So both Trump and Melania have now tested positive. What’s your reaction?
Is there any lesson here?
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1) Okay. Trump got it from Hope Hicks. Where did Melania catch it from?
2) Has Trump begun injecting bleach? Has he upped his dose of Hydrochloriquin?
3) Covid reportedly preys on those with preexisting conditions. Does that include bone spurs?
4) This will probably cancel all future Presidential debates. Is it possible they are faking this to take focus off his bullying on Tuesday?
I’m not going to be too quick to believe it. I can think of too many reasons why it might be a lie, and possibly even the biggest, brashest lie of Trump’s career.
@Jeruba “Possibly” the biggest lie of his career? If it is a lie, he needs to be tossed out on his ass immediately. Whatever it takes legally to do that, let it be done.
My personal opinion is that he will use this (most likely fake covid) to withdraw from the race. That way he can claim he “was” going to win. Then he will leave the country as soon as possible to avoid prosecution. He has extensive properties in Dubai, a country with no extradition.
I think that although I’m not a Trump fan, I’d rather have Trump than Pence.
I also think it’s kind of amusing that he’s positive considering he’s so flippant about masks and has many rallies and things where few people attending wear masks. Also there was the recent press conference where he demanded the reporter remove his mask. Maybe now he’ll be more serious about masks. Masks are not 100% protection but they help, and if everyone wears one, it’s better then everyone not wearing one.
On the news, they say because he’s over 65 and he is obese, he is in a high risk category.
Maybe the Proud Boys will volunteer to serve him now that he’s going to be isolating, sick.
What I do think may be a consequence is that if Trump comes out of his isolation with few symptoms, the Trump supporters will say the whole Covid thing is a hoax, because look, he had it and he is fine. They’ll say this whole thing is bullshit.
I think whatever happens this is gonna effect the election severely. (Ok, that was obvious)
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer couple. Mazel Tov.
@jca2 That was my thoughts too. If he has a mild case he will declare it all a hoax, that no one died from it, etc. <Shudders as thought of that happening >
What would happen if Trump dies before the election? Although I oppose Trump, I do not with for such a thing, but it is a definite possibility, especially given Trump’s age. Pence would become president. Would Trump’s name still be on the ballot? Given that some people have already voted, that would be the most convenient thing to do, with Trump votes automatically going to Pence.
Then the Presidency next goes to Nancy Pelosi. The Republicans’ heads will ‘splode.
1) Maybe now he will acknowledge that COVID is real
2) let him be the guinea pig for some of the untested cures
I wish him well. I have bleach and syringes that he’s more than welcome to have if he wants them.
I wonder how many people at the debates, and the rallies in Minnesota the day after the debates, were also infected.
I hope he didn’t infect Biden at the debate.
Shit’s crazy.
I think anyone who thinks things are going back to normal soon is kidding themselves. This disease is going to be around for a long, long time.
I wonder if drumpf knew he was infected well before the debate, and that he kept it secret in order to intentionally infect Biden so he could get rid of him as an opponent (death or dropping out).
It would be in line with his character.
I am flabbergasted at my own thoughts. On the one hand, I don’t believe it. The White House could be lying for various reasons. On the other hand, it might be real. The fact I don’t completely trust what’s being reported astonishes me.
I agree with @Hawaii_Jake. The fact that we even have to question whether this diagnosis is real or just a political tactic speaks volumes to how far into divisiveness, mistrust and chaos we’ve fallen as a society.
I fully expected this to “happen” right before the election. Was actually joking about this back in August.
It’s a load of crock. The likelihood of the POTUS actually getting covid is pretty low with all the security measures in place.
Although he probably doesn’t give an eff about his supporters attending his rallies, I’d bet good money he takes safety precautions himself.
This is just a chance to show that “he’s responsible and taking this pandemic seriously by quarantining”, “he’s just an average Joe and vulnerable like us”, “it’s no big deal, just like the flu”, “undefeatable, even by a pandemic”.
