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MakeItSo1701's avatar

I have one day to attempt to fix my sleep schedule, any tips?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13653points) August 17th, 2020

On a terrible schedule of going to bed after 3am and waking up at 1pm.

I have an 8:30am class on Wednesday. Any advice welcome.

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15 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Go to sleep now. Better more sleep than risking trying some crazy sleep schedule. Practice waking up to see if you can get used to it.
What I did in the similar situation is not to sign up for any classes before 11 am. Can you still change your classes? That way your schedule works for you and your can maintain your lifestyle.

When I had important meetings in the morning I stayed up all night, and arrive early for my required time. Then go to sleep after.

zenvelo's avatar

Force yourself up on Tuesday morning at the time you need to get up on Wednesday.

No coffee after 11 a.m. Tuesday.

Go to bed on Tuesday night so that you have enough sleep to wake up on tie Wednesday morning.

It’s the same principle as getting over jet lag.

JLeslie's avatar

Tonight turn off everything at 1:30 am and get in your sleep position and see if you fall asleep.

If you can’t fall asleep early you can still do the below.

Set an alarm for 10:00 am on Tuesday and go to sleep by midnight Tuesday night.

Jeruba's avatar

If it were me, I’d make myself go to sleep by 11 or 12 the night before. I would not be able to stay up.

My husband or my son would prefer to stay up all night before the class and then straighten out afterward.

Whatever you’ve done before in this situation, if it worked, do it again.

jca2's avatar

I would say tonight, Monday night, go to bed around midnight and wake up as early as possible in the morning. Then Tuesday night, no drinking caffeine in the afternoon or evening, eat a good dinner, take a shower before bed so you feel cool and relaxed. No electronics right before bed.

When I take a shower in the summer, I start out with the water hot and then lower it so it ends up cool, which is really relaxing.

You may be tired on Wednesday because you’re not used to waking up early, but then you can get a cup of coffee (if you drink coffee) and you should feel ok.

kritiper's avatar

Go to bed no later than 10 PM Tuesday. Set your alarm clock and place it across the room from where you sleep.

JLeslie's avatar

If you don’t adjust your sleep well don’t sweat it. You’ll be tired, and then just go straight to bed for a nap after class.

I couldn’t stay up all night like @Jeruba mentioned above (not that she recommended it). I’d fall asleep at an inopportune time like middle of class or driving to class (if it’s in person). Some people can do it. I think up all night is very risky.

jca2's avatar

If you only have to get up early one day a week, you may not adjust your sleep schedule at all. You may just be tired on Wednesdays, maybe go to bed early on Wednesday night, and then go back to your usual up late, sleep late routine the other 6 days.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Wednesday is the only day I have class. Otherwise, the earliest I get up is 9am for work

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cheebdragon's avatar

Just stay up all night and as far into Tuesday as you can, preferably until after 12pm. I guarantee you will be awake by 8:30am on Wednesday, It always works.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Starting now, pick a time that makes sense for your schedule that gets you 8 hours a night. Stick to it.

There are many tricks to making yourself sleepy, like baths, low lamps, no guests after 8pm, exercise, warm milk or caffeine free tea, etc…

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I took 4 benadryl and 2 melatonin and I was out like a light at 10pm. Went to woke up fully rested.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Sergeant Hopefully, if you get into the schedule, you can reduce chemical dependence. Glad you got some test!

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