Social Question

steelers13's avatar

How does it feel to be in a relationship with someone?

Asked by steelers13 (193points) September 12th, 2020

I have never had a girlfriend before and I always end up getting rejected or ghosted. Getting a girl even go out with me once feels damn near impossible. So at this point relationships have just seem like a trip to me, like unreal. Like i dont even believe it could happen or be a real thing almost, although I see everyone being in one. I don’t even think I would know what to even do if i ever really got to that point lol. So I have always wanted to know what is it like to be in one? Whats is it like to actually have someone share the same feelings for you that you have for them?

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15 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Felt pretty cool but that’s about it

Inspired_2write's avatar

“How does it feel to be in a relationship with someone?”
Someone could be a Friend relationship.
A sibling relationship.
A Mother/Father/Grandparent/cousin etc relationships.
A coworker friendship.
As for a relationship of love it develops from an acquaintance, then Friendship,then causal dates, then going steady, then Engaged, then marriage..( conventional stages , however can be in different order)

Develop friendships first then go from there.

One way is to assist or volunteer, join groups or clubs that share your interests etc

Develop yourself, then others will join you in friendship etc

Happiness does not come from another , but instead from you yourself first. yourself and to do that look after all facets of your life to become a healthier well

rounded person that others will clamor to be around.

To find someone that shares your interests, and create life experiences together, is a gift that lasts a lifetime of happiness.

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gondwanalon's avatar

Mature romantic love between a man and a woman is the highest form of human existence. It take effort and isn’t always easy. The hardest part is finding someone who likes being around you as you enjoy being around her.

I’ve never been very attractive to girls or women. Never had good hair (thin and baby fine). And I’m shy, introverted and have a nervous personality. Most people thought I was gay partly I guess because I never could find a woman friend. I was working a lot and going to school. Finally I made time to date women in my 30’s. I joined 2 dating clubs and dated a lot of women. It was hard at first. But within 2 years I found a woman that was a good match (I was 40 and she was 39). I loved her mainly because she loved me. We had so much in common. Felt like magic. Next February 14th we will be married for 30 years. It feels like we are still on our honeymoon.

There is someone for you out there. You just have to search and never give up. Good health and good luck!

jca2's avatar

A romantic relationship can be beautiful or it can be a nightmare. It all depends on a variety of factors and circumstances, so it’s very hard to answer with a broad brush.

gondwanalon's avatar

“Mature” romantic relationship. Mature romantic relationship means a genuine mutual caring for each other. Trusting each other. Mutual respect and admiration. Not smothering or dominating. Always being kind to each other. Never anger, yelling or games.

A mature romantic relationship is never a nightmare.

cookieman's avatar

There’s not one applicable answer as all relationships are different. Plus, everyone has a different idea what a “good” relationship looks like.

In my humble opinion, start with making a friend. Good friends make great partners if there’s romantic chemistry as well.

Share interests, but have your own life as well. Support each other, don’t become codependent. You should want to be with someone, not need to be.

Also, don’t fret if you’re having no luck now. You will eventually. Do things you love, be open to people, and be patient. It will happen.

As my grandmother used to say, there’s a lid for every pot.

jca2's avatar

@gondwanalon: The OP didn’t specify “mature romantic relationship.”

gondwanalon's avatar

I don’t think that anyone wants an immature romantic relationship. I see them a lot on sitcoms and in movies though.

jca2's avatar

Yes of course, @gondwanalon but he didn’t specify so when I answered the question, I gave some options.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m with @jca2.

I am with someone I genuinely like being with (most of the time.)

Smashley's avatar

Well, it’s a trip. It’s just about two people giving a part of themselves to another, and how that incredible reality plays out through the countless interconnecting forces in our lives. History, circumstance, baggage, expectation, jumble it all up so that no two relationships are the same.

Don’t try too hard. Give it time. Work on you. And if you’re 13, don’t worry, this is a rigged game right now, not real life.

steelers13's avatar

@Smashley thanks! And well I’m 22 about to be 23 soon and yeah I just dont feel like its ever gonna happen. It just sucks seeing all your friends growing up and in college be able to just talk to any girl and it seems like within weeks or a month they’re dating or even just hooking up. Meanwhile for me, no matter how much confidence I have or how clear I make my intentions with her or how I just be myself around them or how try to just take it slow or not wait and miss my opportunity with them, or how much advice I use from people or friends, it get the same results. Ghosted, or told ” im not ready for a relationship right now” and then she’s in one a week later. Or I get rejected and they tell me “any girl would be lucky to have” but yet she doesn’t want to date me. Its just frustrating that I have had to deal with this my whole life. And thats why im here asking everyone about how it feels because I won’t ever know what it feels like

Nomore_lockout's avatar

As my old pappy used to say, marriage is a fine institution. But institutions are for crazy people.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

And one more thing, just hang in there and be yourself. Or maybe not. In my younger days I had a lot of girlfriends but I never had the concept of staying loyal to one girl. I was once told that I had the attention span of a cockroach, which is hurtful, even if it was true I guess. But after I met my wife I’ve been on a true blue streak for 4 decades. Not for lack of opportunity, but because I always stayed faithful. So when you do hook up. be loyal and dedicated, that’s all I can say. I mean my wife was married before, but she only stayed with that guy for six years, I have managed to keep her for 40. So I guess I’m not too bad. (Since I got my head out of my ass.)

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