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LuckyGuy's avatar

What gender was revealed at the initiation of the El Dorado fire?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43882points) September 7th, 2020

It appears the El Dorado Fire was started by attendees at a gender reveal party. CNN El Dorado Fire caused by gender reveal?
So far, the fire has destroyed 7050 acres of forest, evacuated 3 towns, involved 500 fire fighters, 4 helicopters, etc.

Well? Was it a boy or a girl?
And where is the Instagram/Facebook/Tiktok post of the blessed event?

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25 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Clearly the Antichrist is male.
All hail Satan!

seawulf575's avatar

I’m guessing that the gender was “idiot”...just like the parents.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Those are pretty safe bets.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Born in prison to bankrupt parents because “Those responsible for starting fires due to negligence or illegal activity can be held financially and criminally responsible,” reads the statement from Cal Fire.

Demosthenes's avatar

I knew gender reveal parties were idiotic and basic, didn’t know they were potentially lethal. Just more evidence that people need to stop this madness.

jca2's avatar

It would be nice if the parents at the gender reveal were made to have some financial responsibility for the costs incurred from the fire.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Cal Fire has already said they could be made financially responsible. ^^^^^

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Jeruba's avatar

Who even goes to these things?

hmmmmmm's avatar

^ People with a very confused understanding of gender.

chyna's avatar

Why is this even a thing?

si3tech's avatar

I think the instagram/facebook/tiktok post got lost in the huge fire these misguided people started!

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Damn. Those parents are fuuuucked

Jeruba's avatar

I just read a New York Times article about numerous mishaps that have occurred, including deaths, from these events. The person who supposedly started them in 2008, a blogger named Jenna Karvunidis, reportedly tweeted: “Could we just stop having these stupid parties and then the problem would solve itself?”

elbanditoroso's avatar

The kid will be named BURNIE

Brian1946's avatar

Here’s some more from Jenna, the GR party starter:

“Oh my god NO.

The fire that evacuated parts of California is from a GENDER REVEAL PARTY.

Stop it. Stop having these stupid parties. For the love of God, stop burning things down to tell everyone about your kid’s penis. No one cares but you.

It was 116 degrees in Pasadena yesterday and this tool thought it would be smart to light a fire about his kid’s dick. Toxic masculinity is men thinking they need to explode something because simply enjoying a baby party is for sissies.

Oh, and of course I’m getting hate messages. Excuse me for having a cake for my family in 2008. Just because I’m the gEnDeR rEvEaL iNVeNtoR doesn’t mean I think people should burn down their communities.


Edit – If you agree or don’t hate this post, please do not put “angry” or “sad” reacts on it because Facebook punishes pages who get those reactions by limiting their reach. Facebook wants puppy pictures, not anti-gender reveal screeds.”

ragingloli's avatar

On a more serious note, I find it questionable that a “gender reveal party” is being singled out for starting a wild fire.
This happens every year to a far greater degree on your Roland Emmerich Day, plus drunken idiots blowing their own limbs off because they want to find out what happens when a commercially available bomb detonates in their hand.

hmmmmmm's avatar

I still think it’s bizarre that these exist – especially in 2020. I hadn’t heard of these until a thread last year here on Fluther. At the time, I seem to recall people finding the concept of assigning gender to their infants and perform some kind of public celebration as completely fine.

Seems like a concept that should cause many here to cringe and appropriately discuss the difference between sex and gender.

seawulf575's avatar

Did we start having gender reveal parties because of so much hype around gender?

jca2's avatar

I have never been to one and so i am not sure what the expectations are as far as gifts. I think it’s all over the top now. Engagement parties never used to be a thing. Now it’s a thing and it’s one more thing to buy a gift for. So it’s engagement party, bridal shower (which can be Jack and Jill now), bachelor party, wedding, party after party after party. I love parties but come on.

hmmmmmm's avatar

@seawulf575: “Did we start having gender reveal parties because of so much hype around gender?”

You tell me. Since gender is less important today than it has ever been, I’m at a loss. I don’t recall gender reveal parties ever happening in the past.

Demosthenes's avatar

@jca2 Yeah, it does seem to be one more excuse the “live/laugh/love” type has to receive gifts. I also think social media plays a significant role. The more we feel the need to display the best parts of our lives online, the more “showy” our parties and important moments need to be. A balloon that says “It’s a Boy” isn’t enough anymore. Now it has to be a grand production, the more outrageous the better as far as Instagram is concerned.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I have no issue with people dying a cake pink or blue and covering it in frosting as their gender reveal. I’ve seen people do some super cute, basic and SAFE things and I think they should do that if they want.

But trying to go crazy and do shit with fire, explosions, guns, whatever kind of dangerous thing that has the potential of turning out really bad is just stupid.

I am all for simplicity and these dumbass fire starters are the reason why

LuckyGuy's avatar

Gender reveal parties became a thing when it became a thing to post life events on Facebook.

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