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JLeslie's avatar

Is Biden breaking quarantine rules?

Asked by JLeslie (65851points) October 3rd, 2020 from iPhone

Was Biden close enough to Trump that he should be quarantining 14 days from the time of the debate?

Is distancing and masks enough?

Or, do you think if he tests negative it’s good enough?

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11 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I just saw something on the news about this. First of all, everybody tested negative the day of the debate, so if 45 was already infected the viral count was likely too low for him to have been contagious. They also said that the two were 10 feet apart on stage, which would be plenty if his count was that low.

Biden is also being tested a few times per day, and still coming up negative.

I believe that is enough.

chyna's avatar

I saw that he tested twice yesterday, and was negative. He will test again today. It was shown on TV that his team tested before the debate and wore masks, whereas trumps team got there too late to test and refused to wear masks. This was according to Wallace, the moderator before a trumper comes on to say it is fake news.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna I saw Wallace on Fox News talking about how the Trump family came in maskless to the debate. Wallace was pissed, you could tell by his tone as he explained it. He struggled to complete everything he wanted to say, the host of the show seemed to want to curb his comments. He said the Cleveland Clinic went up to the Trump family and asked if they needed masks and that they need to wear masks. Everyone knew the rules. Wallace finished by saying making masks political is terrible and wrong (I don’t remember his exact words) and the science is there that the masks work. I didn’t catch that the Trump’s hadn’t been tested, that’s interesting.

kritiper's avatar

Distance isn’t a guarantee against getting the bug, and neither are masks. As long as Biden tests negative, everything is okay.

JLeslie's avatar

I think I mean more that the average idiot in America will not understand why it’s ok for Biden but they should quarantine if in the same room with someone who winds up being sick.

Look, Trump has been criticized for not wearing a mask in interviews and rallies, but like he says, he is tested and distanced.

kritiper's avatar

We could just lock everybody up for two weeks. That should work…

jca2's avatar

Not sure what the definition of “exposed” is if Biden was a bunch of feet away and had a mask on. Every form that we have to fill out for entry to work or school or other clubs asks “have you been exposed to someone who has tested positive for Covid?”

SEKA's avatar

As long as Biden continues to be tested several times a day, I don’t feel that he’s breaking any specific rule. I’ve been told a million times that this virus is a Dem hoax, so how can trump have it in order to spread it. Is this a Rep hoax or possibly fake news?

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Right. Everyone defines it differently probably in their own head.

@SEKA I’m just curious, did you think it was ok forTrump not to wear a mask since he is always tested and distanced from people who aren’t tested?

YARNLADY's avatar

@JLeslie “since he is always tested and distanced” is incorrect. He frequently mingled closely with people at fund raising events, possibly infecting his own supporters, and arrived too late at the debate to be tested, some say deliberately because he already knew he was infected.

JLeslie's avatar

@YARNLADY I always had a problem with Trump not requiring masks at his rallies and people mingling, but I thought complaints about him not wearing a mask while speaking was going too far. Cable news would show clips of him being asked by reporters “why aren’t you wearing a mask?“ and he would say, “you’re over six feet away,” and he was right in that particular moment.

I just have a problem with cable news going too far constantly, I think people don’t get a clear message about safety if everything is always twisted to make Trump look bad. If you just report the truth he already looks bad.

I think if media outlets really cared they would explain why Trump is tested often and although it’s safer with a mask, having the person speaking remove their mask is a reasonable risk.

I’ve said it before I think MSNBC and CNN put me at more risk in Florida, because they portrayed DeSantis as anti-mask when he has been wearing a mask since April! Advising masks, he advised against indoor dinners of ten people at a table even though ten or less was within the guidelines. He missed the birth of his child because they weren’t allowing visitors in the hospital at all, but as Governor he could have gone in. He opened restaurants initially 25% when he could have done 50%. He recommended doing everything that you can outside rather than inside.

The “news” portrays Florida as a total free for all, and while I do wish we had a mask order in the state, it doesn’t help that people come down here thinking covid isn’t real and the governor thinks the same—he doesn’t. We still have mask orders in at least 4 counties that I know of even though the “news” is reporting counties can’t supersede the governor.

So, back to Trump, I would prefer the reporting be more accurate about which of his behaviors are high risk and which aren’t. Just hating on him doesn’t help the public. It’s like crying wolf. I also wonder what the Trump haters in media would be saying if Biden was sick and Trump wasn’t? Would they be saying Trump should be quarantining? Or, would they say he was ten feet away at the debate it’s enough.

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