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JLeslie's avatar

How many people have covid connected to the president’s case?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) October 4th, 2020 from iPhone

CNN is calling it a superspreader event. How is superspreader defined? How many people need to get infected?

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31 Answers

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Vox lists 14 people as of this morning.

And here is a separate article on the term “superspreader”.

Vox – Oct 3, 2020 – Was the White House reception for Amy Coney Barrett a superspreading event? – The event is at least a stark example of what not to do during a pandemic.

“Superspreading doesn’t have a specific scientific definition. But, roughly, it’s defined as when one case of a disease causes a disproportionate number of others. It’s thought that much of the viral transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, is due to superspreading. Most people with the virus actually do not pass it on to others. “Ten to 20 percent of infected people may be responsible for as much as 80 to 90 percent of transmission,” ”

LadyMarissa's avatar

As of yesterday, I think that there were 7 cases from sitting in the 2 front rows of last Saturday’s event. This morning I had a notification saying that the 7 has been upgraded to 11. Even IF you go with the lowest number of 7 & ALL those 7 give it to 7 others & each of those transmits it to 7 others & the transmission continues at the same rate, in no time we will have our numbers way back up & this is only from ONE event!!! What really concerns me is that he had it & still wanted to hide that fact because it would look bad for HIM. He did NOT care that 7 people now have it & had NO choice in the matter because HE refused to quarantine & failed to disclose his status. Everybody’s assuming that he caught it from Hope. I’m wondering IF he didn’t give it to Hope as well???

YARNLADY's avatar

@LadyMarissa She now says she caught it from him and she is being made a scapegoat.

Pandora's avatar

It’s not over either. I understand Barr is on the list now and is in self quarantining and after today there may be 2 secret service agents that may get sick because they were shut up in a car with Trump with the windows rolled up so Trump could go on a joy ride to wave to supporters. God forbid those agents have families they can spread it too. Well, unless this is a Hoax that Trump is playing out and then the agents may not get sick.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pandora Were the secret service wearing protective PPE?

Pandora's avatar

I’m not sure. It was mentioned they had mask on but all I saw was the picture of trump with a regular mask on, so I’m assuming they also just had regular masks as well and nothing else. Trump was the one who most needed to wear the N95 to protect them from the virus. I hope they did have it on, but I doubt it. Even before then they were not allowed to wear masks around him.

Pandora's avatar

I found a video where I can see one of the guys up front looked like he had PPE on, but I don’t know if that was SS or a doctor. It was hard to make out the driver. Even if they did have it on, Trump certainly did not have one on. Wearing masks is meant to protect the other person who isn’t sick. Meaning if you are sick, you should be wearing the N95 to protect the other people in the car. But better yet. You should be following the rules about being being quarantined during the contagious period.. Not playing Russian roulette with the lives of the people who protect you for an ego boost.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pandora I didn’t know Trump didn’t have a mask on WTH?! That’s crazy. Maybe he was never sick.

I think they need the N95 more than Trump though, but he should still be wearing a mask of some sort.

I wonder if there is a shield in the car between the front seat and the back like a limo.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pandora I just saw photos of Trump leaving the hospital and in the photos I saw Trump had on a mask in the car.

chyna's avatar

@JLeslie I think @Pandora meant that he wasn’t wearing an N-95 mask, just a regular mask. She mentioned that above the statement where she says he isn’t wearing a mask.
We get an announcement where I work twice a day about wearing masks and what type of masks to wear if you are a Covid patient or treating Covid.

Pandora's avatar

@JLeslie It is as @chyna stated. I meant Trump was not wearing an N95 mask. He had a plane ole mask that really does nothing much for others in a closed environment. If he had been outdoors and 6 feet apart then the mask may still help. But not if your are trapped in a car that is sealed from outside air in case of a gas attack.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna I thought N95 doesn’t protect others well because of the valve that lets air out? I’m still trying to get a clear answer on that.

chyna's avatar

They have to be fitted to your face. The ones at our hospital do not have a valve.

jca2's avatar

On the news, today, they were saying there’s plexiglass between the front and back. Not sure if it’s true or it’s just being put out to offset negative comments.

They also said the SS went in the car voluntarily. Of course they went voluntarily but I’ll bet there might be backlash if any said no. Trump might decide he no longer wants those people to protect him. It might also be seen among others as a sign of weakness, if they said they didn’t want to take the ride.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 That’s what I was wondering above, if there was glass between them.

