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MakeItSo1701's avatar

How do you feel about the newly renovated White House Rose Garden?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13762points) August 23rd, 2020



The trees planted by Jackie Kennedy are going to be replanted somewhere else, they were not permanently destroyed as some people are saying

I think it looks nice, but it confuses me on how it’s an “improvement” It looks more modern and minimal which I like, but the other garden looked really nice too. My point is, it seems like if she had put the current Rose Garden set up somewhere else, it would be pretty. But to replace the garden with this just seems weird.

So, I’m a little conflicted I guess.

Also, nothing has really bloomed yet since it all just got planted so who knows what it will look like full bloom in summer.

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15 Answers

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MakeItSo1701's avatar

The question is how you guys feel about the changes. Is it better? Worse? That’s all

kritiper's avatar

It is of no consequence. If the First Lady wanted to do something that really stood out, she could do what Lady Bird Johnson did and promote anti littering.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Cold and brutalist. Devoid of color or joy.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I don’t like it. It’s boring. It looks like the grounds around a hotel anywhere in the world. It looks safe and is therefore uninteresting.

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MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Darth_Algar Nothing has bloomed as I mentioned in my post so I’m not sure that assessment can be fully made yet.

It definitely does seem to be a more minimalist garden compared to the last one.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I love it, and couldn’t care less at the same time.

jca2's avatar

I think digging up the trees is sad and the walkways are harsh and severe looking.

I can never understand why walkways are made too narrow for two people to walk alongside one another. The new walkways are three feet wide.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jca2 Agreed. I read the improvements were partially fo ADA.

anniereborn's avatar

@KNOWITALL Are those grounds even accessible to the public ?

jca2's avatar

@anniereborn: Guests to the WH may need them to be handicapped accessible.

Also, if the renovations are paid for with public funding, there is probably a law that specifies that the renovations have to be handicapped accessible.

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