General Question

rockfan's avatar

What, in your opinion, does it mean to be “far left”? And “far right“?

Asked by rockfan (14632points) August 15th, 2020 from iPhone

How do you define it?

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31 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

far right:
– xenophobia
– racism
– homophobia
– religious fundamentalism
– sexism, and advocating “traditional” gender roles
– opposition to worker’s rights and unions
– advocating capitalism unfettered by regulations
– opposition to environmentalism
– opposition to social safety nets
– seeing violence as a measure of first resort
– obsession with military, police, and severe punishments over rehabilitation of criminals

far left:
– advocating the ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution by the workers
– redistributing resources from those according to their ability, to those according to their needs
– abolishing private businesses as a whole.
– abolishing money as a currency.
– dissolving the state as a ruling entity

Caravanfan's avatar

@ragingloli has a pretty good list.

seawulf575's avatar

The determination is really in the eyes of the beholder. To me:

Far right:
– White supremacist
– religious fundamentalism (where religion rules everything in your life)
– fanatic views that government should play a minimal role in our day to day lives and that personal freedom rules all.

Far Left:
– Big central government should rule most aspects of our lives
– Personal responsibility and freedom is less important than what is dictated as being good for society.
– Any action is considered valid providing you are ostensibly supporting the views of the left.

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli One aspect I think you got entirely wrong is seeing violence as a measure of first resort. After all, it is the left that is doing most of the violence in our nation. They are the ones that formed the idea of BAMN (By Any Means Necessary). It is the right wingers that are more controlled and less explosive. So that should probably move to Far Left.

Zaku's avatar

It means to be labelled by the conventional one-dimensional reductionist political science that uses those terms.

Also, it means to accept as normal that the central point of that access is agreed upon, even though it’s not.

So it means to be manipulated and to lose most of the actual information from your actual views.

In the USA, far-right seems to now mean to be a retarded lunatic xenophobe fascist nazi misogynist hawkish racist bad-Christian.

In the USA, far-left seems to mean you want universal health care, social programs, a postal service, affordable education, livable minimum wages, and environmental protections.

rockfan's avatar

“After all, it is the left that is doing most of the violence in our nation.”

Far right war mongers pushed for the war in Iraq and a large majority of mass murderers in the U.S. are Christian conservatives. So I think there’s violence on both sides.

Aster's avatar

Far left: ” Late term abortions” and what is called, ” pro-choice.” Because women have the right to do what they want with “their bodies.”

seawulf575's avatar

@rockfan I agree that there is violence on all sides…it’s human nature. But the case of mass murderers for example are individuals. Though I would call them serial murderers. If you look around the world and look at mass murderers, you could look at Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedung and a few others. Most, if not all, of these were not Christian conservatives. If you look at only mass killings in the USA, you could look at Timothy McVeigh who was a right winger and was angry at the government for their behavior in a couple of events…Ruby Ridge and Waco…but Christianity had nothing to do with it. You could also look at Stephen Paddock in Las Vegas who had not real reason given and it didn’t seem like Christianity played a part. Omar Mateen in Orlando…definitely not a Christian as he was a Muslim. Uncertain if that had anything to do with it. You have Marshall Applewhite and his Heaven’s Gate “suicides”. Since he was sure they were all coming to be picked up by UFOs I suspect Christianity had nothing to do with it. We have Seung-hui Cho at Virginia Tech. Being born in S. Korea, it is unlikely that Christianity had anything to do with his motivation. We probably ought to also include the US government at Waco Tx when Bill Clinton was POTUS. Definitely not a conservative and Christianity had nothing to do with it. And I guess you could throw Adam Lanza into the mix and his issue was all mental. So to claim Christian Conservatives are the majority of mass murderers is just plain wrong.
The war in Iraq wasn’t about violence or religion. It was about oil, plain and simple. But war is somewhat different. If you want to try going into the causes of war and who is responsible, you could blame the Civil War on the Democrats since they were trying to create the CSA OR you could blame it on the Republicans for trying to stop slavery. Either way, it resulted in over 600,000 deaths.
But look at all the stuff going on today and see if it matches the claim from @ragingloli that right wingers “seeing violence as a measure of first resort”. George Floyd got killed. Was it the right wingers that jumped right into riots and looting? Did the right wingers take over blocks of cities? No, it was the first resort of those on the left.

kritiper's avatar

Ultra liberal, ultra conservative.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@kritiper That’s how I view it.

