Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

What the hell is going on with Fox News coverage of the RNC?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) August 24th, 2020

They are barely showing the people speaking at the podium, they keep cutting to Hannity, and commercials for Trump, and paid commercials for My Pillow, and other long paid commercials. I was watching MSNBC, and a woman was on the RNC stage talking about why the teachers unions are terrible, then partway through I flipped to Fox News and they were not televising what she was saying.

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84 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’m not sure why they cover it like that.

Watch on youtube to avoid that

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I also feel they covered the DNC like that. My dad watches everynight, barely remember them showing the full speeches. Just watch on youtube or something.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Fox News in it for the money, not getting points from Trump.

Zaku's avatar

Isn’t Fox News almost always a train wreck?

I’m enjoying getting my RNC 2020 coverage from Imgur

Yellowdog's avatar

Yes, Fox News doesn’t cover it that way.

Watch it instead on something that shows the actual convention, not merely covers it in their regular shows, something like Livestream

JLeslie's avatar

@Yellowdog It’s so odd to me. Fox News was talking about Trump and politics basically the entire time I watched it (which wasn’t very long) but didn’t show the people at the RNC talking about Trump except the parts they selected. I think they purposely covered up the woman talking about unions, because MI and OH are big union states. They showed the woman talking about Trump fast tracking a cancer drug like that’s never been done before under another president, which isn’t true.

So, Fox News controls the narrative and their watchers just go along with what they select for the people to hear. Just wow.

gorillapaws's avatar

“So, Fox News controls the narrative and their watchers just go along with what they select for the people to hear. Just wow.”

Neoliberal media does the same thing against progressives. Not sure why it’s such a shocking concept that media owned and controlled by a small handful of billionaires are not behaving as journalists, but as propagandists—promoting their own interests.

How else did the boomer generation get it in their head that the most electable candidate was Biden when he was floundering in delegates, had “cognitive decline moments” on air in the debates, has a personal history of corruption to benefit his family, lots of creepy little-girl hair-sniffing images and complaints, and was behind some of the worst and most unpopular policies and events in modern US history?

E.g. Anita Hill, Crime Bill, War in Iraq, Patriot Act, Outsourcing Trade deals, Bankruptcy bill etc.

gondwanalon's avatar

I don’t know why the speeches were interrupted by commentary. I think it was a mistake to do so. The speakers were captivating. I watched the entire thing. Hershel Walker and Tim Scott (Senator, SC) were magnificent!

Caravanfan's avatar

(Raises hand) Boomer/Gen X neoliberal here. Biden was not my first choice, nor my second or third or fourth or fifth or sixth. But he outlasted the rest and as I have said multiple times before I was for any functioning adult over Trump. So Biden it is. After Biden my hope is that we will get someone younger and more progressive along with no filibuster so Congress can finally get shit done.

janbb's avatar

@Caravanfan I totally agree and have said similar things elsewhere on here. Some people seem to feel hating on Biden is more virtuous than defeating fascism.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thank you @Caravanfan. Nor was he my 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice either. But now the choice is trump or Biden. Period.

They do @janbb. They don’t realize that the right is succeeded in turning us on the left against each other. They just dive right in and start bashing their own people.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Caravanfan “After Biden my hope is that we will get someone younger and more progressive along with no filibuster so Congress can finally get shit done.”

Sounds great.

What’s more likely though is that after 4 years of neoliberal austerity, the economy will be in the toilet, the 0.1% will own even more wealth, the bottom 90% will own much less and people will be very desperate for change (as they were in 2016 after 8 years of Obama/Biden doing neoliberalism). Those people are likely to reject Dems en masse and elect an extremist worse than Trump who can actually get stuff done because he/she won’t be a moron (And it’s a LOW bar given that my deceased golden retriever had more intelligence than Trump). Kamala Harris’ 2024 vapid platitudes will ring on deaf ears as the corporate media tries to ram her down our throats, silence/discredit any progressive opposition, and instead the bottom 90% will run to the waiting arms of a populist right-wing extremist. This pattern has happened many times before in history when the bottom 90% get desperate.

@janbb “Some people seem to feel hating on Biden is more virtuous than defeating fascism.”

