How would you pronounce Canaan?
I have been watching some videos from Khan Academy dealing with history. Generally speaking, I have a high regard for Khan’s videos, particularly those teaching math.
The history videos give a good quick historical overview, but Salman sometimes mispronounces words, which can be a bit irritating. For example, he pronounces viscount the way it is spelled. I just watched a video dealing with the Jewish religion, and he pronounced Canaan the same way you pronounce cannon. That did not seem right, so I did a Web search and found that the pronunciation was wrong, but so was mine.
You can find the correct pronunciation here
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24 Answers
We have a ski resort in my state named Canaan Valley.
Here it is pronounced Ka-nane.
I pronounce it almost the same way as @filmfann. Long a first syllable; second syllable the aa is pronounced “nin”. kay-nin.
I always thought it was “Kay-nan”
It would rhyme if I said “It’s rainin’ in Canaan.”
The anglicized versions of biblical names make no pretense of sounding as they do in their original languages.
You guys all got it right.
@chyna, I did a Web search on pronunciation of Canaan Valley, and the story goes that the person who originally named mispronounced it. Link
I had thought that the correct pronunciation was for the first “a” to be short, the double “a” pronounced as a short “o”, with the stress on the second syllable.
Thanks! That’s very interesting.
Nope. In Hebrew school and my growing up it was always pronounced Ke-nah-on. Don’t know if that’s right or not.
I just sent a Q to my two Jewish scholar brothers. Will report on what they say.
Here’s the answer from one of the top Jewish scholars in the world:
“Depends whether you’re speaking Hebrew or English. In Hebrew you’re right; in English people say Kaynen. Jews should say Kena’an.”
Thanks for that. I must have also heard it that way in Hebrew school. It is not a word that comes up often in conversation.
cane ann with accent on the cane
Isreal is also often pronounced differently.
Is real
And viscount is vi-count. Why?
^^^^^But visqueen is pronounced vis-queen.
If you’re asking about the towns of Canaan and New Canaan, CT, the answer is KAY-nan.
As for the bible, I’ve always heard kah-NON.
Not me @Jeruba! I ain’t telling her!
“Caesar” is another spelling that gets mangled constantly.
Regarding the pronunciation of Israel, the Hebrew pronunciation is yis-raw-ALE.
Here in NY, I’m right next to the town of New Canaan, which we pronounce KAY nan.
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