General Question

flo's avatar

Please explain how dry mask is better than non-dry mask, re. COVD 19 for example?

Asked by flo (13313points) September 14th, 2020

That is, dry when you put it on, but no longer dry after a few minutes/hours of wearing it? Whether there is virus on it or not, wouldn’t the moisture add to the inability of anything (outgoing or incoming) passing through?

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3 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Prevent getting sick CDC

People should not wear masks while engaged in activities that may cause the mask to become wet, like when swimming at the beach or pool. A wet mask may make it difficult to breathe. For activities like swimming, it is particularly important to maintain physical distance from others when in the water.

Public Beaches CDC

Advise those wearing masks to not wear them in the water, because they can be difficult to breathe through when they’re wet. This means it is particularly important to maintain social distancing in the water.

Doesn’t say that they are less effective, just that it makes it harder to breathe.

Edit: Infection Control Today says ”A mask wet with exhaled moisture has increased resistance to airflow, is less efficient at filtering bacteria, and vents more. It’s not uncommon, though, says Dianne Rawson, RN, MA, in The Basics of Surgical Mask Selection, to see masks poorly fitted, placed below the nose, or wet with blood or body fluids.

flo's avatar

”A mask wet with exhaled moisture has increased resistance to airflow, is less efficient at filtering bacteria, and vents more”? How does it vent more? How is it less effcient at filtering bactreria though?

flo's avatar

Thanks @SergeantQueen for responding.

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