His base will eat it all up.
It will also create a greater divide between the left and right. As some on the left will laugh, this will have the right reacting with “look at the left, how can they wish this on someone”.
It’s a political tactic.
Just waiting for his “I beat Coronavirus because ‘MERICA!” tweets.
“Alexa, set reminder to tweet about getting Coronavirus in October.”
I would suspect that with the catastrophe that was the debate, ANY excuse to deprive his access to a microphone would be snatched by his handlers. But on the other hand, the embarrassing consequences of his cavalier nonchalance regarding this disease assures me that he would never admit to this were it not the truth. If you think about it, this is an uncharacteristic smart move on his part in not following his typical instincts to lie then watch the truth be leaked. But I cannot imagine Trump deliberately allowing his enemies the opportunity to relish the delicious irony in his misfortune.
Biden just tested negative. Which comes as no surprise since all of this is a load of crap.
If Trump actually had Coronavirus, I’m pretty sure Biden would too after having Trump yelling at him for two hours in an enclosed space.
Now maybe more will mask up.
There are those on the left who will indeed gloat over this lesson in “getting what you deserve”. It’s probably been the unspoken dream of most and the open wish of many.
@raum “I’m pretty sure Biden would too after having Trump yelling at him for two hours in an enclosed space.”
There’s an incubation period, the beginning part of the incubation period you are less contagious because the virus hasn’t fully built up in your system.
They were far enough apart that trump didn’t infect Biden.
The temptation to gloat passed in a second or less. Hard on its heels came the thought, “Why should we believe this? He would lie for any reason or no reason. If he wants me to believe it, he’s going to have to die of it.” I don’t have to figure all the advantages, just know that he will.
Watch out for ambulance and airplane maneuvers now. How will you know who’s on that gurney?
How many body doubles do you suppose he has? Granted, he already is a body double, but we’d be silly to think he doesn’t have stand-ins-in-waiting, already trained in stance and gesture and make-up.
And by the way, if he does have covid, maybe he gave it to Hicks and not the other way around.
It’s a sad thing, but that’s about it. I’m pretty sure they will get excellent medical care and will get through this okay. Neither apparently has pre-existing conditions (other than age) that put them at higher risk, so let’s see how they do. Face it…most people that get this disease get through it okay.
I’m wondering what his endgame might be. It’s pretty obvious he was deliberately trying to get infected by not wearing a mask.
It’s not obvious at all. He’s a germaphobe. He is playing a different game.
Not wearing a mask—aside from showing a lack of concern for others—means the virus isn’t serious. He has a stake in denying its seriousness because otherwise he’s at fault for his response. Not wearing a mask proves it’s trivial or a hoax. That’s Donald “you just tell them and they believe you” Trump for you.
I am surprised and disappointed that so many of you would rejoice in his misfortune. Personally I hope it is short and less severe. He has however, just been flown to Walter Reed. The Therapeutics have been greatly improved since this started and even at his age the survival rate is 95%. I feel sad that even at this point there are so many conspiracy theories and people that would like to believe the worst. I guess that’s the lesson I take from this.
@Jaxk…I don’t see anyone “rejoicing.” All I see are people wondering if this is some political hoax perpetuated by him. The fact that we’re wondering is trump’s fault. Nobody believes anything he says because he lies about everything.
Yeah, it is way to early to rejoice.
You know the saying; the bird that sings early in the morning, gets eaten by the cat in the evening.
@Dutchess_III Eh, there’s been some. @cookieman said “Couldn’t have happened to a better couple. Mazel Tov”. That sounds like rejoicing to me.
I’m not rejoicing. I don’t wish covid-19 on anybody, and I don’t want any president to die in office. I’m old enough to remember the last one. It’s a crisis for the nation, no matter how smoothly the processes follow. And we are in a very weak position internationally, much more so than we were only three days ago.