And some people want to gaslight everyone about what great people Biden/Harris are. I want people to understand EXACTLY what kind of monsters the DNC has rigged the election for, so that if they happen to lose, people aren’t going to get to blame Russia, or Putin, or, Susan Serandon, or Jill Stein, or 1000 other scapegoats. The fault here will be the DNC and their neoliberal agenda, as well as the “moderates” who were too stupid to realize that such policies would lead to Trump again.

COVID may turn out to save the asses of the DNC, and Biden/Harris may barely squeak out a victory against the most hated president in modern history, but it’s like boomers taking their grandkids in the car with a drunk driver who just may get them home safely (this time). You guys are the ones who keep bringing us facists. You refuse to admit your role in it. I can assure you there is no dearth of facists on the right to run in 2024, 2028 etc.

In 2024, the DNC will again rig it so our choices are the lesser of 2 evils, and you guys will tell us to suck it up, and in 2028 the DNC will again rig it so our choices are the lesser of 2 evils, and again people like yourself will tell us to suck it up. This will continue until the boomers finally die off or the country collapses from ecological catastrophe, or as a result of neoliberal foreign, trade and defense policies, or a radical right winger starts a purge against “unpatriotic traitors.”

@Dutchess_III “They just dive right in and start bashing their own people.”

Biden/Harris are not “my people.” There’s very little likable about Biden unless you completely ignore his record, the accusations of the women he’s harmed, or the millions of black people locked up by his crime bill, or the soldiers he sent off to die in Iraq so Northrop Grumman could sell more planes and their stock could go up 20 points, or the millions of desperate and destitute Americans unable to get out from under the thumb of debtors by declaring bankruptcy because of Biden’s Bankruptcy bill (but hey, at least Biden’s son got a sweet job out of it), or the millions of Americans who used to have high-paying blue-collar jobs, but lost them as a result of outsourcing from trade policies that Biden was cheerleading.

When you ignore all of those people, and their pain, than sure, Biden is a swell fucking guy—when his brain isn’t stroking out.

I am critical of Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Perez, Manchin, and all the rest of the sellouts who hurt the constiuients that trusted them with their votes, wellbeing and money so they can keep their donors happy. I’m also critical of Trump, his administration, McConnell, Fox News and damn near everyone in the GOP. I almost have a little more respect for them because they at least have the balls/huevos to openly admit that they’re corrupt and that their souls are blacker than tar. That doesn’t mean the GOP is honest in general (far from it), just that when it comes to acknowledging that they’re completely bought-and-paid-for, they don’t try to hide it the way Dems do.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m not much of a Fox watcher, but I flipped around to listen to the talking heads a little bit. I honestly think Stephanopoulos did a credible job out of the ones I’ve seen.

Did you see the NY Post is calling it ‘very effective’.

Pandora's avatar

My understanding is that the RNC was supposed to be upbeat but I’ve read that it turned out to be anything but upbeat. Painting America future as Dark and gloomy filled with Satanic lovers if Democrats win. So I think in Fox fashion they are probably interrupting to spin what is being said like they always do. Plus they need to put in all their commercials. So between doing both, I imagine that doesn’t leave a lot of time for speeches. Also they are pointing to absolutely no platform for the next four years. They just plan to do more of what they are doing now. Which is pretty much nothing but destroying protections for citizens, and wanting to destroy SS, and any kind of medicare and the ACA, and keep tax breaks for the rich and make Trump king..

Caravanfan's avatar

@gorillapaws Let’s just hope and pray that we get a chance to test your cynicism.

Darth_Algar's avatar


My takeaway from it (at least what I watched) was basically “America is a mess now, so give us 4, I mean, 8, I mean 12 more years”. That and “yeah, we’ve FUBAR’ed everything, but the other guys are like really, really, really super bad”.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Caravanfan I hope-to-hell you’re right and I’m wrong.

Yellowdog's avatar

@JLeslie Most of the news is talking about the Republican convention, as they show bits and peices of it.

For instance, our local Public television station just now: “Those close to him are so determined that he doesn’r use racial epitaphs”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yup that might be needed _“Those close to him are so determined that he doesn’t use racial epitaphs”

Once a bigot always a BIGOT !

Yellowdog's avatar

Except—uh, he was never called a bigot before he ran for president, and has about 27 years of people who he was helped and worked with over all his endeavors? That’s his usual support on the campaigns, State of the Union, and Republican Convention.

