Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Have you heard about this movie "Totally under control" coming out in October?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23632points) October 2nd, 2020

Here is a link to it…

I don’t think even Conservatives can call it fake any longer.

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10 Answers

jca2's avatar

Looks good!

stanleybmanly's avatar

I will watch for it.

Inspired_2write's avatar

This should be on everyone’s TV programming schedule.
It looks as if “only” to purchase sometime in Oct?
I want to view this as well, enlightening.

rockfan's avatar

Definitely will check it out, thanks for the heads up. I like how the title has an “All Quiet on the Western Front” vibe to it.

Yellowdog's avatar

In February, Nancy Pelosi was dancing in the streets of Chinatown without a mask, mocking Trump. Joe Biden was calling him a racist and xenophobe. In early March, even Dr. Faucci was saying healthy young adults should have no problem with cruises.

Trump was acting to quarantine individuals and ban travel from China and then Europe while many of you were saying it was a detraction from the impeachment proceedings.

People all remember. Our memories are not that short. And Americans are smart enough to recognize propaganda for what it is. But I’m glad they are showing it, as I’m sure it will backfire. Just another hard lesson that propaganda is an insult to the intelligence of average Americans.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah still with the everything is the dems fault huh @Yellowdog ?
You go on about that travel restriction from China but 40,000 people came through the travel ban? Fat lot of good that did.
As Pelosi not wearing a mask in February ,your country really didn’t try to make masks mandatory till June going into July.
And I get that you still will take your Orange Gods word over scientists and experts?
And you say we are the ones eating up the propaganda? REALLY??????

Yellowdog's avatar

I take the words of task forces and medical experts over the views of politicians.

@jca2 Ah, Nostalgia. But I’ve been safe, even in the middle of it, without many precautions. My next sermon will be on why Jesus loves me better than anyone else. : }

Yellowdog's avatar

BTW I still worry about an air conditioner falling out of a ten-story window and hitting me on the head. It almost hit me once. I was about eighteen feet away.

In any case, the movie’s not about me. This is an anti-Trump film. How Trump lied and misled people and ignored science. In truth, he was onto it in December,

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