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filmfann's avatar

Can we say a last goodbye to Chadwick Boseman?

Asked by filmfann (52571points) August 28th, 2020

The actor who portrayed the Black Panther has died from colon cancer.
Wakanda forever!

So what will Disney do now?

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10 Answers

janbb's avatar

Way too young to die. Very sad.

cookieman's avatar

I’m so sad today. He was a great actor and seemed like a good guy. As a lifelong Marvel fan, I loved him as Black Panther, but saw him in 21 Bridges and thought he was great there too. His Jackie Robinson and James Brown movies are n my To Watch list.

janbb's avatar

@cookieman I haven’t seen “Black Panther” but have seen the other two and he was great in them.

cookieman's avatar

@janbb: Watch Captain America: Civil War first (where he and Wakanda are introduced), then watch Black Panther. They are very good.

I gotta watch his other films now.

To @filmfann’s other question, I can only guess what Marvel will do now. Black Panther 2 was announced, but doesn’t have a firm release date and hasn’t even started filming. They have lots of time to figure it out and do something that makes sense in-story and is respectful to Chadwick.

marinelife's avatar

If you are sad about Chadwick Boseman’s senseless death at such a young age and I am, honor his memory by getting a colonoscopy, which I did on Thursday. Now matter what horror stories you have heard about the prep, it is much less onerous and much less painful than colon cancer.

Jeruba's avatar

@marinelife, excellent advice. And the prep isn’t nearly as bad as it used to be.

janbb's avatar

I had to Cologuard test this winter which is a little gross but not too bad.

janbb's avatar

Edit” “the Colguard” not “to Cologuard”

MrGrimm888's avatar

He died, way too young.
Life is way too sad.
I hope that he journeys well…

Pandora's avatar

I was so sad to hear about his death. I thought he did an excellent job in Black Panther and I was looking forward to seeing him do more movies. Such a loss. There are few young actors that I actually like their acting. He was one of the few.

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