Social Question

rockfan's avatar

What is something you’d like to rant about?

Asked by rockfan (14632points) September 10th, 2020 from iPhone

There is a subreddit on Reddit called “Rant” that welcomes people to give their unfiltered (potentially hostile) opinions and hot takes on a particular issue. Here’s my latest post:

“Someone who claims to believe in “law and order”, but still supports massive deregulation, anarcho capitalism, corporate welfare, money in politics and the current broken healthcare system – is either terribly ignorant or dim.”

What is yours?

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36 Answers

rockfan's avatar

Meant to put this under the social section but when I edited the topic section, the option accidentally switched back to General.

Also, this is meant as an interesting question, and I hope the comments don’t get too contentious or heated. I realize now my example may create another heated political discussion….

Inspired_2write's avatar

Yes people who place things under General when it should be under social….you asked for that…LOL

rockfan's avatar

At least I knew beforehand that my question belonged under social ;)

Inspired_2write's avatar

Yes I saw that! hahahahah
Thanks for being a good sport about it.

Demosthenes's avatar

You know what really grinds my gears? When people pronounce the word “else” as “elts”. It is so common, I am starting to hear it more often than the correct pronounciation. Spell the word for me, right now. Was there a “T” in there? No? Then don’t say “elts”, you numbskull.


longgone's avatar

[Mod says] Moved to Social.

I hate when people yank their dogs up by their collars, with all the dog’s weight on its neck. It makes me feel nauseated, especially when the dogs are gasping for air.

Smashley's avatar

You know what really chomps my chorizo? Sean fucking Hannity. I mean the guy has a prime time spot on a news network and is basically empowered to say whatever lies and mistruths he feels will push his agenda, as well as his own power and wealth, no matter what he might bring down. If we descend full scale into authoritarianism any time before 2060, you can bet he’ll be at the table. It is public record that he bought 870 properties in the last decade, spending $90 million though various shell corporation. With the mortgage interest deduction, and help from HUD, you can bet he hauls in boatloads in government handouts, yet his rhetoric is about rugged individulism, and never mentions his own teet-suckling.

Furthermore his fanbase and the prerogative of news agencies have basically made him unaccountable for his actions.

hmmmmmm's avatar

I really hate biting the inside of my cheek. I do it way too often.

gorillapaws's avatar

We have this doughnut food truck in my area that makes absolutely incredible, life-altering sourdough doughnuts from scratch. Unfortunately they move around a lot and I can’t ever get them unless I plan ahead and wait in line. Why won’t they just open a damn store already?!?!

Honestly, these things are so good that if you’re ever passing through Richmond on I-95, it’s worth trying to find out if their truck is nearby and make a special stop just to try them.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I have problems flossing my back teeth. I asked a dentist for help and he filled 8 cavities before getting to the tartar in the back molar. I just wanted 10 seconds for him to floss my back tooth. 10 seconds!

Demosthenes's avatar

@hmmmmmm Same. I seem to do that a lot and always instinctively yelp when it happens. :(

hmmmmmm's avatar

Can I rant twice?

@gorillapaws’ rant got me thinking (and drooling) about donuts. I absolutely can’t resist a real donut. But here in MA, Dunkin’ Donuts has the market saturated. The “donuts” they offer are not donuts! They definitely are not fried, are never fresh, taste like plastic, and have the texture of a stale hamburger bun.

Pandora's avatar

People who get a dog to just have them like they are a home accessory. People who keep their dog locked up in a room or cage all day or left outside on a chain with nasty dry bug infested food and hot water in the summer and when they are off to work and then just take them a few feet outside to let them do their business but won’t walk them to exercise them because they are too tired. And once settled in, continues to ignore their dog after feeding them. Also, they rarely groom their dog or not at all and don’t bother to get them to a vet until they are very sick. If you are not going to properly meet a dogs needs than don’t get one. They are social animals and need your companionship and to care for them the way you would care for a child.

Oh, yes, and parents who also have children like they are an accessory. I forgot that those exist as well. Drop children off at daycare when the doors open and pick them back up a minute before closing. And then drop them off at grandma’s on the weekend because the parents want to party on the weekend. So basically they only have the kid at bedtime 5 days a week.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Since the pandemic my lack of constructive endeavors has generated time for a terrifying list of bitchable opportunities, reinforced by the good fortune to be augmented with the mastery of such talent that comes with being old. Yessir, it’s been one unbelievably lucky life for yours truly.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It frustrates me when some people flatly rejects logic, science and evidence and insist, for example, that Obama is a Muslim. Or Pizzagate. Or insist humans have nothing to do with climate change.

Darth_Algar's avatar

You know what chaps my ass – when the temperature outside is suppose to be 70, but inside the house it feels like 20 degrees colder than that.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@tinyfaery I see nothing in the bill text that says it’s not true.

This bill would exempt from mandatory registration under the act a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@KNOWITALL I made a post on this, asking about it. The law only makes it so judges have the choice of registering the offenders. Not making them exempt.

Darth_Algar's avatar


The purpose of that provision is to allow judges the same discretion in male-on-male cases as they are allowed in male-on-female cases. It basically eliminates what is an automatic harsher penalty for homosexuals. That doesn’t mean that there is no penalty, it just means that the penalty isn’t automatic for one sexual orientation but not for the other.

Smashley's avatar

@gorillapaws – running a storefront fucking sucks. Don’t be surprised that they want to keep overhead low on a labor intensive product like sourdough doughnuts.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth Ah okay, that makes sense.