Meanwhile, Biden is out there saying if you don’t vote for him, you “ain’t black”. Come on, MANE! Your skin color determines your political party, how you think, etc etc,

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Yellowdog “Except—uh, he was never called a bigot before he ran for president”


JLeslie's avatar

@Yellowdog Except Trump was officially found to be a bigot in court for discriminating against Black people in his housing practices.

While running for President Trump said things like Mexico sends their worst people here.

Biden shouldn’t have said what he said, but it wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of Black people feel really disappointed and shocked that some Black people vote for Trump.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Except someone is going la LA LA ! @JLeslie and @Darth_Algar

Yellowdog's avatar

1972? 1973?
Is that how far back you have to go?

Which was worse back then—Trump who was doing a common (albeit unethical) discriminatory practice to preserve home values—or Biden, who was still being mentored by active Klansmen—including the Grand Master himself, Robert Byrd? Biden remained a segregationalist well into the 1990s In his own words he didn’t want his kids in a ‘racial jungle’ (1993).

And what a pity, JLeslie—that blacks are afraid to vote for Trump! The propaaganda was a big success, and African Americans will continue to be used as pawns and in phony race wars by Marxist political agitators, burning down African American neighborhoods and busineses

Yellowdog's avatar

Out of hatred for the other party, so many have come to believe their own lies and propaganda. Hundreds of African Americans have known Donald J Trump for decades and have vouched for him over the past 4 years three months.

chyna's avatar

^FYI Robert Byrd removed himself from the KKK in the early 50’s noting that he was wrong to have aligned himself with that group. There was never a hint of that the rest of his political life which was very long and lasted until about 2010. The NAACP actually praises Byrd for becoming a champion of civil rights.

jca2's avatar

@Yellowdog: Is that what racist and discriminatory real estate practices are called now by Trumpers? “Preserving home values?”

That sounds so innocent. “We had no bad intentions! We were just preserving home values!”

JLeslie's avatar

@Yellowdog I don’t think they are afraid. Where did I say that? I know plenty of Black people who will vote for Trump. I’m Jewish, and we Jews talk about Jews who vote Republicans. Many conservative and orthodox Jews vote on the one issue; they believe Republicans will be better supporters of Israel, which I disagree with, but that is what they believe. It’s no different than what Biden or what some Blacks might say about Blacks, but I still agree Biden should not have said it. To be clear, there are Jewish people who vote Republican for other reasons, my dad was a Republican for 40 years, but I am saying at this point in history with the parties as they are in recent history we have a hard time understanding how Jews are voting for Republicans.

Yellowdog's avatar

@jca2 It may be hard for many on the left to conceive, but most Republicans do not think about race at all in determining a person’s worth, thoughts, how they vote, etc.

Most of us live our own lives and at worst, want to be left alone, without the constant bashing we get from the left. You on the left are the ones on the offense. You are the aggressors.

In my neighborhood about 40% of the African Americans approve of Trump or do not approve of Biden, saying he’s stupid, and not whom they would choose.

In my church, which is about half black everyone I know supports Trump that has made their support known.

The Left is the one creating racial hysteria in order to win support from African Americans, as has been done since the 1960s. The only ones on the left who support the African Americans I’ve ever encountered were at the Jewish Student Center when I was in college, a few in Academia—and a few true liberals in large mainline and Catholic churches.

jca2's avatar

@Yellowdog: I don’t know if you meant to respond to me but I didn’t say anything about what you’re commenting about. I talked about your real estate comment about preserving home values.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Yellowdog ”...but most Republicans do not think about race at all in determining a person’s worth, thoughts, how they vote, etc.”

What’s your score on the project implicit test ?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Yellowdog People aren’t putting up Trump signs because some on the left are so aggressive. Anyone who thinks it’s gone unnoticed is mistaken.

@gorillapaws Do you honestly think an actual WS would attend church with a mixed congregation? Or would a WS go to a Jewish college?

gorillapaws's avatar

@KNOWITALL The point is that we all have implicit racial biases that are affecting our decision making without us being aware.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@gorillapaws That sounds like you are dismissing the real WS who are proactively working to undermine minorities.
Any way you cut it both nominee’s have made mistakes but I think Biden is far more racist than Trump.

