Social Question

seawulf575's avatar

What are your thoughts on Nancy Pelosi's Salon visit?

Asked by seawulf575 (17136points) September 3rd, 2020

There is a story that Nancy Pelosi went into a salon in San Francisco to get a hair cut. San Francisco closed hair salons back in March and has opened them up for outdoor service ONLY. There is security camera footage that shows Nancy Pelosi inside the salon getting service and she is not wearing a mask.
When asked about this her answer was that she was “set up” by the salon owner…that the owner told her they could do inside appointments one at a time. The owner does not agree with this at all. Speaker Pelosi’s assistant called to set the appointment. Speaker Pelosi demanded an apology from the salon owner for setting her up. The SF mayor, London Breed, made a long statement that amounted to blaming Trump.
The opponents to the Speaker claim it is odd that she wouldn’t know what conditions existed in her own district. They find it hypocritical that she wouldn’t be wearing a mask after giving everyone else grief about that sort of thing. And they find it wrong that her response was to blame everyone except herself.
What are your thoughts on this?

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64 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

Because of the release of the video, I agree with her that it was a set-up.

chyna's avatar

It’s a freaking hair cut. Is this a slow news day? I can’t imagine anyone giving two shits.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I think it’s a pointless non issue. Call me when she starts encouraging maskless death rallies. Of course you could dig up Herman Cain and ask if he has any thoughts on the incident.

Jeruba's avatar

For Pete’s sake. It’s nothing. How desperate do some guys have to be to bring this up as anything at all? Oh, Trump and his toadies loot and betray the country round the clock, but that’s okay because Pelosi got a stealth haircut?

hmmmmmm's avatar


KNOWITALL's avatar

@Jeruba Show me a Trumper looting please.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I believe she’s referring to the gang members in the Trump
Mob who so enjoy being criminally indicted. You know, his lawyers, cabinet, advisors and close personal friends. I’m sure you’re familiar with the parade.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stan Ah, metaphorical looting.
Can you still not cosign one good thing he’s done?

stanleybmanly's avatar

I genuinely must thing about that one.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stan It concerns me that it’s difficult.

Jeruba's avatar

No, not metaphorical.

“loot the country four ways from Sunday”
The idea was entertaining once, in a movie.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@KNOWITALL Difficult is not quite the way I would put it. Challenging is closer. And the longer I think on it, the more alarming it is that I cannot come up with anything. In all seriousness, I concede that there MUST be something. But I’m afraid I will need help in locating it. Meanwhile, I gave you the GA for introducing the concept of his behavior as metaphor for looting. @Jeruba has a strong case.

stanleybmanly's avatar

This is another opportunity for me to dwell on evidence of my cognitive impairment. @KNOWITALL help me out. What do you believe the man has done for which I must be appreciative?

AlaskaTundrea's avatar

Our salons are open with masks required. So, for me, much ado about nothing. The fact a video came out does make it appear to be something of a set up, too.

seawulf575's avatar

I personally see several things with this Pelosi story that I think are a bit telling. The first is that both sides have valid points…to a point. For instance, Nancy has made a huge deal out of the President not wearing a mask. She even went so far as to say that a national mask mandate should be put into place. So for her to not wear a mask when she thinks the cameras are off makes her a huge hypocrite. I find it odd that, as the representative for the SF area and being a resident, she wasn’t aware of what the rules are. I’m neither in my area and have been aware of what the rules are and what I have to do to follow them. So for her to claim she was set up because the salon owner said it was okay is suspicious to me. And for her to blame the salon owner is just plain weaselly to me. She knows she should be wearing a mask, regardless of what the salon owner said. She made the appointment and specifically wanted an inside appointment, so she knowingly went into this appointment in a bad position. Her proper response, in my mind, was to just say something along the lines of “yes, I didn’t wear my mask and that was wrong. I won’t make that mistake again.”. That would have put a pin into the entire thing. By blaming the salon owner she makes it look like she is entitled…that she is above the rules some how.
On the flip side, when I first saw this, my initial question was “who released the video and why?” I have a hard time thinking that the Coifia somehow finagled her into some weird violation of the rules, especially since it throws a bad light on the salon owner as well. Additionally, the owner says she installed the cameras 5 years ago. I don’t see it as a “set up”...that would be like saying that 5 years ago they were getting things in place to put Nancy on the spot. Not realistic. But I do think someone released it to embarrass her. Either that or it was released for some other reason I just can’t fathom with the information I have at hand. I would like to know who had access to that recording and who released it.
I find the excuses that “it’s Trump’s fault” is nothing but an old, tired, mantra that holds no intelligence at all. It is a deflection to keep people from really looking at Nancy and her actions too closely.

