@seawulf575 I’d agree the Swedes have more trust in their government, but we have the ENTIRE WORLD to observe regarding controlling covid, so any Americans who are listening to masks make you sick and covid doesn’t exist, well, there really is no excuse for them. I know Q came up with a reasoning for that, they say it’s a few people controlling the world, something about Soros, blah blah.
Sweden only has 10 million people, they constantly question the choices they made. I really think Republicans became more aware of Sweden first (rather than Taiwan) and that’s why they cling to the Swedish example rather than looking at Taiwan. Sweden fits the far right’s narrative to support Trump. Notice I am not blaming Trump here, I am blaming messaging from libertarian and alt-right groups. They will not change course once they lay down their plan even if they are wrong. They won’t go to a mask example in the world at this point. Taiwan is all about masks.
Note that Sweden tends to let older people die without trying to save them. Part of the reason the hospitals didn’t get overwhelmed probably has something to do with that attitude. You know how the religious right is against euthanasia and turning off Terry Shaivo’s life support and that ridiculous fake freak out about death panels? Sweden‘s health system would be completely opposite in philosophy. Passive euthanasia is legal and with covid most doctors used palliative care rather than treatment for older patients.
Republicans have to hate China to like Trump, so we can’t hold China as an example, but China did a hard lockdown of one city, the rest of the country functioning, and now the country is basically free from covid, no masks.
South Korea couldn’t be used initially as an example because we didn’t have test kits in the beginning and to decide Trump was doing great you couldn’t easily use SK, Americans are easily nervous about tracing. My governor initially wanted to use SK’s method, but it fell apart at the tracing level a little, and not enough masks.
Taiwan hates China, it business and schools stayed open, its densely populated. 7 deaths. What is wrong with the Taiwan example? Why not try it? We already kind of are trying it. The majority of Americans seem willing to wear a mask indoors.The difference is probably the size of our country, travel across the country, and Taiwan used quarantine very effectively with monitoring and support to help people in quarantine.
Now, Rand Paul is making more excuses not to use Taiwan as an example, like they have immunity, to help his libertarian and Republican supporters further put their heels in. There have been studies done that they don’t have immunity from prior coronavirus infection of other strains. I wish the studies had shown they did, I was hoping for information to help us narrow down who in America might have some sort of cross immunity. Paul pushes the Sweden example either Libertarian followers or following them, I’m not sure which.
What’s wrong with trying the Taiwan example again? Businesses and schools open, wear a mask indoors or if you can’t distance even outdoors. Wash your hands. Quarantine if exposed.