Darth_Algar's avatar


You don’t have to go all the way back to the early 1970’s to find examples of Trump’s bigotry. Look at his invective against the “Central Park 5”, his birther nonsense towards Obama and now Kamala Harris, his comments about “shithole countries”, his “go back to your own country” remarks directed at US-born, but minority , members of Congress, his comments directed at immigrants who aren’t white, blonde, blue-eyed European types, etc…etc…etc….

Yellowdog's avatar

Have you really looked at all sides of these accusations? I doubt it.

For instance, the Shithole Countries allegation was not actually made by anyone actually present at the meeting. But furthermore, if you do a Google Search on Liberia or Somalia, and click on Images and see the news of the day, wavering big guns, huge gangs and militant groups blowing out shells of buildings—it would be easy to imagine someone might call these pirate / terrorist nations ‘shithole’ countries. When somebody shows compassion and takes them in (Minnesota, the Lutheran Church ELCA, the United States itself) the same violence and terror not only continues but is foisted upon their benefactors—which I think is what was actually being referred to—with or without a shithole description. The Left just likes to add these juicy shithole details and then shout racism,

chyna's avatar

And if Biden had said “shithole countries” you would’ve been all over that as racist. But trump says it, so it must be not only true, but okay to say.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@chyna Yes, it was inappropriate, regardless.

Yellowdog's avatar

I’m more concerned about what someone says on the actual record, brags about it, etc etc. You know, what someone openly sands for and believes and boasts about.

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Yellowdog's avatar

Rather than claiming someone does this or that, stick with what they are actually saying and proud of.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“The shit hole countries” comment was made by trump himself, and he specified Haiti and countries in Africa as the shit hole countries, just before he asked why we don’t bring in more (white) people from places like Norway.
The announcer goes on to say such obviously racial comments will resonate with trump’s followers….and it did, didn’t it @Yellowdog. That’s disgusting.

Yellowdog's avatar

Trump never said that—The lie started with the CNN story you cite.

Why not get on C-span and listen to some actual Trump speeches, rallies, or his speech last nightt at the Republican convention?

The difference between the actual Donald J Trump and the slander and libel you’ve been shitting the past four years is about as wide as it gets.

Are you even capeable of spelling Trump with a capitol letter—as is proper in the English ;language? Are you even capable of watching a Trump event and thinking for yourself? This is not an insult to your intelligence—most people on Fluther are at least a little above average. Its my own shock and dismay at how many can be spoonfed a lie and will defend it to the hilt.

Abandon your sources for a few days and listen to what Trump is actually saying. This goes well beyond libel, brainwashing or group hysteria. Its a shocking psychosis.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Here is one from The Intercept
The Atlantic
Washington Post
Business Insider “Trump doesn’t deny calling African countries ‘shitholes’ while meeting with Nigeria’s president”
Time‘A New Low.’ The World Is Furious at Trump for His Remark About ‘Shithole Countries’”
The Daily BeastTrump Wants Fewer Immigrants From ‘Sh*thole’ Countries, More Norwegians” (I know. That doesn’t mean he’s racist)
The New Yorker
Buzz Feed
The Guardian
Miami Herald
New York Times
LA Times
News Week

Face it, dude. The man is the original shit hole.

Yellowdog's avatar

Iroinically, the Daily Beast, one of the more liberal of the set, got it partially right. Trump foisted a pro-Norwegian comment in telling about his meeting with Prime Minister Solberg.

But your list is all left-of-center-left sources—Reuters is regarded as center-left. It attributes its sources to ‘sources say.” Kind like Simon Says I guess. If sourses say, that is credit enough.

Thanks for your detailed list of sources—never seen it all in one place, and I know it took a lot of work to compile. But wouldn’t it be far more accurate to listen to the meeting where he quoted Solberg? Or look at the diversity of the Trump cabinet and campaign advisors? This is not the Republicn party of Bush, Rubio, McCain, and Romney.

All I ask is critics and slanderers would show actual clips of Trump saying these things. If I wrote any of these stories in Journalism school, I would have been put on Academic Probation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The meeting wasn’t taped!

I saw something interesting today. There was a yard sign for Ron Estes, a republican, and a Biden sign. :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

If he didn’t say it, then why doesn’t he deny it?
You know it’s a mess when they suggest that if you have small children and the President of the United States of America comes on TV, you should mute the TV.

