Social Question

Demosthenes's avatar

To what extent is your vote based on fear?

Asked by Demosthenes (15435points) August 29th, 2020

How much of a role does fear (of what the other side may do to destroy this nation and your way of life) play in your political decisions?

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18 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Probably more than we think, although I know that doesn’t answer your question directly. (I don’t know how to measure the extent.) I do know that numerous commentators have called out the recent RNC’s fear-stoking rhetoric. Convention speakers talked about how Trump would save us from the chaos and destruction of Biden’s America, as if this were Biden’s America, as if Biden were president now and today’s disorder weren’t happening on Trump’s watch (and much of it actively caused by him).

I also listened to an interview with Rev. Rob Schenck (never heard of him before). He was told, as a Christian minister, that conservative fund-raisers needed to arouse more fear and anger in their audiences, because the more angry and afraid people were, the more money they would give.

That is more cynical than I ever thought Christians got, never mind garden-variety Republicans.

zenvelo's avatar

About 50/50.

I heard Joe Biden speak early last year. I genuinely find him a caring knowledgable person. He was not my first choice for the Democratic nomination, but I do not think it is a bad choice. That’s 50 %.

I fear for destruction of the country that has occurred over the last three and a half years, physically, politically, morally, and economically, and bemoan the legacy my children will have to deal with. That’s the other 50 %.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Fear has nothing to do with my vote. It’s anger and disgust for me .

LostInParadise's avatar

I nearly always vote for the Democratic candidates. This year I find the vote particularly urgent in order to prevent a Trump dictatorship.

kritiper's avatar

Fear of Trump’s incompetence? 100%.
Everything else? 0%

Dutchess_III's avatar

The thought of another 4 years under trump terrifies me. So 100%.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hey wow! I got a new phone today and I some how managed to log into my real account via my phone!
Good bye fake Dutchess!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Like @Stan, more anger than fear for myself. It’s been a rough four years, we each have to decide which party is to blame for that.

JLeslie's avatar

GQ. Fear is maybe 50% of my equation. Up until a year ago it was way down at 20%. In the last year the amount of signaling Trump does and what I see my friends believing from alt-right messaging and bots all over social media is scary. My closest dearest real life friends who are Republicans see right through it and many of them are flipping and voting Democrat, some I guess might not vote, but I have more casual friendships who are sucked in hook line and sinker by the messaging.

si3tech's avatar

Zero. None.

JLeslie's avatar

@si3tech Interesting, so you are not afraid of BLM and Biden? If they win you have no fear about what will happen to the country?

Dutchess_III's avatar

why on earth would anyone be afraid of BLM?

Dutchess_III's avatar

You know, what it is are bored young men looking for an energetic outlet. They may be under the guise of whatever, but they’re looking for any excuse to get buck wild.
I was in a riot once. The young males were having a blast. They were enjoying the shit.

tinyfaery's avatar

This year, 100%.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t suggest that it was OK. It’s not. I am only saying some young men won’t pass up the chance to fight and riot.

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