Why is the baby boom generation considered so bad?
Considered by subsequent generations as being the cause of all the ills of the world.
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35 Answers
“Considered by subsequent generations as being the cause of all the ills of the world”—where do you get this? What, the world had no ills before, let’s say, 1945? World War II was just for fun?
Baby boomers’ biggest fault, like that of every generation before them, is being older than the younger ones.
The youngsters’ turn will come.
I think your tags hint that you likely already know the answer to this. There are endless articles discussing what the baby boom generation inherited, what it did with that, why we are where we are (re: environment, standard of living, Trump, etc).
If the baby boomers prospered ( not all) then so be it they went through the 1930’s Depression,
two world wars and suffererd and some starved and lived in poverty to finally rise above that to
prosper by there own hard work to bring the economy back in balance.
And in many cases there health never got better but just manageable.
A high price to pay for fighting to keep freedom alive.
Don’t brand every Baby Boomer the same way.
Until you know the secret histories of everyone of them you are just painting them all with the
same brush stroke as bad.
I’ve noticed a trend where they’re insulting the boomers. Guess some people need to attack groups.
To be fair, tho, some boomers are critical of the younger generation. They back track when I point out they’re dissing the generation THEY raised!
Because they inherited the most prosperous society in the world, sucked it dry to satisfy their own ceaseless appetite and because the first generation in this nation’s history to leave their children with a worse standard of living than they enjoyed.
You’re confusing Baby Boomers with a generation or two before them. The first Boomers didn’t start coming along until after World War II.
Darth…I agree that we inherited a prosperous country, but I don’t agree that we sucked it dry.
My parents had a much better life than I did. They built a house in 1968 for $35,000 and sold it 13 years later for almost 4 times that.
We bought a house for $40,000 in 1983. 13 years later I sold it for $44,000 and the Realtor took every dime of profit. I got zero from the house. How is that my fault?
Clearly your personal anecdote applies to the entirety of your generation.
Out of curiosity, when were you born?
I was born in1958.
Companies like Boeing quit offering pensions in the late 80s.
The cost of living sky rocketed and wages didn’t increase to match.
My folks had a quad level house built on an acre of land probably 2500 sq feet.
The house I paid 40 for was a tiny little house. 800 sq feet.
Depending on who you ask you’re ether a very late Boomer or a very early Gen X’er. Either way you’re not really a solid example of the Boomer generation.
I just know my parents had a luxurious economy and the took it for granted.
It seems to be a bunch of jokes from younger kids. I haven’t really looked into it, but they say where there is smoke there is fire….I haven’t seen proof, but the general joke is that baby boomers had a really great economy, yet disregard that the economy is now different, and call young people lazy for not being able to afford college and buy a house at 25.
But like I said, I haven’t done any research on it. They could be just jokes, or there could be some truth to it.
I looked it up. Officially a Boomer is anyone who was born between 1946 and 1964.
Factor in the cost of living in that era 1948–1964 quite different.
A dollar was worth much less and couldn’t buy much.
Those of us born in 1955 and later are getting pretty damn tired of being lumped in as baby boomers, because most of us had older brothers and sisters ate were so damn entitled and then left nothing but scraps for the rest of us.
They got Woodstock and Altamont and the Beatles in their prime, and lots of casual sex and good jobs after cheap college, while us slightly younger got Disco and Reaganomics and AIDS to deal with.
@Inspired_2write Your statement on the cost of living makes no sense. A dollar could buy a lot more; a family of four could pay rent and eat well on $250 a month.
Yes. She had it backwards.
Oh hells bells get off of our backs. We weren’t all about sex drugs and rock ‘n roll, and many of us who were, sold out to The Man decades ago. I have enjoyed my life and I will not apologize to any damn body. Last I checked, we’re none of us are responsible for our date of birth. And life has never been a bowl of cherries for any one at any time.
^^^^ Who are you talking to? Did you even read the comments before you exploded? Most of us here are baby boomers, including myself. And we were quite a bit about sex, drugs and rock and roll!! Peace.
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I am a boomer myself, Feb 1953. I was talking to the original poster I suppose, and any one else coming up with the usual non sense about Boomers. Hear this crap all the time and I’m tired of it. And need I remind you quite a few of us died in Nam. Peace unto you as well. And a lot of us did sell out I have two sisters who are a prime example. Now excuse me while I smoke a joint and listen to Iron Butterfly.
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I just cut and pasted it under my first answer. The comment about sex, drugs and rock and roll. I just wanted to stream line the post.
Yeah some of the younger generation are pretty nasty to us….but the older generation is equally dismissive with the younger. I see people complaining that “Kids today have no manners. They don’t know how to work hard.” They shut up when I point out that they are talking about their own kids! The ones they raised. Why didn’t you teach them manners? Why didn’t you teach them about hard work?
Peace signs for sale!
Peace love and rock n roll baby. Lets go to Haight Ashbury!
If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair….
But but but I’m a guy. You handle the flower thingy.
The guy hippies in San Fran wore flowers too!!
Flowers for sale.
Dutchess_III Wonder if we are getting on anyone’s nerves yet?
Just whip out more peace signs. They’ll be OK!
This was so much more fun than suck ass work, Gotta go though.
Beats the hell out of politics too @Dutchess_III. And now back to the salt mines. : (
@Inspired_2write…. Baby boomers did not got through the Great Depression and they did not live through 2 world wars. Their parents did, but not them.
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