Yellowdog's avatar

Ron Estes probably would like McCain or Romney. They are the anti-black, homophobe Republicans ypu cpmplain about.

You can always vote for Biden if you on’t like Trump/ But Biden confuses unarmed African American shooting victims with angry young white militia murderers. So, buyer beware.

A “shithole” comment could be from Trump or Biden, but if you Google Haiti and look at images, you will see the reason for tyhe moniker. Its not the people. Its the whole mess down there.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Your comments are only interesting and not true.

He is a racist and you love it !

jca2's avatar

Didn’t Trump also call Mexicans rapists and criminals or something of that nature?

I’m a Mexican and I am not a rapist or a criminal.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“A “shithole” comment could be from Trump or Biden, but if you Google Haiti and look at images, you will see the reason for tyhe moniker. Its not the people. Its the whole mess down there.”
Jesus Christ. They are human beings. What kind of Christians acts the way you do @Yellowdog ??

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think it’s ok that Trump used the term shit hole, but what if he had said the country is terrible, tons of poverty, lack of clean water and lack of consistent electricity. Literacy is only 60%, and only 20% of the population goes through secondary school. The country has very little opportunity for its citizens.

That’s all pretty shitty, it doesn’t mean the people are shitty. That’s the real problem with Trump, it’s his attacks on people not so much that he is recognizing a country is crappy. The problem is he does attack groups of people.

Trump said horrible things about many groups of people, not very presidential. It’s truly a disgrace. I’m the first one to say MS13 is horrible and that we should address immigrants who are criminals just like our citizens who are criminals, but Trump specifically made immigrants the “other” saying they are ruining America. He plays to his racist foolish people who support him, and the Republicans who aren’t racist say nothing or even defend him.

I will tell you what, the way to speed up assimilation is to let immigrants feel a part of the American dream, not by accusing them of being different or alien, or causing them fear, not by ostracizing them. Republicans are creating their own self fulfilling prophecy.

gorillapaws's avatar

@JLeslie ”Republicans are creating their own self fulfilling prophecy.”

The politicians aren’t actually interested in solving/addressing the issue. It’s a convenient distracting wedge issue that gives people the illusion that there’s a significant difference between the parties, while they both loot the middle class on behalf of their corporate masters.

JLeslie's avatar

@gorillapaws I mean Republicans, as in the average Republican, is creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. They say they are afraid immigrants will change the American culture (well a lot of them say white culture, which is offensive) and I’m saying people are more likely to assimilate into the American culture if they can take it on as their own identity.

Trump does a ton just to distract people and fired them up. I agree with that.

Yellowdog's avatar

As a said ‘white person’—although I DO treasure Anglo Saxon heritage, it has not been the dominant culture in my lifetime. There will ALWAYS be enclaves of the middle-class, quasi-Preppy, English-Euro-American culture just as there are places and institutions of other culture.

Howbeit, most of us have friends of all races and cultures. We value diversity in culture, food, friends, and architecture. We choose our friends and associates based on their personalities and kindred spirits, not people who are like us.

White people are probably the only culture in the world who created and value multiculturalism.

Love is the most powerful weapon against evil in the world. Truth is the voice that will be heard above corruption, dishonesty and deceit. Principle will prevail, and hidden sin exposed to bring about its own destruction, but it is often through the pioneer that reformative activities take root and germinate.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Yellowdog You missed on all points !!

Sorry no cigar !

Yellowdog's avatar

I’m sorry—I didn’t know anyone elected a judge on Fluther.

Darth_Algar's avatar

“I’m not racist. White culture is the best culture.”

JLeslie's avatar

@Yellowdog Ok, so who are you including now in America in that group as white? Are fifth generation Italian-Americans included? What about Irish Americans? Who is culturally similar or equal, who is white?

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JLeslie's avatar

@Yellowdog I’m going to do a Q about who is white in America today. Now, I’m curious.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Yellowdog ”White people are probably the only culture in the world who created and value multiculturalism.”

You should read up on India. It’s one of the richest/most diverse countries in the world.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“White people are probably the only culture in the world who created and value multiculturalism.” What an incrediably ignorant thing to say @Yellowdog.

Yellowdog's avatar

@gorillapaws India has a caste system. What your skin color and tone is, determines your place in society, from untouchable to royalty. That’s indeed the most diverse in the world today.

