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MakeItSo1701's avatar

(NSFW) Why can't doing sexual things with minors just be straight up illegal?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13668points) September 8th, 2020

Okay, an 18 year old and a 17 year old honestly isn’t bad and shouldn’t be illegal.

But This doesn’t make sense.

The actual law isn’t the biggest issue (That judges have discretion in registering people as sex offenders in all cases of sexual contact with a minor provided they meet the next guidelines) , it’s this part “It’s also applicable only if the adult was within 10 years of age of the minor at the time the offense, and the minor was at least 14 years old – provisions known in some states as Romeo and Juliet laws.”

So a 14 year old and a 23 year old can have sex, and the judge doesn’t have to have the 23 year old register as a sex offender? That makes no sense? Why do we need all these stupid specifications, why can’t it be that if you are over 18 or 19 and you have sex with someone under 17, that is illegal? I know some debate is around “well, there is only a two year different between a 16 year old and a 18 year old so it should be fine” and honestly I don’t know how to get around all that. I just don’t like the 10 year limit.

A person above 20, who is for sure out of high school, should not be doing anything sexual with an under 18 year old, period.

I can totally admit I am biased, as I was in a relationship with a 26 year old when I was 16, but it turned out very very bad for me, and that I why I feel this stuff should be stricter. There shouldn’t be any 10 year limits. It should just be automatically a sex offender and face prison time. These minors don’t know what they are getting themselves into, being 14 and trying to “go out” with a 23 year old. I know for a fact they are clueless.

What happened to “minors can’t legally consent”????

There are so many “what ifs” in this situation people try to come up with it’s frustrating. I don’t give a fuck about a 17 year old and an 18/19 year old. I start to care when it’s a 22/23 year old with a 14/15/16 year old. It’s fucking weird.

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10 Answers

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Pandora's avatar

It’s doesn’t make sense because it’s Qnon conspiracy garbage.
The law the way it was currently designed let some people of the sex registry list but would only punish a gay couple. So like your idea of an 18 year old minor with his 16 year old girlfriend would not have to register as a sex offender. But if its an 18 year old and 16 year old gay couple the guy must register as a sex offender because the law did not cover that situation. A judge does not have a say in whether this person should or shouldn’t register as a sex offender. They just automatically would be listed as a sex offender.
Here’s and article that explains it well.

I do agree that a 10-year spread is a bit much. I think it should be adapted to the age of the victim. Say a 10 with 11. Disgusting but you can’t say they the 11-year-old is a predator, a 12 with a 14 a 13 with a 16 a 14 with a 17 an 15 with an 18 and a 16 with up to 20 and a 17 with a 25. After 18 anything goes. The idea of having the law okay with an 9-year-old not be a victim to a 19 year old is ludicrous, or an 11 with a 20 year old. That law needs to really be fixed.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Pandora Nothing that I said is QAnon conspiracy. I stated what the law was in my post. I said that the idea of making it “equal” wasn’t an issue, I just think it should be equal in the other sense. That all people, gay or straight, should be punished for being with a minor.

Yes, there are conspiracies about this. My link says the same thing that yours does.

I take issue with the 10 year limit part, not the punishing people equally

deni's avatar

Because the people with the money who have an influence on the laws like to have sex with minors! That’s the only thing I can think of! It’s outrageous!

jca2's avatar

I read this in the article: SB-145 will not affect the criminal status of sex between minors and adults. So yes, it is still a crime.

Pandora's avatar

@SergeantQueen it was totally my bust because I didn’t read your full article. The first line under the picture made it seem as if it was going to be an article that was claiming it was. “The claim: California passed ‘pro-pedophilia’ legislation to remove the felony status of sex with minors” So I stopped there and did my own research. But I did agree with you that the 10 year spread to begin with is ridiculous. It should not only be based on the age of the victim but also the age of the perp.

ragingloli's avatar

Because the people making those laws, and the judges handing down the sentences, being old, wealthy, creepy white males, do not really have a problem with diddling little girls, and/or are being bribed by old, wealthy, creepy white males, you know, the Epsteins of the world.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Pandora Yeah, that is primarily because I had heard information from my parents, and I googled what they told me which lead me to fact checking websites

jca2's avatar

What I have seen in Trump ads is that “Kamala Harris supports pedophilia” which is just ridiculous.

longgone's avatar

So a 14 year old and a 23 year old can have sex, and the judge doesn’t have to have the 23 year old register as a sex offender?

The judge absolutely can still register them, and often will. But in some cases, it might simply not be necessary. There are teens who look like they’re years older, and some routinely lie about their age. If a 16-year-old boy goes dancing in a club, complete with fake ID and maybe a group of much older friends, the 22-year-old that ends up going home with him is not necessarily a threat to teens and children. Ten years later, would you really say that it’s fair for her to be denied an apartment because it’s too close to an elementary school?

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