Dutchess_III's avatar

we have a president who is so stupid he is encouraging his followers to commit a felony and vote twice….and YOU pounce on a haircut!

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III I found it an interesting story. If you want to talk about President Trump doing something, ask the question on your own page.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@KNOWITALL Thank you for the credible list of laudable behaviors on the part of Trump. Were you aware of any of them prior to this article?

Blackberry's avatar

Did she have 20 men accuse her of sexual assault? Is she in bed with Russians that put bounties on American soldiers heads?

People take their masks off to eat at restaurants. We’ve all done it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stan Snark? Why would I re-write it if its handy, dahling? (Laughing) I even took precious time to find one you may like. Everyone knows about the prison reform, at least. You surprise me.

Demosthenes's avatar

I think it’s hilarious. I think Pelosi is slimy, but so is the salon owner. Don’t really have sympathy for anyone involved.

zenvelo's avatar

The stylist agreed that the owner set Pelosi up.

The conditions in the Bay Area have been changing and the governor gave more leeway to counties to open up as of Monday. I am getting a haircut indoors across the bay from SF next week; I would hav gotten a cut Tuesday but my stylist is fully booked for indoor appointments.

It was Pelosi and one other person in the salon. Trump doesn’t wear a mask in the middle of a crowd, and chastises others who do.

kritiper's avatar

Absolutely nothing to get bent out of shape about. Obviously, somebody was out to make a buck and badmouth her. Probably a Trump supporting Republican. (How low can you go???)

kritiper's avatar

@Blackberry I haven’t done it…

gorillapaws's avatar

Pelosi was very likely set up. She also handled the situation with total incompetence. The sooner she’s gone, the better.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s hypocritical. Even dangerous.

I do feel that it’s relevant to mention that, the video I have seen of the RNC, shows hundreds of Republicans, not wearing masks, or social distancing. Yet. No Trumpers, have started a thread about that…

jca2's avatar

I haven’t read the previous comments but I can tell you that if I go to my hairdresser and I want to dry my hair, they would stop me. They wouldn’t allow me to continue and then film me or take hidden camera footage and show it to anyone. Ultimate responsibility for anything that goes on inside the salon is the employees’, not the customer’s.

My second thought is that I am sure there were clear texts between employee and Pelosi prior to Pelosi’s visit. Texts would have specified what services she needed done.

RabidWolf's avatar

If we the people have to wear a mask so does she, no excuses no loopholes, for her to hide behind.

gondwanalon's avatar

“Some animals are more equal than other animal.” -Animal Farm

elbanditoroso's avatar

Republicans (anti-maskers who don’t think there is a virus, and want businesses to open immediately) are criticizing Pelosi for patronizing a business?


Republican hypocrisy at a new level. And yes, it was obviously a setup.

jca2's avatar

I’ve been to the salon twice since the reopening after the shutdown, here in NY. The first time was for a color and cut, and the second time was for just a color. The first time, the staff was nervous, I’m sure because of the rules and wanting to get it right. NY has lots of rules about what is allowed at the salon and what’s not. No walk-ins allowed, nobody is allowed to accompany the customer into the salon, masks must be worn at all times, no hair drying was allowed the first time, both times, temperature checks were taken and I was asked if I had any Covid symptoms, etc.

The second time, the staff was less nervous and the colorist told me I could lower my mask if I wanted to, since it was just the two of us and she kept a distance from me. I came in with a bottle of Diet Coke so I lowered it to drink the soda.

