Is it acceptable for Cuomo to threaten Trump?
Asked by
crazyguy (
September 3rd, 2020
Yesterday Trump issued a memo asking Barr ‘to develop a list of jurisdictions that “permitted violence and the destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract these criminal activities’. Cuomo responded by saying that Trump “can’t have enough bodyguards to walk through New York City, Forget bodyguards, he’d better have an army if he thinks he’s going to walk down the streets in New York.” Does that not sound like an incitement to harm the President?
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49 Answers
Sure, it’s OK. Trump threatens others all the time. If Cuomo wants to sink to Trump’s level to make a political point, that’s OK with me.
Besides, to be exact, what Cuomo said is nothing worse than Trump’s “black clothed thugs are waiting for you” or similar statements. Cuomo didn’t make a specific threat about the idiot president, only a general statement about the atmosphere on the ground.
Or @crazyguy are you implying the Trump can threaten people with no consequences to himself, but others can’t?
Is this another subtle attempt to electioneer for Trump, like you did yesterday?
Since you are so concerned with context, it’s interesting that you omitted the context for Cuomo’s remarks. Trump threatened to take away allocated Federal funding from NYC which he cannot do and Cuomo’s remarks were in retaliation. Here’s a link. Nobody ever accused either one of them of being a nice guy but Trump certainly comes across as the proverbial boy who can dish it out but can’t take it.
@crazyguy You left out the most important part of Cuomo’s statement: “He’s not a king.”
I think Cuomo was dishing out good advice.
Actually, I’ve always kind of fancied the idea of those two going head to head.
@janbb: I put my money on Cuomo. He’s younger, he’s thinner, he probably works out more.
@jca2 Not to mention helluva lot smarter and tougher.
Threats and violence are defining traits of colonial culture, so of course it is OK.
All I can say is it’s probably true, so I’d say thanks for the warning. There’s tons of articles about the economic downturn there, that’s sad to see after all the deaths earlier this year. I’d say play nice and get your money, if I were looking to help my residents.
“First off, it’s the virus, and people are just feeling done with small apartments. Then came the protests,” said Wiebicke. People are saying “they just can’t handle the city right now. They’re saying they want a quiet yard and most of all a home office.”
A new report claims that New York City is facing record apartment vacancies, leading to lower rents across multiple boroughs after residents fled the city during the coronavirus pandemic.
That drastic shift has resulted in a record 13,117 vacant apartments across Manhattan in July, according to a report by Douglas Elliman and Miller Samuel Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants. The number is a 122% increase over the previous year, which listed 5,912 apartments in July 2019.
“What we’re talking about is the economic and social fabric, the destruction of New York City,” Payne said on Monday. “Already a lot of smart people are saying it’s crossed the divide, it’s at the point of no return. Already a lot of people are saying that it’s too late so certainly anyone who wants to wait until the spring of 2021 will be making a gargantuan mistake.”
@KNOWITALL: It is definitely true that it’s a sellers’ market right now for real estate in southern NY, NJ and CT (also known to us as “the tri-state area). However, I wouldn’t sound the death knell for NYC just yet. NYC is still a very busy and vibrant city with lots of retail, lots of residents, lots of businesses and lots of tourist attractions. I think for Faux News to say it’s “crossed the divide and is at the point of no return” is sensationalistic journalism.
@KNOWITALL: It’s definitely true that New Yorkers are fleeing the city looking for more space, which is why it’s a sellers’ market in Westchester, Putnam, NJ, CT. People who were shut in for months, especially with little kids, realized they wanted more space, yards, etc. Houses with pools are a big hit now and swimming pool sales were up like 300% this summer.
As for NYC being “vacant,” it’s often vacant in the summer, with residents fleeing to the Hamptons on weekends, and also right now, many office workers are working from home.
NYC is one of the greatest cities in the world and it will come back after the virus is over. Like I said above, it still has a lot of residents, retail, and tons of attractions which just reopened, like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which is, if I’m not mistaken, the largest museum in the Western Hemisphere.
Cities, counties and states that permit, indeed encourage these violent non stop riots need to clean up their act or no federal money. Simple and appropriate. It is never acceptable to threaten the president. Cuomo should be locked up.
@si3tech so no penalty if Trump does the same things to promote violence?
@si3tech: Whether it’s a threat or not is a matter of debate.
No different from Trump’s numerous incitements to violence. Again, Donald Trump reaps the fruit of the seeds he has planted.
Cuomo’s remarks went one step too far, but stopped short of a threat. Would that Donald Trump would also stop short of threats. Alas, he does not and never will.
I don’t see it as a threat, but as a warning.
It reminds me of a bit of dialog from Casablanca:
Major Strasser: Are you one of those people who cannot imagine the Germans in their beloved Paris?
Rick: It’s not particularly my beloved Paris.
Heinz: Can you imagine us in London?
Rick: When you get there, ask me.
Captain Renault: Hmmh! Diplomatist!
Major Strasser: How about New York?
Rick: Well there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn’t advise you to try to invade.
It isn’t really a threat. It’s a word of caution.
> I’d say play nice and get your money
Exactly what does that slippery expression mean?
“Play” demeans the conflict by casting it as a scuffle between children, with no serious import.
As for “nice,” by what I’ve read, being “nice” to Trump means fawning on him, flattering him, praising him, kissing up to him, never attempting any sort of challenge, and never, ever uttering or implying a hint of criticism or blame. No self-respecting person can do this without gagging.
