Social Question

jca2's avatar

Do you have any of your family's heirlooms or items passed down that you are fond of?

Asked by jca2 (17248points) August 26th, 2020

Do you have anything that was passed down from your parents or other family that would be considered an heirloom, or something that you consider precious?

Furniture, jewelry, knick knacks, cooking utensils, clocks, anything?

I admit I thought of this question after watching a discussion on Kelly and Ryan (Ripa and Seacrest) this morning.

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12 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

I have zero heirlooms. Nothing was passed down.

kritiper's avatar

I have a oil lamp that mounts to the wall, a wooden stool that I refinished, a oak table that I made into a coffee table because the legs were crooked, and a knife and fork possibly used by relatives during the Civil War.

anniereborn's avatar

I have more than I could possibly list here. I am the youngest of seven children. Both my mom and dad were the youngest of the family. You can see how that might all cascade down. Plus I am a very sentimental person. My house is filled with furniture that belonged to my mom and also my grandparents.

My favorite furniture piece is a console stereo of my grandparents that is probably from the 50s.
My favorite jewelry piece is my mother’s wedding ring.
Another favorite that was my mom’s is her high school autograph book from the 1940s.

gondwanalon's avatar

I have 2 old gold pocket watches from my Grandfather. Locked away in a safe because crime in our area. Pretty cool looking but I never look at them.

zenvelo's avatar

I have the family sterling silver sugar bowl and the sterling silver jelly holder. And I have a few of my dad’s books.

Being the third child, my sister got most of the more feminine heirlooms, and my brother received all the more masculine items. My brother has my grandfather’s match case that is made from gold he mined in the Yukon, plus the watch chain with a couple nuggets.

KNOWITALL's avatar

We have quite a few things from quilts and handmade pillow cases to my aunts kid gloves from the 50’s. I have two sets of china, my baby shower crystal bowl and glasses set, my aunts books from her childhood, a native Am Indian collection. Too much to list.

LuckyGuy's avatar

My mother’s engagement ring with the diamond from my grandmother’s ring.
A Japanese sword that has been in the family since 1905, and some firearms from the late 1800’s that my grandfather collected and was passed to his brother when he died. Those went to my father who passed them to me.
I’m sure there are other things.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

My wife and I each side chairs from our respective grandmothers (both have been recovered several times since they were from 1910 to 1920’s). I have rings from my grandfather and grand uncle. I have several saws from the 1930’s; two 2 man saws and a hay saw/knife.

Demosthenes's avatar

Yes, there are some heirlooms. The oldest things are what my Portuguese ancestors brought with them to California in the 1840s during the Gold Rush.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

About half my furniture came from the house I was raised in.
My dad’s wife sent me his hats when he passed.
Rick’s dad passed last year. I got his mom’s roosters, made out of beans and corn, and his Dad’s loon clock.
My Dad gave me his mother’s depression glass candy dish and candle holders.

rockfan's avatar

I own my great grandfathers pocket watch that he took with him when he escaped Cuba in the 1950’s

Blackberry's avatar

My grandmother knitted. I have 2 pillows that she knitted “pillow cases” for. They’re loose fitting and have some honeycomb-like pattern with holes a dime could fit through.

She died a few years ago and they smell like her house so I haven’t washed them yet.

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