their domestic policy, rather than disease control. Got it.
When the colonials get their shit together.
@ragingloli – kinda vague. My county has had way less cases than nearby Canadian towns, yet we are the ones prevented from crossing. Right now there is only one kind of American it seems, and that’s one who is fundamentally is unworthy of the risk they present.
I don’t know, but I’m ready for a trip north to Ottawa or New Brunswick.
A lot of travel is done by air, and most travel originates from places not near the border.
Furthermore, a lot of colonials have been abusing the loophole of being allowed to travel through Canada to get to alaska, to get into Canada without actually going to alaska.
So not only would you have to vet every border crosser as to his origins and destinations, but you also have to trust that they are telling you the truth.
Too much risk, and too much cost for the additional bureaucracy, just to let some super-spreader colonials risk the lives of Canadians so they can have a vacation in a superior country.
@ragingloli – shelve the xenophobic epithets, please.
It’s like in the Canadian mind right now, there is only one kind of American, a dangerous, selfish, irresponsible one, and only one kind of border status, open or closed. I just don’t get it. I knew anti Americanism was important to Canadians, but I really didn’t predict this united front of xenophobia.
I’m asking about real, perhaps piecemeal, solutions to begin repairing the social and economic harm done from the closing.
@Smashley You need to change the administration. The US executive branch has been irresponsible and has alienated Canada for 3½ years. Canada owes the US nothing.
As long as the White House continues its attempts to ridicule Canada, I can’t see any reason for Canada to let US citizens in.
I’m with Raggy. When Americans grow the fuck up.
When a US Marine rapes and kills a Japanese local, the entire base got a curfew and Americans aren’t even allowed in some businesses there. That’s their land and their laws.
Unless you think America can do whatever they want, but Canada can’t?
Do you think you’re special or have “God given rights” that others don’t have?
@zenvelo – I would have hoped nine years of Steven Harper and an ongoing Ford crisis would have taught you that people are more than their elected representatives. Canadian border policy shouldn’t be about your hurt feelings, it should be about what makes sense to public health and the economy. The Canada-US relationship is probably one of the most important in the world, and I’ve been shocked by how lockstep Canadians have been, considering the number of businesses, families, friends and loved ones hurt by this. It really has to be called xenophobia. Xenophobia allows you all to stop making this about science based decisions, lets you ignore the human cost, and just focus everything on one jackoff.
@Blackberry – I don’t believe in a god. I think I am special. I think you are special too. As it stands, it is Canada that blocks Americans, not America the blocks Canadians. Your boats can tour our waters, our boats can’t tour yours. I want a negotiated agreement, because this extended closing is hurting a lot of people. It doesn’t have to be complete opening, but it could be considered, competent and compassionate. For myself, I’ve never gone this long without seeing my family in my life, and I’m just lucky my mom’s biopsy was negative.
@Smashley It has to do with the Pandemic, US is out of control with COVID-19 Forbes article about Canada and US closure just extended to September 21, 2020!
It maybe next year and I don’t mean January 2021 before the border opens.
@Tropical_Willie – Thank you. Yes, I’m well aware of the announcement. If you’ve been paying attention it’s been this way since March, with a monthly, one month declaration. My point is that this is not about the science of infection, it is about the politics of exclusion. And with the reaction I’m seeing here, I really don’t expect January to change much.
It absolutely is about the science.
The fact is that the colonial government has not been taking the pandemic seriously, has refused to enact appropriate measures to contain it, the state governments’ responses have been disparate and insufficient, and large parts of the colonial population has refused to comply with public health orders and recommendations.
The government has even resorted to reroute data collection to a private contractor under a non-disclosure agreement, to tamper and manipulate the pandemic data for their leader’s political gain.
And there is no indication that this lackadaisical behaviour by both their leaders and their people will change anytime soon, as your denial of the serious nature of the pandemic here in this thread further reinforces.
It is the science, go south of the border and try to get back in !!
You are not being persecuted for being Canadian !
You really don’t understand the sewer in the USA with COVID-19; Florida has a 13% or 14% positive test rate ! You understand that means there is no containment it is everywhere !
“My county has had way less cases than nearby Canadian towns,”
What are some of those Canadian towns?
Ok, neither you, or any other monarchist heard me denying that the public health response here has, in general, been pretty terrible. But I do not have Covid-19. My county has one active case. Is it our superior methods or low population density? Who cares? The risk I represent to Canada is very low. The harm denying me from Canada is greater. I have not gone anywhere besides the store (masked sanitized distant and quick) in months. I am willing to submit to quarantine in Canada, even electronic monitoring if necessary. I do not want a vacation, or to go to gatherings. I want to see my mom and make sure my young children know their grandparents. I want to see my brother who needs me right now. I can provide documentation to back it up. My story isn’t unique, and the harm falls equally on Canadians as Americans. It saddens me that fear and retribution against all Americans who don’t drive truck for you, or work in your hospitals, for whatever Trump is, is such a back slapping good idea amongst y’all. This isn’t science, and it’s not thoughtful. You guys have been falling over yourselves about this since the BS Johns Hopkins map was floated in Canada. It is one size fits all, because Canadians are being xenophobic right now, and public opinion is incredibly one sided on this.
@Brian1946 – Ottawa for one. Sorry, you might say city.
@Tropical_Willie – I’m going to admit I can rarely follow what you’re saying. I’m not Canadian. I’m not there, and I can’t go there.
NY has a mandatory 2 week quarantine for arrivals from Florida. It’s actually worked pretty well so far.
Bump 12 months. Everyone still sure this is good policy?
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