By now, however, just as @Hawaii_Jake said, doubt is my default position.
@seawulf575 and @Jaxk: His problem is not just his age, it’s his obesity, as linked above. So with the age and the obesity, he’s in high risk category.
@Jaxk “I am surprised and disappointed that so many of you would rejoice in his misfortune.”
It is what it is.
I heard a rumor they took him to Walter Reed.
I also remember the last president who died in office.
Just saw him walk to Marine one. To go to Waltery Reed army medical center. He looks fine. He is waving and giving thumbs up signs. Good to see every one waring masks.
Update: Marine one helicopter just landed.
It is live even on the Canadian news channels. Also CNN as breaking news.
@Jeruba I reject the position that Prez Cheeto is a germaphobe.
Remember he raw-dogged a porn star.
^^ I read that, too, in one of the major newspapers.
@filmfann…interestingly enough germaphobes don’t eschew sex.
I hope he infected Biden and every other rich arsehole he’s met. And I hope they all die.
But that’s wishful thinking. He’ll probably be fine.
This is getting very weird, even for a time that was already very weird.
Yeah Season 10 of 2020 began with quite the bombshell, not sure how they’re going to resolve this one.
Season 10. That is funny!
Hell of an October Surprise.
My first thought was is it true? Within a few minutes of that first thought, and looking at news reports, it does seem to be true.
My next thought was if Trump has very mild symptoms it will help the no-mask crazy alt-right people feel more emboldened about their message that covid is nothing to fear.
Almost simultaneously I thought he won’t have to debate now.
Listening to cable news obsessing about Trump’s pre-existing conditions like it’s a definite death sentence, I think it’s jumping the gun. It’s still most likely he will get through it.
So far I have not felt at all like Trump will become incapacitated or die, but of course it is a possibility. When I was looking at statistics a few months back I was coming up with his age group needing to be hospitalized about 25% of the time, which is a lot. That stat might be different now, it might be lower. Right now I don’t think he “needs” to be hospitalized.
When I heard he was going to the hospital I immediately thought it’s probably a precaution, or to monitor giving one of the drugs that can have side effects. Now, I see he is getting antibody therapy, which no one else with mild symptoms would get. I still think he has mild symptoms, I just think he’s getting survival treatment. I saw the list of therapies being administered and so far Hydroxychloroquine is not on the list.
I also think if he develops antibodies he will feel less need for a mask going forward. He will be free. Furthering the message that catching it has some benefits.
@Demosthenes: HA! First thing read this morning and I’m cracking up. Thank you for that.
It’s like “The Hunt for Orange October.”
Hydrochloriquin obviously doesn’t work
Why isn’t Melania being treated as well as donnie
Fauci is laughing and saying Fuck you
MAGA has a new meaning: Masks Are Great Again
@SEKA Love the MAGA! Lol.
Melania is supposedly doing very well, she’s younger and healthier and not the president. Maybe she was offered therapeutics and refused them. Maybe the risks of the therapeutics didn’t outweigh no treatment.
Well, looks like he’s gonna be OK.
I’m not reading that they know yet if he is out of the woods.
He’s still receiving the experimental drug Remdesivir last I heard, which is administered via IV and keeping him at the hospital to monitor how he tolerates it isn’t a bad idea.
We aren’t going to get 100% detail about Trump’s care from this White House. Two reasons. They want to manipulate the message, and also even if they wanted to be 100% transparent the message would get all twisted anyway.
I know a lot of people who think because he is 74, male, overweight, on cholesterol medication, eats poorly, that he will have severe symptoms. Nothing is definite. Plenty of people with pre-existing conditions never need to go to the hospital.
If they say he was given oxygen there will be people who assume he’s in a desire are situation. People are giving a little oxygen all the time even when it’s not necessary. We would need to know more than “he received oxygen” which they won’t confirm anyway, but it seems like he did.
