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KNOWITALL's avatar

Do you have a birth mark?

Asked by KNOWITALL (30073points) September 3rd, 2020

Approximately 10% of human babies have birth marks.
Do you?

(Fun fact: They are also called macular stains, stork bites, salmon patches or angel kisses.)

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16 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

On my calf. It’s shaped like Florida.

zenvelo's avatar

Nope, I don’t.

Weird coincidence: my daughter had a “stork bite” on her forehead that faded in her first year, and only appears now when she is very angry. It is almost identical to one her mother had at birth, the only way to tell the difference in hospital baby pictures is one was in black and white and the other in color,

Aster's avatar

I had one for decades on the back of my neck but I think it’s gone!

KNOWITALL's avatar

I have a tiny one on the outside of my thigh at the top. Like a mini-strawberry.

Demosthenes's avatar

Yep. I have a small brown splotchy one on my right hip.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Right ankle full moon perfect circle on the outside, right thigh back of leg just above knee daisy shaped. Both are light brown.

Jeruba's avatar

Irregular pink spot on the back of my neck, pale and not very big. I seldom see it; it doesn’t show very much at a casual glance in the mirror.

A passenger behind me on a bus once asked me nervously what sort of “condition” I had, as if by riding the bus I were endangering her. I wish I’d told her it was leprosy.

filmfann's avatar

I do not.

My grandson, whose mother is Korean, has a round bruise-like birthmark above the crack of his butt. It is referred to as a Mongolian birthmark.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@filmfann Oh wow, another name!

raum's avatar

@KNOWITALL Mongolian marks are specific to the rump. Not just another name for birthmark. They usually fade.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@raum Thanks, good to know!

Dutchess_III's avatar

From Google ”Mongolian spots (MS) are congenital birthmarks seen most commonly over the lumbosacral area. They are bluish-green to black in color and oval to irregular in shape. They are most commonly found in individuals of African or Asian ethnic background.

filmfann's avatar

My grandson is two years old, and it’s still very visible.

Pandora's avatar

No birthmarks. But I was born with dimples.

cheebdragon's avatar

I have a very small patch of veins on the back of my arm, it’s pretty faint and most people don’t notice it.
My son has 3 birthmarks, there is a small light brown mark on his chest and another in the same exact location on his back, it’s almost like something went right through him. He also has a slightly darker mark on his hip.

You might get a kick out of this

KNOWITALL's avatar

@cheebdragon I guess I have no hidden magic, nothing on the upper thigh…haha!

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