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Do you like your partner to initiate?
So I am wondering if you also like your partner to initiate taking you out to places, bothways or that does not affect your relationship whatsoever?
My boyfriend is the type that if I say let’s go walk to the beach, or let’s go bathe in the beach, he would say: “sure yeah let’s go”, I say ok so at what time? He would reply: whenever you want, or he would just say whatever you want to do!
So my issue is, that I would like him to be the one to spontaneously initiate and be the one who says these things to me,cause sometimes it just makes me feel like if he doesn’t care about me, so would this make you feel the same way, or do you think I am just giving it way to much importance?
Can this actually mean that he does not care about the relationship and he is just bored or not?
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