ALL wealthy white people I know are very liberal and left-leaning—why are any of you arguing the point?

jca2's avatar

@Yellowdog: ”All wealthy white people I know are very liberal and left-leaning – why are any of you arguing the point?”

Really? The majority of conservative politicians are wealthy white men, including beloved Trump. Add to that the Koch brothers. Add to that the founders of Walmart. The list goes on and on of wealthy white people who are not liberal and left leaning.

Yellowdog's avatar

The Koch Brothers never supported Trump. Not many pre-2016 ‘Republicans support Trump.

And “the point” is in response to the previous several posts.

Funny how you can criticize and put words and assign motives to white people. but if you speak as one they’re talking about, you’re condemned. Strange thing this Fluther.

jca2's avatar

@Yellowdog: Koch brothers contribute lots to conservative politics. If I post a link, you’re going to criticize it but you can google “Koch brothers political spending” and you’ll find tons of articles from all kinds of sites, including Wikipedia.

chyna's avatar

Funny how trump aligned himself with sexual deviants such as Epstein and Falwell, Jr.
Kind hangs with kind.

jca2's avatar, @Yellowdog. Look at 2020 PAC contributions for Koch Industries. 97% to Republicans. “Contributions from this PAC to Federal candidates.”

If anyone is wondering, a PAC is a Political Action Committee.

I hope this link works.

KNOWITALL's avatar

The Koch Bros are no friends of Trumps but they have contributed heavily (hundreds of millions) over the years to the ‘Republican political machine.’

When Trump cannonballed into the 2016 presidential race, the Koch brothers said he was the only candidate out of the crowded Republican primary field who was unacceptable to them, in large part because he lacked a strong conservative record. According to The Atlantic, Charles Koch was also upset that GOP leaders, many of whom had benefited from the Koch brothers’ network, openly embraced Trump as he ascended to the top.
Trump, meanwhile, has also made no secret of his disdain for the Kochs, calling them “overrated” and “a total joke in real Republican circles.”
As leaders in the fossil fuel industry, the Koch brothers staunchly opposed efforts to fight climate change and have downplayed its risks. After the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United in 2011, the Kochs unleashed a wave of political advertising to elect Republicans who pledged not to pass new environmental regulations.

gorillapaws's avatar

@chyna _“Funny how trump aligned himself with sexual deviants such as Epstein and Falwell, Jr.
Kind hangs with kind.“_

The DNC literally just held a convention full of Republicans, war criminals and Bill Clinton (who is likely the first president to vaginally penetrate his staff member with a cigar in the oval office, and also took a ride on the Epstein express, not to mention Biden’s own troubling history of sniffing girls and sexually assaulting his staff).

You’re right that Trump is aligned with plenty of disgusting people, but the Dems are pretty wretched themselves.

jca2's avatar

@gorillapaws Definitely, there are adulterers and deviants from both political parties, from far right to far left. The difference, to me, is that Republicans position themselves as the “family values” party, the morally upright, the “Religious Right, always pointing at the Dems as being the bad guys. That’s why it’s so lovely when a conservative screws up (like Falwell for example). People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

jca2's avatar

I always think of this guy when I think of a Republican who screwed up royally:

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jca2 You’re right. I wouldn’t say it’s lovely, I’d say he betrayed their misplaced trust. At least to the segment of the Right that looks to organized religion instead of the Bible. I voted for Bill and I think the same could be said.

He said it himself: Each time, Falwell would insist he is not a moral leader. His job was to grow Liberty’s endowment, campus and student body.
“I have never been a minister,” he told one critic on Twitter, pointing to his background as a lawyer and real estate developer.

gorillapaws's avatar

@jca2 ” The difference, to me, is that Republicans position themselves as the “family values” party”

That’s a very fair point. I guess the counter would be that Dems hold themselves up as champions for women’s rights, and then proceed to try to destroy Tara Reade who had the courage to come forward with her story. #MeTooExceptWhenItsPoliticallyInconvenient.

jca2's avatar

There’s one example, @gorillapaws. As far as Republicans and Conservatives who are morally not upright, there are many examples. (As above, Mark Sanford).

gorillapaws's avatar

@jca2 What about how Biden treated Anita Hill back in the day?

jca2's avatar

@gorillapaws: Ok, I give you two.

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