I’m sure they (political advisors) rather him walk to the helicopter to be taken to the hospital rather than wheeled out. To cut that risk it’s better that he go to the hospital sooner rather than later.
Remember guys, everything we hear about 45’s condition is only what 45 wants us to hear. He has absolute control over what information anyone is privy to.
@canidmajor Yep. It’s called the HIPAA laws. I was curious how the doctors could talk to the reporters at all, so I looked up the HIPAA laws to see where that fell in. They could make public statements (without his approval) about him having a specific disease if it was new and presented a significant public health risk. If he was the first case of Covid-19 for instance. Beyond that, he would pretty much have to give permission as to what portions of his illness and his treatments he feels comfortable giving to the public.
HIPAA works even for public figures.
But what we hear is what 45 wants us to hear, like “after three days he raises” and returns to the White House.
Yeah, @seawulf575, I know what it’s called, and it’s pretty well described in the link I provided earlier.
I appreciate the laws regarding medical privacy, but I do wonder if there should be qualifications in the case of the POTUS, as his health and well-being directly impact the well-being and fate of around 350,000,000 people.
@canidmajor Not really. The POTUS is just one person. We have an entire government in place with contingencies for one or more dying or being incapacitated. If he were to sicken and die of this virus, Pence would be sworn in to fill the hole.
Yes, @seawulf575, I too, know perfectly well how the government is designed to work, and that was not the point of my conjecture. I think it is naïvely charming that you have so very much faith in the system that you believe that every one, regardless of any agenda they might have, always behaves so honorably.
And really, you need to keep mansplaining the basics to me, I am quite well educated.
Meant to say, “you don’t need to keep mansplaining…”
A big part of Trump’s administration has been spent arguing that, as President, the laws don’t apply to him. So…
But the point is that in Trump’s case, the answers to any questions regarding the veracity of whatever he has to say are meaningless.
@canidmajor Maybe I’m just missing things, but you keep stating the silliest concerns and then getting indignant when I give you the answers. Apparently someone needs to keep “mansplaining” things to you because you keep going down the same avenues. If you know about HIPAA laws, and you gave a link that hinted at them, then why state “Remember guys, everything we hear about 45’s condition is only what 45 wants us to hear. He has absolute control over what information anyone is privy to.”? And when I point out it is the HIPAA laws, you then start asking if those laws should not apply to the POTUS because “his health and well-being directly impact the well-being and fate of around 350,000,000 people.” And when I mention that he is only one person and our system is designed to avoid that being an issue, you then get smarmy and condescending again. You even make the bogus statement ” I think it is naïvely charming that you have so very much faith in the system that you believe that every one, regardless of any agenda they might have, always behaves so honorably.” Nothing I have said has stated that at all. But the system is, what it is. It doesn’t depend on people’s agendas or behaviors. If Trump becomes incapacitate or dead, it isn’t a factor at all. The marching orders are there. So maybe you need to stop acting like a ditsy blonde when you write comments and then acting like someone is offending you for addressing your complaints and concerns.
@Darth_Algar Really? Which laws were those? Give examples please. And not second-hand innuendo citations….go to the source. Give me a link to Trump, himself, stating that the laws don’t apply to him.
What I don’t understand from the conference (which i watched all of) is that he was put on oxygen when his blood saturation dropped to 94. 94 isn’t that low. In the article it says its usually not done till it drops below 92. Maybe they are just being cautious. Or maybe they are just full of it :p
That oxygen level isn’t a big deal. Mine dropped below 90% when I was in the hospital recently for a heart valve replacement and then the nurses called the doc and put me back on oxygen.
As for him, no sympathy here.
1) All a hoax 2) Deep State conspiracy 3) Obama did it 4) Fake News 5) Pick One
Has anyone heard how Melania is ? She, as usual, has been left in the dust.
I keep hearing rumors that the president isn’t doing so good. I don’t know what to believe.
Everything I’ve heard about Melania is her symptoms are mild, but I don’t know her exact symptoms.
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