@chyna So, the covid patients are fitted for and given N95 masks to wear when any hospital staff, nurses, doctors are near them?

jca2's avatar

I’m willing to bet that there are some who love him so unconditionally, so blindly, that they would go in the car with him even without PPE, even without plexiglass. They would take a bullet for him, so why would they not risk getting sick to be with him? There are some here on Fluther who love him to where they defend him and would probably be happy to go in the car with him, even if protections weren’t great.

chyna's avatar

No, only the staff get N-95 masks. Patients get regular masks.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna Thanks. That was my point to @Pandora. How is Trump’s situation different if the secret service had N95? Medical staff are around patients and they don’t quarantine.

chyna's avatar

He should not have been in the car at all.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna Agreed he should not have been parading around in a car at all, but patients travel when they are infectious all of the time via ambulance or with a family member. With a family member I would hope that person is quarantining, but the Ambulance and EMT teams aren’t. Not that I know of.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: But I think the issue with the SS and Trump is that they were in close, confined quarters. At the hospital, they can keep distance except when they’re touching the patient, but those times they’re not so confined.

He definitely should not have been out of the hospital. On the news they admit it was for show.

chyna's avatar

I don’t understand your point @JLeslie. You think it was fine that he was putting other people’s lives at risk to just drive around the hospital and wave at people like a 5 year old?
I would be very concerned if I was the SS. He has no concern for any one. He knew that he had Covid and flew on AF One, had a meeting and hugged and kissed Hope on the cheek.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna I don’t think it is ok that he put other people at risk at all. My point, and the point I make all of the time on fluther and to my dad, is we should stick to the horrible things Trump does and not expand on it, because then we open ourselves to be dismissed by Republicans and accused of twisting and spinning information. That he took a joy ride and endangered other people needlessly is horrible. My issue was whether the SS now has to quarantine after the joy ride? Were they wearing N95 masks? Doctors do this every day and don’t quarantine so it leaves us (Democrats) open for the very questions and challenges I was asking. I’m tired of those challenges, just think of me as the lawyer prepping someone for court. It takes the focus off the horrible thing he actually definitely did and it becomes a different conversation. I can see the holes as news stories are delivered. I can see right where the Republicans will go. When a story is edited by CNN and MSNBC to put the worst spin on something the president said, of course there will be a republican who saw the full quote and can call CNN fake news. It isn’t worth it, it is counterproductive.

I also think @jca2 is right that Secret Service and plenty of Trump supporters would risk catching the virus. The Secret Service specifically is supposed to risk their lives as part of their job to protect the president, but it is supposed to be to protect him when there is possible harm coming to him, not risk their lives for some sort of drive by for adoring fans. It is an abuse of power in my opinion. Trump should be criticized for doing it.

I didn’t know it was confirmed he knew he had covid before flying or when kissing Hope? You think he was willing to risk his children getting sick? I assume at least some of them were on the flight. I know there is suspicion about when the president knew he was sick. I completely agree he can be incredibly self centered and selfish and not have concern for others, that’s a given, but I am not sure about endangering his children. It would be interesting to know if they were on the flight.

Pandora's avatar

@JLeslie Those are not real N95. These are the real N95 respirator mask. They completely seal around your face. Oh, and correction on Barr. People suspect he has Covid 19 because at first he said he wasn’t going to quarantine and then he changed his mind. So people suspect he changed his mind because he does have it. Kelly Ann Conway was negative on her first test but on Friday she was tested again and came out positive as well. Funny enough is that her daughter outed her before saying she thinks her mom has covid because she was coughing all day at home.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pandora Ok, I was not assuming they were N95’s that was why I asked.

Pandora's avatar

@JLeslie That’s okay. At first I thought they were as well till my kids informed me. Manufacturers put N95 label on them to full people into buying them. Unfortunately I was suckered into thinking it was. My son said in Korea many people are using the real N95. It’s common to buy there.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@YARNLADY That doesn’t surprise me!!! Today they are telling staffers to NOT contact the WH doctor’s office IF they have symptoms. I guess that they are now on their own so there will be NO press report on who has tested positive. I don’t want him to die; however, I DO want him sick enough to learn the pleasures of being on a ventilator!!!

The very first case in my town was in the hospital for 3 months & he’s been so freakin weak in the 3 months since returning home that he still can’t make it up the stairs in his home to go to sleep in his own bed. His “non event that isn’t so bad” has taken away 6 months of his life & it was only by the grace of God that he didn’t lose his life!!!

Pandora's avatar

JLeslie, first of all it is the person who has the infection who definitely should have the N95 mask on to prevent the spread. They say the car is tightly sealed to protect against gas attacks. So to me that means the air is being recirculated. And there is no distance of 6 feet and they were together longer than 15 minutes. I doubt there is a glass between the secret service and the President. That would be useless if they need to get to him quickly and can’t stop the car or if they are in some accident or attacked and the electrical stuff in the car is not working. Doctors in hospitals and nurses still catch covid but I’m sure they follow a lot of rules to keep from getting contaminated and I’m sure hospitals are well ventilated with exceptional commercial HVAC systems that will filter out most foreign particles.

jca2's avatar

NY Times article about the SS agents’ jobs being dependent on their willingness to say “yes” to Trump:

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Thanks for that article. Basically says what we were talking about. Trump abuses his power, the SS will take a bullet.

LadyMarissa's avatar

The SS is ONLY allowed to say “no” IF it might put the president’s life in danger…NOT if it puts “their” life in danger!!!

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