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crazyguy's avatar

Did the White House try to cover up Trump's illness?

Asked by crazyguy (3207points) October 4th, 2020

According to several media outlets, there have been conflicting statements made about when Trump realized, or should have realized, that he should self-quarantine, and about the progress of his disease. Examples are:


Do you think the White House has covered up the exact start of the disease, and its severity?

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26 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

I’d like to know the experts’ view of whether that supposed hospital video of Trump saying he feels better was (a) genuine, (b) a deepfake video, (c) an actor, or (d) made in advance. That might be a factor in the answer.

There were several ways in which it seemed inauthentic to me, on the basis of a single viewing and without benefit of others’ commentary. Not least is that he did not seem to be having any kind of respiratory trouble at all.

Now, of all times, we should believe anything they say? C’mon, man.

LadyMarissa's avatar

It really doesn’t matter to me as I STOPPED believing anything coming out of the WH years ago…they’ve lied so much that I’m exhausted from trying to ferret out the truth from the fiction!!!

janbb's avatar

I’m not going to make a judgment on this but just want to point out that your second link has nothing to do with President Trump’s current illness but is about his admissions to Woodward of covering up his knowledge of the pandemic’s seriousness.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Looking for the truth to emanate from the White House is a useless waste of time. Beyond all other negatives surrounding Trump is his tenuous and wispy relationship with the truth.

crazyguy's avatar

@stanleybmanly So I guess your answer is YESSSS.

@janbb Thanks for pointing that out.

@LadyMarissa In other words, you couldn’t care less if we were a heartbeat away from a Pence Presidency?

@Jeruba Since we may never learn the answers to your questions, I assume your answer to my question is a resounding yes?

Jeruba's avatar

@stanleybmanly, I have to disagree. It’s not tenuous and wispy. It’s more like Godzilla in Tokyo.

@LuckyGuy, if I could give a resounding yes, I would; but doubt and disbelief have trumped certainty about anything. I have to get very, very close to home before I see anything that I can remotely trust. And this is with the understanding that autocracies work that way: create so much chaos and contradiction that nobody can believe anything and people are just so morally, emotionally, and psychologically exhausted that all they want is someone who will give them an answer. This is the Grand Inquisitor keeping Jesus imprisoned and silenced because people cannot handle freedom.

Jeruba's avatar

Sorry, I meant @crazyguy there ^^^ and not @LuckyGuy.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@crazyguy your “guess” is about as valid as any pronouncement from the White House. No one with any sense looks to the Trump White House for any reasonable rendition of the truth.

Jeruba's avatar

In particular, this situation well illustrates how people of faith come to be most susceptible to wholesale lying. Once they’ve come to a notion of capital-T Truth and believe themselves to be in possession of it, they’ve lost a valuable propensity for questioning. They’re Believers. They Believe. Then all you have to do is switch the tapes. (“You just tell them, and they believe it.”—DJT)

People who have a low tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty welcome a voice of authority that tells them what to believe. Science doesn’t appeal to them because the very definition of science includes the idea of uncertainty: facts aren’t final because science remains open to new data, and new data can change the story. If you want something that cannot change—immutable, eternal—your only choice is myth.

That’s why some of us are perceived as the enemy. We don’t buy it, and by not buying it we threaten those who do, just by our sheer existence. It’s possible to exist without believing what they believe. So we have to be suppressed and thereby eliminated, by conversion if possible, by some other means if that’s what it takes.

zenvelo's avatar

Yes, they tried to cover up when Trump was diagnosed because Trump continued personal appearances unmasked after his initial positive.

Trump tested positive Thursday afternoon from the “rapid” test, which has a lower accuracy than the longer test. He then went to Bedminster to meet with supporters. It was after he got back to the White House that the more accurate test results came in and he could no longer hide that everyone that had been around him for days was about to find out they were infected.

Trump was and continues to be reckless with other people’s health.

janbb's avatar

The fact that he went on a publicity joy ride yesterday and by a doctor at Watler Reed’s account endangered the Secret Service staff accompanying him shows that he has not learned anything from his contracting the disease.

crazyguy's avatar

@zenvelo I did not know that a rapid test on Thursday afternoon showed a positive. Do you have a source for that nugget of information?

crazyguy's avatar

@janbb The “publicity joy ride” was fully approved by the doctors and did not endanger anybody.

janbb's avatar

@crazyguy You must read different facts than I do:

And that’s just one source that came up when I Googled. Shall i show you how to search?

chyna's avatar

@crazyguy Even if his doctor agreed to let him go on a joy ride ( because no one tells trump no) EVERYONE has read where people that have tested positive are not allowed visitors or allowed out of their quarantined room for 14 days. So please put me on your Fluther ignore list since I make total sense and don’t want ANYONE else to get the Covid unlike your stupid ass president.

Jeruba's avatar

Excerpt from the article that @janbb cited, just in case looking it up was too much trouble:


Among critics was a doctor affiliated with Walter Reed.

“Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential ‘drive-by’ just now has to be quarantined for 14 days,” tweeted James P. Phillips, who is also a professor at George Washington University. “They might get sick. They may die. For political theater. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theater. This is insanity.”


I also watched the live update from the medical team at Walter Reed a few minutes ago. A reporter asked Dr. Conley (not a Walter Reed doctor but Trump’s physician, a doctor of osteopathic medicine) when Trump last tested negative. The doctor explicitly refused to answer: “I’m not going back,” he said.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

If Mr. President is doing worse than they say he is, I can’t imagine they want that to be known. They don’t want us to be vulnerable and they don’t want to cause panic.

I think he is/will be fine, personally. It sounds to me that he is still trying to work despite being in the hospital.

Jeruba's avatar

“Work” meaning watch TV and tweet?

Anyone who is hiding the truth about something is vulnerable. We the public may not know what’s really going on, but somebody does. That probably includes Putin and anyone else who stands to profit from our nation’s distress and dysfunction—which is where we were already before this development, and even before the coronavirus.

crazyguy's avatar

@janbb You are so right! I do not read The Washington Post, and you obviously do not read anything else.

janbb's avatar

@crazyguy I showed you mine and could show you many more. As I said, I’ll teach you how to search. I don’t see that you’ve posted any links at all.

chyna's avatar

^A very good research librarian!

crazyguy's avatar

@Jeruba The same news conference you are referring to also had a question: “Did any doctors disagree with the decision to send Trump back to the White House?” Conley looked around and got no disagreement. So he turned back to the questioner and said: “No.”

crazyguy's avatar

@janbb From your second link: “Deere said “appropriate precautions were taken” before the ride to protect the President and those supporting him. “The movement was cleared by the medical team as safe to do,” he said. For your info, Deere is a White House spokesman – so, of course, he is tainted.

By the way, all the links you provided do not answer the question that meadows raised. How do you suppose Trump got to the hospital? And how do you suppose he got back?

crazyguy's avatar

@chyna I am certain @janbb is “a very good research librarian”. It is hard to key in a search phrase to Google.

stanleybmanly's avatar

This is another In the endless episodes around Trump and the truth. And when I hear the question “did the White House try to cover up Trump’s illness?”— my IMMEDIATE reaction is “would I EXPECT from past experience the Trump White House to cover up Trump’s illness?” To which the only sensible answer is “you bet your ass”. I don’t care whether they did or not. The point is that no one with sense of a tortilla looks to the Trump
White House for the truth.

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