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Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever known a conservative in sheep's clothing?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) September 14th, 2020

I have a friend on Facebook who is a democrat, who supports Biden, despises Trump, but in all other areas he behaves like a conservative. He has a tendency to believe everything he reads and to share it without fact checking.
He passes really whacked out conspiracy theories around.
He is easily angered and easily frustrated.
Do you know someone like this?

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11 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

For example, he just posted this ”Hard to imagine, but this must now be considered.
If this President loses the election, yet refuses to leave, there will be open war in America.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’m not sure that those qualities you mentioned are traits of a conservative. Maybe the conservatives you know, sure. But I don’t know any conservative that does that aside from my parents.

Anyways no. This question is very anecdotal, meaning the answers don’t mean anything in terms of how a whole group acts. I know more liberals who don’t fact check than I know conservatives who don’t fact check. A lot of my liberal friends also have conspiracy theories about the President and all that. That doesn’t mean that not fact checking/being a conspiracy theorist is a liberal trait, it just means all the liberals I know are like that. You obviously know more conservatives that don’t fact check + spread conspiracy theories. Again, that doesn’t mean anything in the long run.

I would consider my self conservative but I do have a lot of liberal ideals, and I always try and fact check everything I read, especially if I were to talk about it to another person. Why spread false info around?

Also, I mean. Is that really that crazy? What do you think would happen if the president lost, and refused to leave? I don’t think it would be an “open war” but that type of thing would cause a lot of outrage. I mean, if any president refused to leave it would cause an outrage. That’s not how our country is supposed to work. (—I am not saying I agree with the facebook post, just saying it’s really not that crazy of a statement.)—

gondwanalon's avatar

Acting like a fool is not limited to conservatives.
I’ve seen a few liberals ack the way you describe.

janbb's avatar

I agree with @SergeantQueen . I think you are conflating a personality type with a set of political convictions and that doesn’t seem like a valid conclusion. Especially since as SQ astutely states one example does not a truism make.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SergeantQueen His post was par for his course. There seems to be an underlying rage seething just below the surface.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Dutchess_III Okay yeah, I mentioned in my comment that my parents act the way you describe, and they believe there would be a war if President Trump didn’t win. It’s kind of a very dark thought and maybe I am just not realistic enough, but I think things will be fine regardless of if he wins again or not (fine as in, no war is going to break out.)

Side note:
There seems to be an underlying rage seething just below the surface.
I think, liberal or conservative, everyone is feeling something similar to this. Even if it isn’t coming out in the form of anything negative. I think everyone is getting sick of the things going on. This year has been exhausting. Fires, virus, riots, politics. It’s a year like no other and it’s starting to get tiring (it already is, for me). People are expecting the election to just be super bad because this year has shown that anything can happen. But yeah, you also have the pessimists who just want to try and incite fear.

@janbb It’s really easy to do that and I used to do that as well. I used to think all liberals were a certain way because the people I knew were like that. Generalizations are easy to fall into.

Dutchess_III's avatar

His behavior is nothing new. The “seething rage” I referred to has always been there. I’ve known the man for 50 years.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Dutchess_III Ah, okay. My apologies

Dutchess_III's avatar

And paranoia is always right there. I don’t think we’ll have a war either.

rockfan's avatar

A lot of liberals believe in astrology and other pseudoscientific ideas. I agree with others that being naive and gullible is a personality trait and doesn’t have to do with politics

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