@Sergeant Thanks, havent had time to hang out much lately, missed yours. Thanks.

smudges's avatar

Gotta be honest – quite a few of the questions on fluther make me nutso and I just have to get out of here before my sarcastic evil twin comes out to play on the keyboard. They’re just so stoooopid!

stanleybmanly's avatar

Unleash the twin. Wake the sleepy place up.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@smudges I was going thru some of my own old questions and they kinda made me cringe. I asked some stupid shit in the past.

I do have a rant but I will write it out tomorrow when I know I can make sense

smudges's avatar

@SergeantQueen LOL Don’t feel bad, friend. I simply solved the problem by not asking questions, and a lot of people would probably think it would be better to ask any kind of question than to chicken out like I do. ~{;o)

I also know what you mean about gathering my thoughts before I write.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Pandora …and parents who also have children like they are an accessory.

You know what disgusts me even more? Parents who see their children as some kind of investment. They expect their children to “pay them back” when they grow up, like providing them with money or taking care of them when they get old. I get it, you raise your children, so your children have to at least appreciate what you do to them. But when you show kindness to someone, do you expect them to be kind to you back? If you do, then it’s no longer kindness, it’s an exchange, a cold, calculated exchange. And now you are doing it to your children, who didn’t ask to be born in the first place. This is especially horrifying when the ones with this attitude also neglect the children emotionally, then still get angry when the children don’t form any bond to them which means they don’t feel like paying them back.

If you really think your children are obliged to pay you back, you may as well buy a farm animal. At least they are meant to be consumed. Give them food and eat them/milk them/collect their eggs. That’s much more economical than having a child. Children are not farm animals. If you genuinely love your child, your child will return your kindness on their own, no need for any moral obligation.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I get angry at how society handles and deals with the subject of rape. I do not want to make this rant insanely long so I will use bullet points.

1) I think that it should be talked about more during High school sex ed, we were taught to watch our drinks and that is it. Most times it is someone you know; a parent, boyfriend, friend. that should be discussed and it should be made clear that it happens to both men and women, at any age, regardless of relationship with offender.

2) I think a lot of people are scared to come forward because they don’t know what will happen. Having a police officer come in and talk about what to expect when making a report, and having a SANE (Sexual assault Nurse examiner) come in and explain how the kits are done should help because people will know what to expect on that side of things.

3) Lots of people are also scared because they think they have to do it alone. Having a victim advocate from either the DAs office or a womens shelter come in and talk about how they can have an advocate with them when reporting, and how they don’t need to do any of it alone may help on that side.

I think having this stuff taught in high school would help because that’s the time people tend to go out and party, get boyfriend/girlfriends, and experiment with various things.It also helps them if something happens when they are older.

I don’t know why this topic isn’t talked about more. I know there is/was a lot of controversy surrounding the Metoo movement, and some of it had to do with people thinking it was wrong to speak out and talk about experiences with sexual assault/rape. It shouldn’t be a bad thing.

It’s an uncomfortable topic. Rape and sexual assault are one of the most under-reported crimes and more people experience it than anybody realizes.

More attention needs to be brought to the crime, and educating people on what happens once you report may help. I personally was really scared because I had no idea what would happen. I also had no idea about all the resources out there. It is important to know.

There are also a ton of problems with how the legal system handles it but that is a whole other thing. That needs to be fixed as well.

Demosthenes's avatar

Now I’m hearing all over the internet that antifa and BLM started the California/Oregon wildfires with no evidence to support this whatsoever. And of course the usual comments of “liberals deserve it”. Yeah, people are dying and losing their homes, but all that matters is POLITICS! How would they like it if I said “haha karma” when a hurricane or tornado hits the Deep South or Bible Belt? I would never do that because I’m not a piece of shit. I sympathize with anyone suffering devastation from natural disasters, no matter their politics.

I really can’t stand some of these rabid Trump supporters and especially conspiracy theorists. Can they all just shut the fuck up? Can’t even deal with a natural disaster without making it into an opportunity for blaming the political groups you hate.

When Trump loses (I don’t like Biden and the Democrats at all but I want Trump to lose out of spite at this point), this will be my reaction: Warning: Funny

Rant over.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Demosthenes Didn’t it start from pyrotechnics at a gender reveal? That’s what I read and they are facing possible criminal charges for it.

Demosthenes's avatar

One fire did, yeah. The El Dorado Fire in southern California. Really pathetic. Most of the largest fires that have been burning for weeks started by lightning, though. A few others we don’t know the cause of. But there’s a popular theory going around right now that because a BLM supporter was arrested for arson, which is true, that all or most of the fires have been started by BLM/antifa.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s a theory suitable for the hopelessly stupid and obsessively gullible.

seawulf575's avatar

An Antifa guy was arrested near Tacoma WA and charged with starting a fire near a highway. Yeah, I know…you don’t like the source. I’m not a fan either. But you won’t hear anything negative about Antifa from the MSM. Even when they are looting, killing, burning buildings…they call them “peaceful protesters”. So if you want to see some of the other stuff, you have to drift off the beaten path a bit. At least they do give police filings and cite sources.

Lightlyseared's avatar

What really grinds my gears is the speed at which people post links to fake news (often politically motivated) without bothering to do the any fact checking (or being intellectually incapable of doing so properly) but even worse when some one tries to point how and why their fake story is fake news they start screaming about how “they know what they know”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ like when they post an Amber alert without bothering to take 2 seconds to read their own article which says, first thing “Found safe….” 5 years ago!

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