Extreme left leaning views, extreme right leaning views.

Totally dependent on the person.

Some people might consider supporting abortions to be “far left”

It depends on what your definition of extreme is.

For example, the topic of abortion tends to be that republicans are pro-life and democrats are pro choice. Not saying that applies to everyone, just tends to be that way.

So somebody could think that abortion is a left view, while others could consider that to be “far left” because in their mind, abortion is extreme.

rockfan's avatar

I’ve noticed recently that a lot of die hard conservatives (especially Fox News viewers) think that anything to the left of a corporate democrat is extremely far left.

Blackberry's avatar

This is a joke right? I just want to confirm you’re not trolling…..

You think it’s completely Ok for someone in a position of power to rape or kill someone unjustifiably, then turn around and say “ok but no violence guys, we’re supposed to forgive, right?”
Can you please confirm that for me?

Blackberry's avatar

Do you know how many self-titled right wing gun owners have said “I hope someone breaks into my house so i can use this 30 round magazine i just bought on them.” ?

Imagine hoping possibly harm comes to your family just because you’re curious to see what it feels and looks like to kill someone.

seawulf575's avatar

@Blackberry No, that is not what I mean…not even close. BUT…rioting and looting are not a way to honor the dead or to make a reasonable protest against bad cops. And @ragingloli says violence is the first resort of those on the right when it is the left that is doing it.
As for right wingers with their 30 round magazines…no, I have no idea how many of them have said that…do you? If you do, please show me the citation. Throwing out garbage and using it as some sort of justification is pretty typical of the left, but doesn’t play with me. I will tell you that as a gun owner, I have a gun in my home. I will use it if I have to when someone breaks into my home and threatens my family. But it is my sincerest hope that I never have to use them in violence. And I can tell you that most of the people I know that own guns have pretty much the same attitude.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Blackberry It’s called self-defense and is a legal right to all citizens in this country. Are you going to stand by if someone breaks in your home to cause harm and no police are coming to save you?

Hoping and being prepared are two different things. I’d hate to hurt anyone but I’d do it in a heartbeat to protect my family. And I’d defend your right to do so, as well.

Blackberry's avatar

Pistols and handguns are much more compact and easier to use in a home invasion than wanting to spray bullets action movie style with an assault rifle.

This doesnt even apply to home invasions. Some gun nuts want a reason to just shoot someone. It’s driven by machismo and not a desire to defend anything.
How is a guy pulling a gun on someone for being asked to wear a mask, then starting a shoot out with cops with an AK-47 self defense?
How is a soldier raping and setting a woman on fire self defense?
How is having to ban a grenade launcher from being used by soldiers because they were leveling peoples apartment buildings self defense?

Philando Castille was killed for following an officers orders and taking out his license and registration as asked. Do you think its ok to shoot someone for following orders?

KNOWITALL's avatar

Are you not reading headlines right now? We are talking large groups of armed people on private property. Some are set on violence.

There is a scenario for every situation. Should I list the dog hung, kid beat up, elderly manhandled or worse? Thats being defenseless and some may overcompensate to make sure its not their dog, child or parent.

Blackberry's avatar

I am reading headlines. I saw a headline about female cops being harrassed and raped at work and not feeling safe at work….as cops….

Like I said in another thread, any capable-minded person knows bringing up the issue of police brutality is not about violence and looting. It’s actually about unnecessary violence against citizens protected by the Constitution…..And I’m fully aware this issue will persist because the message was ruined and tainted by said rioters and looters.

The status quo will probably remain the same. Then in a couple years another cop can kill another person, then I guess we’ll be back here copying and pasting the same argument.