And apparently it isn’t even enough to do it once. You have to do it over and over again. What measureless chasm of need is this trying and failing to satisfy? And why keep it up if it does no good?
I have been in thousands of church services in my time, high church and low church and in between, with anthem-singing choirs at one extreme and freewheeling, shouting, amenning gospel assemblies at the other, worship services with velvet-upholstered seats in little booths and camp-meeting services on bare wooden benches with sawdust on the floor, robed clergymen who solemnly interpreted the Word and bellowing preachers whose congregants got suddenly taken with divine fire, and all the rest, and I swear that Almighty God in Heaven doesn’t require as much mindless vocal affirmation as this guy.
Cuomo, like so many of us, seems to have had enough.
@Jeruba Politicians have a job, and it’s to take care of their people, do the best for their people. If it were me, I’d get the money first, then sass back if I couldn’t restrain myself.
@KNOWITALL That’s what Cuomo’s been doing all along. He has thanked Trump many times for the things that the Feds have done. But Trump threatening to withhold money from Dem cities is a dirt bag move. And it’s not his to withhold. As Cuomo said, “He’s not king.”
@janbb Everything I read says Trump is trying, but nothing concrete. I suppose we’ll see.
‘The memorandum directs agencies to identify Federal funds provided to Seattle, Portland, New York City, and Washington, D.C., and the authorities available to withhold funds.
The Department of Justice, in consultation with other Federal agencies, will consider a number of factors, including whether the city defunded the police or prevented local law enforcement from intervening to restore order.’
@KNOWITALL, in your opinion, is Trump taking care of his people? or just ”his” people? Going on the attack against governors, mayors, and other administrators in the fifty states of the nation he presides over is not “taking care” in my book. Is it in yours? Is this how you would do it? Do you honestly approve?
@Jeruba I think he’s trying to protect innocent American citizens, like children and elderly and disabled, from violence and yes, I think that’s the right thing to do.
It’s retaliatory, in my opinion, of Trump to threaten cities like NY in much the same way as former NJ Governor Chris Christie shutting down the bridge (the GWB) to hurt mayors that were not on his side.
When Cuomo said, “he’d better have a bodyguard” I took it to mean NY is not safe now. I didn’t think of his words as a threat at all; especially not on national tv.
I fail to see the threat. As surely as cigarettes will eventually kill you, no sensible bookie would give you even odds on Trump surviving the streets of New York.
Nope it does not sound like incitement to hurt the President.
@crazyguy This is a fun question! Thanks for asking it. You get a GQ. I’m reading a lot of the answers and what I see is two key points. The first is that most of our leftist jellies go crazy if President Trump says anything that could even vaguely be taken in a bad way. They apparently find that sort of talk to be horrible. But they are okay with it when it comes from a leftist.
The other thing about this entire discourse between President Trump and Gov Cuomo that I find absolutely amazing is that Cuomo just told the world that the streets of NYC are not safe to walk on…and his supporters think its a good thing.
Disabled here. I assure you, he is not trying to protect me.
Let’s be specific. Cuomo said that TRUMP is not safe in New York. I can live with that.
So what, specifically, makes you believe that he is?
@seawulf575 I don’t take anything that Cuomo or Trump say to each other seriously ever. Cuomo’s attitude is the same as every other Mayor before him. It’s almost a NYC Mayor requirement. I honestly believe when those two go at it, it’s for show. They have known each other for decades and travel in the same circles. Also for years Trump has made more than one threat on people he considers adversaries and incites violence but we are supposed to care if something like that goes his way? I think not. I’m a big believer in you Reap what you sow. That’s not being hypocritical. Hypocritical at this point would be wishing him a long life.
It’s not a threat or an incitement. It’s a speculation about what other people might do.
I suppose Trump supporters are outraged by this? And find Trump’s infamous remarks about how he figured he could shoot someone openly in NYC and get away with it, to be just fine?
Yes, governor of the state of New York.
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@Darth First of all, he said it ‘The biggest victims of the rioting are peace-loving citizens in our poorest communities, and as their President, I will fight to keep them safe. I will fight to protect you. I am your President of law and order, and an ally of all peaceful protesters.’
Second of all, it’s what we all want. At least in my area. You cant know how it tears me up to think of the disabled, elderly and children having to deal with violence at this level. The videos are horrible.
Many of us are disgusted Dem leaders aren’t stepping up to stop violence.
@Pandora: Mayor of NYC is DiBlasio. Governor is Cuomo.
@seawulf575: You seem to be ok with trash talking whenever it comes from your boy Trump.
Oh well shit, if Trump said it then you can take it to the bank. I mean he never says anything false or insincere, right?
@Darth So leave Trump out of it for a minute, if you can. Why do you think the rest of us are pissed? Not our city, not our businesses.
If he feels it’s necessary then why not? Cuomo is such a man. Something Trump will never be. And it’s so sickening how Trump called our military “suckers and losers”. Trump could never fight in combat. He would be pooping his pants. If you don’t mind my saying——I think Andrew Cuomo and his brother Chris are so sizzling hot. I think about sleeping between them.
@jca2 I guess it depends on your definition of Trash Talking. I have stated many times on these pages that Trump’s tweets are annoying…it is one of the things he would change. He is about as subtle as a sledgehammer. I think there are ways to say “fuck you” without using the letters F or Y. But sometimes he identifies a problem and the left goes crazy about his “trash talk”.
@Darth The rioting and violence. The things we’ve seen online are terrible.
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