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SQUEEKY2's avatar

So do you think reopening the school year will be just a little uptick in Covid, or a full blown surge like starting the economy had?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23599points) September 7th, 2020

And if a full blown surge how will it be slowed down once released?

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22 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I think it may have more of a surge among the higher ed groups than grade school/high school age kids to be honest.

Colleges have opened up, and I have seen tooooo many party plans/videos going around. It’s a matter of time before 4 year schools close again in my opinion.

I can’t speak for all HS or grade/middle schools, but the ones in my district are doing a LOT to prevent the spread, and I think that while there may be a little up tick, it won’t be as bad as the higher ed schools. They all require masks, are sanitizing everything, and even having classes such as band outside. My college is doing the same (minus outside classes) and the classrooms are larger so we can spread out more. The desks are 6 feet apart.

BUT, we can’t stop what people do outside of school. Which is why I mentioned parties.

Just my opinion.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Surge in college setting, already has in my state. The schools sent them home because of the quick rise in cases.

Greek pledging “rush party” at one college had 50 girls in a single family home.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Tropical_Willie This is why I am so glad we don’t have dorms on campus. I would be so pissed if a bunch of dumbasses ruined it and made us go home/go online. I hate online classes with a passion.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SergeantQueen, I think cases will be more rampant in the Elementary schools because kids that age touch each other a lot. The higher grades can understand what they need to do to try and stay safe. Doesn’t mean they’ll do what’s right but theirs will be rooted in rebellion, not ignorance like the lower grades.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yeah I do agree with that. I think it would be a mix because some younger kids are capable of understanding and some aren’t. But yes that is true, I am not sure if the elementary school kinds are required to wear masks, they might’ve had them wear face shields.

hmmmmmm's avatar

We “opened the economy” months ago here in MA and didn’t have a “full blown surge”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They are wearing them here. Of course they’re trading masks back and forth!

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Dutchess_III Oh Jeez. That is terrible

kritiper's avatar

It would/will be a major blow-out.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do authorities actually think both Mom, and Dad will quarantine if the kids are sent home because someone tested positive in their school or class?
It getting away among school age children will be devastating to the economy of any country.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

How devastating will 400,000 dead people be by December?

@SQUEEKY2 The Trump’s plan (NO PLAN) has that for a number by end of year or before.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The history of this pandemic centers on perpetual underestimation of every aspect of the bug. This thing is going to progress until we all are either infected or vaccinated. From what I understand, we’re up around 6 million known positives. 6 million from a population of 320 million with 190,000 deaths thus far. No point sugar coating it. It’s going to be a long grinding pull.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Problem is I heard on the news that some people have gotten it twice,if that is true then so much for the heard immunity idea.

JLeslie's avatar

College for sure There will be some surging numbers. I know at least some schools set aside covid dorms for sick students. I figure keep the kids on campus if they get sick and quarantine them. I think some campuses will see BIG surges, while others will be smaller upticks.

High school will be tricky also. Covid could really get into the overall population again, because the kids go home to their parents every day.

Younger grades will be more obedient I think. Hopefully, the kids only interact with their classmates in their one classroom.

Hopefully, in-person attendance is down so the classes are smaller and kids can be more spaced out.

canidmajor's avatar

Where I live, the virus has been well-managed and better contained than a lot of other places.
That said, I am guessing there will be a surge.

Kids will be riding buses. No matter what kind of measures are taken inside the school, all bets are off the minute they are out those doors.
As of this morning, September 8, hours before opening, one of the largest districts in the state is postponing, as well as a number of smaller ones.

When the school board is willing to meet in person, instead of Zoom, to discuss these things, I will have a lot more faith in it.

canidmajor's avatar

OK, anti-climactic update. The problem with the big school district this morning turns out not to be corona virus, but a computer virus.
I am still worried about the kids, but a slip like that on the news is kind of amusing.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Here it’s college opening back up and college kids partying non-masked with no regard for others. Missouri is having one heck of a surge right now.

Uptick is one word by the way.

hmmmmmm's avatar

My daughter’s college has a much lower incidence of C19 than the general population – in the county, NY state, or in my state of MA.

canidmajor's avatar

@hmmmmmm, I am glad to hear that. I’m sure she is smart enough to stay safe, and I hope she can enjoy some aspects of college life. :-)

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Right now I am holding my breath and hope it doesn’t turn into a full blown surge,but anything the Government has done so far hasn’t been enough when it comes to Covid.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I personally hold the people responsible at this point. The government can only TRY to mandate mask usage, etc….but the people are the ones that control the spread at this point.
We had a teacher go to school with symptoms who knew better.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL Did the teacher get caught at a temperature check? Are they doing that every morning at the schools?

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