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Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is it the Wrong Time In the Campaign to Have Past Top Trump Strategist Arrested for "Build the Wall" Fraud and Money Laundering?

Asked by Tropical_Willie (31622points) August 20th, 2020

Here’s the indictment – - – Bannon and three others ― Brian Kolfage, Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea ― were charged in connection with their roles in “defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors in connection with an online crowdfunding campaign known as ‘We Build the Wall’ that raised more than $25 million,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York announced Thursday morning. HuffPost article!

I wonder if the court date will be right before the election in November ?

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18 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

He was arrested by Postal Inspectors.

Don’t mess with the Post Office.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It plays into the whole question of why Trump and Barr fired the US Attorney in NYC a couple of weeks ago. Berman was obviously going after Bannon.

mazingerz88's avatar

Wrong time for trump’s campaign I assume. Would he lose votes from his fans? Unlikely. I do hope so.

KNOWITALL's avatar

This was a privately funded group Trump never approved of.

McEnany said: She added: “President Trump has not been involved with Steve Bannon since the campaign and the early part of the Administration, and he does not know the people involved with this project.”

filmfann's avatar

Charge them now:
Pro: More evidence of Trump based corruption ahead of vote.
Con: They will likely be pardoned by Trump, or their prosecution be interfered with by Barr.

Charge them later:
Pro: Barr and Trump won’t interfere.
Con: Delayed justice.

chyna's avatar

But even if trump didn’t know about it, he sure can’t seem to pick honest, trustworthy people in his whitehouse. How many of trump’s picks for high offices have gone to jail?

elbanditoroso's avatar

@KNOWITALL do you find McEnany credible?

zenvelo's avatar

Trump Jr. encouraged people to send money to Bannon’s fundraiser.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Is Obama at fault for Greg Craigs indictment?
Charges are not an automatic guilty, folks.

chyna's avatar

Ok, so there was one indictment in Obama’s White House. One.
How many in trumps? 14 of his advisors, aides, and donors have been indicted or imprisoned.
But here is a fun fact: Ronald Reagan had the most indicted and or convicted at over 138 administration officials.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@chyna I don’t want to make the effort to list things we’ll just argue about, it’s pointless.
Nice fun fact!

President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign, POLITICO has learned.

Terence Flynn, an appointee of Barack Obama to the National Labor Relations Board, resigned in May 2012 after being accused of serious ethical violations by leaking information to the National Association of Manufacturers. No charges were brought.

In 2012, General David Petraeus, Director of the CIA, resigned and pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified materials. He was given a two-year probationary period and a fine of $100,000.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

The timing is everything.

Darth_Algar's avatar

“Steve Bannon? Never heard of him. He might have worked for the campaign briefly. I don’t know him.”

LostInParadise's avatar

Trump said that Bannon’s wall fund was “inappropriate”. Looks like Bannon is not getting a pardon. Link

Tropical_Willie's avatar

But wait @LostInParadise Donnie Jr and Eric supported it.

LadyMarissa's avatar

IF you pay attention to trump, when he’s bringing someone in, he always says that they are the greatest people who think just like him. Once they get into trouble, he doesn’t know them and/or has never met them.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Rest assured, there WILL be more serious scandals between now and election day

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