General Question

SergeantQueen's avatar

Has anybody had any positive experience with medications such as anti-depressants?

Asked by SergeantQueen (13130points) September 7th, 2020

I know I am asking for specific responses, I have heard a ton of negative stories about medications and I basically just want to hear the positives and get some reassurance

I think I am going to start medication again. I am really scared about it because I am not sure how it will affect my future job. I am a criminal justice major looking to become a social worker/advocate. But, my depression has been getting worse. I cut my legs a lot last week and I really need help. I have had a few doctors tell me I am bipolar but haven’t been formally diagnosed by a psychiatrist so I am worried about going on meds but I can’t afford to see a psychiatrist so I am taking the risk and hoping the meds are the right kind.

I just want to know if anybody has any positive experiences to share about going on medication. Its a choice I really wish I didn’t have to make but it’s looking to be the best option for me.

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15 Answers

janbb's avatar

I can’t speak for myself but I have known several people who have been greatly helped by anti-depressants or if they are bipolar, by a combination of meds. It’s important to know that it can take a while to find the right medication and dosage that works for you. If you are not going to a psychiatrist, who if I may ask, is going to proscribe them for you?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I have taken antidepressants in the past. I no longer do, because I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I now take medicine for that. It works extremely well.

@SergeantQueen I am so sorry you’re hurting so much that you’re cutting. I want to wave a magic wand and get you the help you need. Has college started? I beg you to call the counseling center at your school. Call them right now. If they are closed and don’t answer, leave a message. You are worth it. You deserve proper care.

I know from your questions and answers on here that your parents aren’t supportive. I’m sorry. The people at your school’s counseling center will be supportive. They will know how to get you the help you need without alarming your parents.

Call the counseling center now.

SergeantQueen's avatar

@janbb My medical doctor has said she could? She told me to let her know if I wanted to go on meds.

@Hawaii_Jake I have contacted the womens center as they are also free and can help me with some more specific issues than my school counselling can. I am waiting for a call back but I more than likely will call tomorrow for a follow up (they are closed now)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@SergeantQueen I am so happy to read that! I can’t tell you how relieved that makes me feel.

janbb's avatar

@SergeantQueen Good. Keep advocating for yourself. You can get through this.

si3tech's avatar

I have had a positive experience with antidepressants. Very much so. I had a very long history of clinical depression. I got my life back. I will always be on an antidepressant. Different antidepressants were tried before I found one that works for me. I do not know your situation. However my experience has been positive. I was working as a pharmacy technician at the time and i did my job. Don’t be hard on yourself. Some people need thyroid medication or Rx foe blood pressure. There is no shame in this. (even if some say there is)

tedibear's avatar

I am bi-polar 2. (Less severe than bi-polar 1.) I have been taking Lamotrigine, the generic of Lamictal, for 16 or 17 years. It has made my life better in so many ways, especially the depression side of my bi-polar. Once or twice a year I have a small manic episode. I don’t get angry or anxious, I just have an excess of energy and racing thoughts. For whatever reason, cooking has been the best therapy when this happens. I end up with soup stock and muffins most times. I also dance whilst cooking. I find this to be a harmless release of the energy build up.

I also take Prozac for anxiety. Initially I was taking it for PMDD, but found that it helped the anxiety attacks that started three years ago. Those subsided, though have not gone away, and I take a smaller dose now that I don’t have to deal with PMDD.

I can only speak from my experience, so take it as you will.

PS: My husband takes Paxil and it has done wonders for him. His depression lifted almost entirely.

JLeslie's avatar

Not me, but I have one friend who said Prozac made her feel normal again after years of struggle. She lost 60 pounds the first few months on it, and is very thankful for that drug.

Another friend needed an SSRI to help her not slip back into alcoholism. It seemed to help.

If the first one doesn’t work well you can always try a different one.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Way back when, 55 years ago, I worked in a private Psych hospital that had, craft classes dances, music lessons and cooking classes. They also were they had started to use med’s to control depression, schizophrenia and bi-polar (first use of Lithium 1969).

Med’s work, the thing is to find the right dose and combination. It is not like taking aspirin for a headache where twenty minutes later headache is gone. Work with anyone that supports you getting to a “safe and controlled ” place in your life.

SergeantQueen's avatar

I used to be on prozac, the highest dose, and it didn’t work. I won’t be trying that one again. I also am not telling my parents until after because I know the medical doctor has the insurance. So I don’t want them to try and convince me not to. I made my mind up pretty much

filmfann's avatar

During really bad times, I used Paxel.
The result was I didn’t blow my brains out.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I was prescribed some and they drastically improved my life. Also no side affects.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I still have visions, and belive that I am stuck in a time loop, but now neither of them hurt anymore.

I am generally happy and grateful now. After 20 years of grief, from failing out of university and losing my friends, the anti-depressant fixed in a month.

SergeantQueen's avatar

I got prescribed lexapro today. I think it will be a few days until I get it because I have to get it in the mail (for whatever reason) but I am hoping this works.

SergeantQueen's avatar

Okay. I am not sure who is still following this but I took my first pill today. It went alright aside from feeling a little sick. I decided today that I was going to make a blog with all my progress so I can keep track of how I feel and all my other thoughts. I hope I start to get better. I am tired of feeling so down all the time

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