I would be interested to hear if Nancy Pelosi was told something similar “you can take your mask off, it’s just us.” Also, I wonder if the salon owner did this whole thing on purpose, knowing it would get her contributions from Republicans. I would be interested to see a link for a GoFundMe or other fundraiser to see what she’ has gotten so far.

chyna's avatar

She should be shut down for leaking client information. I know if I went to that shop, I’d never go back. No, it’s not like client/attorney privilege, but I still expect privacy when I go to a hairdresser.

jca2's avatar

I’m betting it was just going to be a once in a lifetime visit anyway, since my impression of it was that she just went there because she was doing something in the city.

Still, if I were a customer there, I’d cease immediately, let the shop know why I am not returning, and never return. I am hoping since SF is largely democratic, many customers will stop going there.

Dutchess_III's avatar

How did we get the idea the owner set her up?

jca2's avatar

@Dutchess_III: I saw a video (On NY Times site which I know not everyone can access without an account) where Nancy Pelosi said it was a setup.

Here is a CBS news site where the owner denied it was a setup and the salon worker supported Pelosi’s claim of a setup:

zenvelo's avatar

@Dutchess_III The stylist said it was a set up. The employee knew that after the owner shared the video.

raum's avatar

@Dutchess_III Here’s the statement from the stylist.

I think both parties are at fault. The stylist shouldn’t have set her up. And there would be nothing to set up if she hadn’t agreed to it.

Though, in the larger picture, none of this really matters.

gorillapaws's avatar

@raum “Though, in the larger picture, none of this really matters.”

Except it demonstrates that the self-professed master legislator that is the current de-facto leader of the Democratic party can be outwitted by a salon owner (and I mean no disrespect to salon owners). Can you imagine if she had to toe-to-toe against a washing-machine repair technician? or the owner of a butcher shop?

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I personally don’t care about the mask. Just like eating a hamburger, getting your hair cut is almost impossible while wearing a mask. I think the politicization of the masks is ridiculous. BUT…I’m not the one that chastises everyone for not wearing one and then go about my business without it. I’m not a leader who is expected to set the proper example. I’m not a leader that is expected to know the law better than the general masses.
You bring up the RNC convention (I guess) and there were plenty of lefties that brought it up. Nancy was one of them. But that opens another interesting dual standard. Yeah, you can easily point to the RNC and say “Look at all those people not wearing masks!”. Yet you don’t hear that about all the protesters, rioters, and looters. It is just another example of where we point the finger one way or the other.

chyna's avatar

@seawulf575 I don’t know what news you are watching, but I hear it about the protesters all the time. My friends all talk about how they aren’t wearing masks.

raum's avatar

@gorillapaws Bwahaha
Fair enough.

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna Sooo…when was the last time Nancy Pelosi or even Joe Biden publicly called for the protesters to stop because of Covid-19?

chyna's avatar

When did trump, who is supposedly running this country?

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 . I know lots of people who have complained about the protesters, not wearing masks… Just saying.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 Are you saying we should look to protesters, looters and rioters for leadership? It is unfair to hold Trump to a higher standard than other looters? Since he demonstrates the mentality of a 3rd grader, is it actually bias or hypocrisy to notice his disability?

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna Trump has called for a stop to the rioting and looting many, many times. It is the upheaval of society he is trying to stop. Nancy and Biden really haven’t even done that. Biden finally said it should stop the other day, but that’s, what, 90–100 days after they started? I’d be happy if they even called for more controls for Covid during them, but they haven’t even done that. But meanwhile, everyone wants to look at a political rally and say “See! No masks!!!”

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Yep, I do to. But has the Democratic leadership?

chyna's avatar

^Again, Biden isn’t president.

stanleybmanly's avatar

And Biden is campaigning without massed plague rallies.

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna No, but he wants the job. How long do you have to wait for him to show his true colors?

chyna's avatar

trump has shown his over and over. More than 20,000 lies since he took office. Yet you defend him.