Blackberry's avatar

Let me introduce you to Homan Square

Do you think it’s ok for a country to conduct its own mini-guantanomo bay on American soil? Why or why not?

ragingloli's avatar

In 2019, 90% of extremist violence was perpetrated by right wing extremists.

ragingloli's avatar

And the cops are in on it, too.
Rightwingers throw pipe bombs at protesters, they do nothing, but will happily mass gass blm protesters with or without provocation.
Right wingers set up sniper nests on rooftops, and the bacon treat them with cotton gloves, but will eagerly brutalise elderly people for standing too close.

seawulf575's avatar

@ragingloli You are giving yourself away. You 90% claim comes from the Anti-Defamation League which is a rabid left wing outfit. It isn’t an official review. It’s like saying the SPLC said right wingers were bad. This is one of the few times I really can look at the claim and the source and stop right there. No need to go further. Then I move on to your other links. Did you actually read the first one, about the “right wingers” throwing pipe bombs at protesters? Because I did. And the whole story looks contrived. It claims a guy in a helmet and wearing night vision goggles was “identified” as possibly being a guy that was an Army Ranger and had worked for the CIA. So my first question: how could a guy in all that gear be identified? The story says he was not picked up or caught. A guy with a camera says he followed who he thought might have thrown the bomb. There is no chain of evidence, no confirming witnesses, nothing Not solid evidence in any court room in the world, except maybe in totalitarian states and maybe Germany.
The next question I had was that if this guy who was an Army Ranger and worked for the CIA wanted to put together a bomb to hurt people, why would he make something so primitive as some black powder in a pipe? I don’t know much, but even I know that will at most make a flash and smoke. It probably didn’t even blow up the pipe. So does it really make sense that this highly trained individual they are trying to blame is the one that threw the bomb? Seems unlikely. Likewise, if this guy is such a badass, and if he had thrown the bomb, why would he be calmly walking up the street? And why would the guy with the camera think it was safe to follow and question some guy who, by his own statement, he says just tried to throw a bomb at a bunch of people?
The third story was even more amusing. 2018 was the dateline. So already it is several years old. Gee…could we go back in time and dig up anything every left wing nutjob did and go from there? But I still read this one. It talks about a group called Patriot Prayer taking positions on rooftops, days before a left wing protest was due to occur. The cops asked them to leave and they did. They were armed but were allowed to take their guns with them, if they were legally owned and carried…i.e. they had concealed carry permits or were open carrying legally. The cops did seize a couple of the guns and arrested 4 people…later, during a protest that turned violent. Interesting thing about this article (and, by the way, Newsweek is a pretty good bastion of the left) is that it talks about how the Patriot Prayer group had organized a number of protests in recent times and all of them were met by counterprotesters and they devolved into violence. Now the part that isn’t noted is who actually starts the violence. As we saw in Charlottesville VA, there was a relatively peaceful protest going on until BLM and Antifa showed up with clubs and shields and looking for a fight. Then the whole thing devolves into a mess and one person is killed. Of course the media paints it all as the right wing protesters as the ones that were the violent ones, but photographs tell an entirely different story. And this Newsweek article is no different. They are trying to conflate a number of things that Prayer Patriots were involved in with them being asked to move from rooftops. The facts don’t support them setting up as snipers, but that is what Newsweek wanted to make it look like.
So really, what you are showing is that you are a far-left radical who will do whatever she can to stir up hate and discontent in another country. Good job! Your masters would be proud.

ragingloli's avatar

So you are an antisemite, too?
Your comments about the ADL tells me everything I need to know about you.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli Do your research. Anti Isreal propaganda was not the intent of the ADL but thats where it went. Lost all credibility with many conservatives under Greenblat.

seawulf575's avatar

Thank you @KNOWITALL you saved me the headache of further trying to educate the troll.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@seawulf575 Just a dumb hick in the redlands to some here, but I can read pretty well. :D

seawulf575's avatar

I thought you looked familiar. I think we are from the same neighborhood ;-)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@seawulf575 Patriot-ville, USA. haha!

kritiper's avatar

If the Republicans and the Democrats were involved in trench warfare with only grenades as weapons, the Republicans, would be throwing their grenades into the democrat’s trenches, and the Democrats would be picking them up, pulling the pins, and throwing them back.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@kritiper Say what? Why would anyone toss grenades with pins unpulled? Haha!

seawulf575's avatar

@kritiper I guess what you are trying to say is that the lefties are the ones that not only know weapons but are willing to use them?

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