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filmfann's avatar

Kellyanne Conway is leaving the White House. What will be her first thing to do?

Asked by filmfann (52572points) August 23rd, 2020

A hot, disinfecting bath?
A sacrifice to Chutulhu?

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40 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What what W H A T ! ! She must be on the way to Russia before Trump loses !

johnpowell's avatar

The rats flee. She thinks this will be a “reputation cleanse” where she can say she got out so she wasn’t totally complicit in the mess.

But Kelly, you stuck with it 95% of the way and only when the end was obvious you fled. A little to late to pretend like you didn’t enable the pig. You are forever tarnished. You should have a drink with Yellow.

Jeruba's avatar

Take a laxative.

AlaskaTundrea's avatar

In all fairness, it sounds as if she’s finally decided to put her family before her job. Her daughter, who has been quite vocal in the social media, says she’s going to sue to be emancipated from her parents and indicated that while she didn’t care much for all her father’s activities, her mother had, according to the daughter, pretty much ignore her due to her job. I hope for the child’s sake, she’s 15, I think, that this family can get their act together and do whatever the right thing is for their child. The father, George, has also indicated he’s pulling away from political associations, too, so hopefully the two of them and the daughter can be a family again and heal past wounds.

JLeslie's avatar

Wow. I hadn’t heard this. For her sake I hope she makes her house a no politics zone. Hell, turn off politics altogether.

She’ll never be able to wipe away sticking with Trump this long. That is forever her legacy.

I guess the judge will be less likely to grant emancipation to her daughter.

johnpowell's avatar

LOL.. You take them at their word. She was the one that said “alternative facts”. If you think the whole family couldn’t come together and alternative facts their way through some BS to get her out…

That is the problem you spend four years lying for a guy who does nothing but lie.

Darth_Algar's avatar

She isn’t putting her family before her job, she’s trying to get her daughter to hush up.

Jeruba's avatar

If she’s bowing out of the White House and George is dropping the Lincoln Project, what could that possibly be but a quid pro quo?

stanleybmanly's avatar

I would like to think it funny. But I ask myself what it must be like to understand that you will go down in history as enabler of Donald Trump? Just how do you live that down?

Caravanfan's avatar

The personal family dynamics just got too much. Her daughter finally, in a very public way, broke. Check out her twitter feed. She hates her parents and is trying to seek emancipation.

Pandora's avatar

@Jeruba Her husband already said he isn’t going to drop the Lincoln Project. I wouldn’t be surprised if she quit just to have her daughter shut up till elections because if Trump gets triggered and starts to say nasty stuff about her daughter he could possibly lose some voters. So she quits or maybe fired to quiet stuff down before the elections.
@filmfann Hopefully joined AA. I mean you have to be a heavy drinker to deal with Trump or on some sort of drugs.

Darth_Algar's avatar

The Lincoln Project isn’t going anywhere. George Conway might be taking a step back, but he’s far from the only person involved in it.

chyna's avatar

Good Morning America just said they have four children. I didn’t know that. Must be a shit show on a daily basis at their house.
The first thing she should do is eat a sandwich. She looks emaciated.

elbanditoroso's avatar

She should go to her nearby church and pray for forgiveness for the last 4 years’ sins./

Darth_Algar's avatar


Or put the pipe down. I’m not one to make cracks at someone’s looks (fashion or hair choices perhaps, but not the stuff they can’t help), but I’ve seen more than my share of meth-heads and Kellyanne looks like she’s been hitting the meth pipe hard.

chyna's avatar

I actually thought she looked like a meth head, too.

kritiper's avatar

Get drunk.

jca2's avatar

I thought it was funny on the news when they refer to her as “one of President Trump’s longest serving advisors” when she’s been there not even 4 years. Sad that the majority of his advisors and assistants barely last a few months.

ragingloli's avatar

Shed ‘er skin, ‘cause she a sssssnake!

Aster's avatar

Maybe she’ll write a best seller.
I’ve always thought of her as a pretty, very slim lady. Not a meth head.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Sure. If you’re in to the Cryptkeeper look.

jca2's avatar

@Aster: I think she was pretty when she started but she’s gotten thinner and more drawn out looking lately. Kind of haggard looking. Then they bring in the new blonde one who looks like Barbie and it’s a tough comparison.

Aster's avatar

Well, perhaps her husband has been giving her such a hard time she can barely eat.

Pandora's avatar

@Jeruba Okay read another article today where he said he’s going to step down but he still fully supports the Lincoln Project so I guess he is leaving but it will continue without him.

Caravanfan's avatar

I don’t like that people are criticizing her appearance. That doesn’t have anything to do with anything.

JLeslie's avatar

The whole thing might be a PR blitz. Her daughter is GORGEOUS, and from what I understand she already models. If Kellyanne wanted out of Trumpland this is a perfect excuse while her daughter can give her a career a huge push. Maybe even Kellyanne is having trouble with all the Q batshit crazy garbage, not to mention a lot of people close to the president wind up in jail and her husband is a lawyer.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Darth_Algar It’s not funny, and I would argue that it’s sexist.
And I feel exactly the same way about talking about her daughter’s looks. It’s entirely irrelevant.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Her daughter is an innocent bystander in this shitshow. Kellyanne, however, like her boss, has earned every bit of scorn she receives.

filmfann's avatar

I now regret asking this question.
While I enjoy making fun of someone so wholly corrupt from the Trump gang, I feel bad about her family being in crisis.
No one should go through that torture.

JLeslie's avatar

@Caravanfan I agree about looks, it is why I have objected to calling Trump Cheeto or making fun of his hair, but I brought up the daughter’s looks only because I heard she is a model. I am not sure if that is accurate. Mostly, I think she is 15 and sick of her family life, not uncommon for 15 year olds.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Her daughter (and the other kids) must just hate the home tension between mother and dad.

And the 15 year old describes herself as liberal leftist, which is exactly the opposite of her parents.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Well the dad was part of the Lincoln Project which is an anti-trump group.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’ve wondered for years now what conversation must be like at THAT dinner table?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I read somewhere that she was a big reason trump won. The article said the trump campaign was “in shambles” and made ot sound like she single handedly turned it around.
May, hopefully, she’s just a rat deserting a sinking ship.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Dutchess_lll No, it’s to repair her broken family dynamics.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’ve got to agree with @Caravanfan ! She has a shit-show going on in her house.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I can’t imagine her dinner table.

Brian1946's avatar

Their home is known as the Conway Casa de Caca!

Caravanfan's avatar

But…she’s still tweeting.

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