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna Ahhh….the 20,000 lie, lie. I’ve seen the list. Have you ever actually read it? I did. What I found was a whole lot of opinion instead of fact. I found things where the one claiming it was a lie was actually commenting on his policies. I found things that they claimed were lies (Russia Collusion had tons of these) that later to be proven true. Yet they never adjusted the count. Just because someone claims it is a lie, doesn’t make it so. Just like the claim he said Neo-Nazis were very fine people and never denounced them. That is a complete lie. Yet fools keep trying to repeat it, hoping it would be true I guess.
Trump has lied. Everyone one does. I’m willing to bet you do and I know I do. We are human. But admit it…the media stretches things and adds their own interpretations, and gives opinion and calls it all fact. Don’t believe me? Ask Nick Sandmann. He’s gotten rich off their lies.
But I do find it interesting that you don’t hold Joe Biden to the same standard. Or Nancy Pelosi. Or any Democrat for that matter.

zenvelo's avatar

@seawulf575 Trump lies even when confronted with his own lies. He does it when confronted with what he said the day before. He gets asked if he has changed his mind or his policy, which would be okay of he said, “yes, I changed my mind.”

But no, his fragile ego won’t allow him to admit he has changed his mind, so he lies and says, “I never said that”. And then when the tape of him saying it is run showing he lied about it, you call it opinion or manipulated.

He actually did say that some of the white supremacists at Charlottesville were fine people. (He said there were “fine people on both sides”.) and you say that people claim he did not denounce the violence after the girl was run over. Yet you won’t accept that you yourself said it was a reaction to violence by counter protestors to a peaceful march to protect statues. People don’t participate in a peaceful march armed with bats and other weapons.

And Trump did encourage violence in Kenosha and in Portland and applauded the killing of black lives matter protesters.

seawulf575's avatar

@zenvelo Thank you for making my point. I have posted the exchange with the reporters where he used the phrase “very fine people” concerning Charlottesville. He stated that during the peaceful protests there were good people. Even when those opposing their views showed up, there were very fine people on both sides. But then he specifically said NOT the WS or Neo-Nazis…they are horrible. He denounced them several times in that exchange. And yet people like you, who have been shown the proof before continue to try spreading a lie. As for the rest of your bogus claim…I need citations. When did Trump encourage violence in Kenosha and Portland? All I have seen is him condemning it and calling the rioters and looters and arsonists Domestic Terrorists. How is that encouraging violence? As for the killing of BLM protesters, I want to see the proof on that one too. Not even sure what you are talking about there. But remember, if you are talking about the looters and arsonists and rioters, you are going to be challenged from many different angles.

chyna's avatar

Nancy’s hairdresser has now come out and said the shop owner has been defying orders to shut down and has been doing hair since April and up until a few days before Nancy came in. The owner stated that she didn’t set Nancy up, that she was just letting everyone know that Nancy thought she was entitled.
This doesn’t sound that way to me. It sounds like a total set up.

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna I have to question the “set up”. Nancy’s assistant called to make the appointment. I’m pretty sure this isn’t the first time she has had her hair done this year. She knew going in what was going on and wanted to do it anyway. To me, a “set-up” would look more like the hairdresser installed hidden cameras to get everything on tape, installed microphones to capture conversation, then called to suggest Nancy come in. THAT would be a set-up. Nancy did something against the rules and got caught. That is the truth of it. Now…as I have said many times before, I think the entire mask wearing thing is idiotic. And to try passing a rule that says you have to wear your mask when getting your hair done is even more over the edge. But this whole thing just points that out even more aptly. Which might be why Nancy claims the Coifia set her up rather than saying it is impossible to wear a mask effectively while getting a haircut. That would make the entire rule look silly.

