Is Soccer the safest team sport in the age of Covid?
Asked by
filmfann (
September 11th, 2020
Considering that most players are just kicking a ball.
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6 Answers
No. They are still participating in relatively close proximity to one another.
No. Lots of close contact. Not every foul is flopping. Baseball looks a lot better. But the US major leagues have shown that “better” is not good.
Have you ever watched a game? Most players are “just kicking a ball around” extremely close to each other. Contact happens very frequently. You’d be surprised how often, for example, players heads collide because they’re both attempting to head the ball at the same time.
Seems to me all team sports carry at least medium risk on a scale of low to high risk. Soccer they are often close together, but maybe it is lower risk than football? Baseball they are touching the ball one after another. Football they tackle each other and touch the ball. Some sports have fewer participants, that would help lower the risk.
I think tennis would be the safest sport.
If you count swim teams as a team sport, I suggest swimming is the safest. The pools are chlorinated and it’s a well known fact that chlorine kills the virus (hahahaha).
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