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mazingerz88's avatar

Is Trump going to succeed in making the 2020 Presidential election as chaotic as possible so he could remain in the WH?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) August 15th, 2020 from iPhone

It seems it’s quite obvious he wouldn’t stop at anything to make this happen.

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17 Answers

Aster's avatar

No; you think he has that much influence? The election will be wild, nasty and chaotic on its own.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

He already has. He’s made it clear that he’s an immature sore loser and he’ll get even with the country if he loses.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Most of your elections are a real mud bath, dirt flung from both parties, this one will be a full blown shit show, we will see just how sleazy Trump can be.

janbb's avatar

He’s working much harder at it than he is at controlling the pandemic that’s for sure.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I agree penguin it is more important to him to get re-elected then to have control of the COVID-19; 168,000 dead and no attempt on his part to act responsible or stop the spread. Still doesn’t wear a mask at press conferences (gets 3 COVID tests a day though).

New tactic on his part White House Plants Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorists Among Reporters in Briefing Room they are no longer press conferences but election rallies. He loads the audience with shills to sell his “snake oil” way of running the country into the weeds! Probably gives them the questions for his answers. Deceitful and spineless.

Aster's avatar

Why do some people insist that Trump can stop a pandemic cold? Can J Biden stop it? How about Obama? I seriously doubt that. None are virus experts and even those who are can’t stop it. And yes; our government has done a lot to attempt to stop it with testing, research and hundreds of hours of directives regarding social distancing and masks. It persists; it’s a worldwide virus, after all.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

No one can stop it. But we are, as usual over the last 4 years, woefully behind the rest of the world in addressing it. Trump spent months denying it. He didn’t want cruise ships to unload their passengers because the number of Covid cases would go up and make.him look bad.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Aster You might be right as for all out stopping it, but Governments can do quite a bit at slowing it down, and keeping their citizens safe ,something the Trump administrations has failed greatly at.
Som e countries that acted fast shut things down ,got right to contact tracing are doing far better than the states, Ole Trump really pushed to get the economy open again saying there might be an up tick in cases but that would be about it,little up tick has turned into a full blown surge.
Now the big push to get schools open in Sept, saying lies like children don’t get the virus and if they do they don’t transmit it to others that has proven to be a lie as well.
How many people must die to prove Trump doesn’t have a clue on what he is doing?
Guess you bought into the ingesting bleach thing as well?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Countries are COVID-19 free not us; “we’re the leader” (Trump likes being the leader) with 168,000 dead and one person every 80 seconds is dying.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is he your hero @Aster for being the leader in COVID-19 deaths?

Aster's avatar

^^^^^^ No; he is not my hero The virus counts will go down at some point just like they did in 1918. But it will take a vaccine to slow it down drastically. Medical science; not Trump.

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

How many need to die because he still hasn’t taken the COVID-19 seriously? 300,000 or 400,000 !

He still calls in China Flu and smiles with a crooked Donald smirk, “I’m not responsible !”

Yes we know you are not responsible !

kritiper's avatar

Yes, If he can’t win legally, he’ll try to steal it by hook or by crook.

JLeslie's avatar

I think if it is a close call in any state and there needs to be a recount that will be horrendous. That will be when Trump will be able to really torture the American people. Right now cable news seems to be casting just as much doubt as Trump. I see small glimmers of truth and reality in recent news reports.

The election is chaotic only if states don’t have their shit together. The elections are run by the states.

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