LostInParadise's avatar

The salon owner turned over security camera tapes to Fox News. Sure looks like a setup.

chyna's avatar

How dare you?
“How dare you risk the lives of others so cavalierly. How dare you decide for others that they should welcome exposure as “getting it over with”, when literally no one knows who will be the lucky “mild symptoms” case, and who may fall ill and die. Because while we know that some people are more susceptible to suffering a more serious case, we also know that 20 and 30-year-olds have died, marathon runners and fitness nuts have died, children and infants have died.
“How dare you behave as though you know more than medical experts, when those same experts acknowledge that there is so much we don’t yet know, but with what we DO know, are smart enough to be scared of how easily this is spread, and recommend baseline precautions such as:
Frequent hand-washing
Physical distancing
Reduced social/public contact or interaction
Mask wearing
Covering your cough or sneeze
Avoiding touching your face
Sanitizing frequently touched surfaces
“The more things we can all do to mitigate our risk of exposure, the better off we all are, in my opinion. Not only does it flatten the curve and allow health care providers to maintain levels of service that aren’t immediately and catastrophically overwhelmed; it also reduces unnecessary suffering and deaths, and buys time for the scientific community to study the virus in order to come to a more full understanding of the breadth of its impacts in both the short and long term.
“I reject the notion that it’s “just a virus” and we’ll all get it eventually. What a careless, lazy, heartless stance.” Dr. Fauci

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575: First, Nancy may have had her hair done many times this year. Other states have different rules regarding hair salons. Also, she may have had a stylist visit her at home. I know many people in my area who have had visits from stylists to their homes, indoors or outside on the deck or in the yard, or to the stylists’ homes.

Second, as you say, “Nancy’s assistant called to make the appointment.” If the salon allowed Nancy to come and they were not supposed to have Nancy in the salon, is the responsibility on Nancy, who certainly didn’t bust the door down and demand service, or is the responsibility on the salon employee who unlocked the door and let her in? As I said above and will repeat here, ultimate responsibility for what goes on in the salon falls with the owner and staff.

If I go to my hair salon and want to take off the mask and have a drink of something and do things I’m not supposed to do, it’s on them to stop me. They are responsible, it’s their license, and if I am really out of hand they can always call the cops if I can’t be stopped.

I’m also not surprised to hear that the salon owner has been doing hair since April. Here where I live, I heard about a nail salon where they would take you if you were referred by someone, and they would lock the door behind you and do your nails. I think I may have mentioned it here on Fluther when I first heard about it. This was during the shutdown. I am not surprised to hear about the salon owner for Nancy’s place, and wouldn’t be surprised if it happened all over.

seawulf575's avatar

@chyna I dare because there is zero evidence that masks really work. Especially not most masks that people wear. They are just now starting to look at what is an effective mask and what isn’t. Gee…only took them 9 months. The science isn’t there. We have had this same discussion many, many times. I have shown studies that show that masks are either not effective or have never really been evaluated. Fauci and the WHO originally came out and told the world that wearing masks was useless and people shouldn’t do it. Then they changed it to say if you had the disease a mask may help. Then they changed it to yes, masks are better than nothing. Doesn’t show a lot of strength to the argument that it is a panacea to stopping the spread of the virus, does it? How dare I? I dare because I’m following the science, dear. I dare because I have common sense as well. Look at your own statement to me: “How dare you behave as though you know more than medical experts, when those same experts acknowledge that there is so much we don’t yet know” I don’t know more than medical experts, but they are not being consistent and by your own admission have a lot they don’t know. It would seem that at this point in our evolutionary history they ought to have considered what works and what doesn’t and the why behind both. They have changed their own story on this many, many times. Masks have become a political weapon.

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 Nancy lives and represents the San Francisco area. She ought to be well versed on what rules are in place and how her constituents are being impacted. As I said…I am aware of what is required in my state/city for getting a haircut. We are all aware there are rules in place. So either she knew and didn’t care (entitled) or she is completely negligent in her duties as a representative for that area.
Here is another expansion on the story. The salon owner doesn’t employ the stylists. They are independent contractors that work out of her building. One of them told the owner that “Pelosi assistant just messaged me to do her hair,”. Kind of ambiguous, but it then puts the salon owner in a weird position. One of the most powerful people in the country just demanded service…do you tell them no? do you call them back to say “only outside”?
In the end, there is still the hypocrisy issue. She has publicly lambasted others for not wearing masks in public. She has shown support for a national mandate for mask wearing. Yet she wasn’t wearing one.

jca2's avatar

Ultimate responsibility for what goes on in the salon is up to the employee. If the city is not allowed to do indoor hair services, the salon employee or owner is responsible to convey that to clients. Period. Full stop.

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