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Demosthenes's avatar

Will you cancel Netflix over the movie "Cuties" and will you see the movie?

Asked by Demosthenes (15435points) September 10th, 2020

“Cuties” (“Mignonnes”) is a French film showing on Netflix that has garnered huge amounts of controversy. Acclaimed by critics, the movie has caused the internet to go apeshit over its alleged pornographic and pedophilic undertones (“11-year-old girls twerking” is how it was described to me) and prominent feature in the QAnon child trafficking conspiracy theory.

Netflix has received backlash especially for their initial poster which shows young girls in scanty clothing and sexual poses. #CancelNetflix is a trending hashtag now and their stock has plummeted since the movie premiered.

If you are a Netflix subscriber, are you considering canceling your subscription over this?

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