Are CNN and MSNBC disappointed that Trump is not dead of Covid-19?
Asked by
crazyguy (
October 5th, 2020
If you watched CNN and MSNBC on Friday you would be aware of the following facts:
1. Trump is clinically obese.
2. Obesity is a significant co-morbidity factor.
3. Trump is 74, and chances of anybody over 70 dying from Covid-19 are nine times higher than those of a younger person.
Given this background, do you think CNN and MSNBC expected Trump to not recover. Hence my question: do you think they are disappointed?
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63 Answers
No they are news sources not hate groups like Proud Boys and Neo-Nazis.
@crazyguy You understand he left the hospital before most people start to get serious symptoms ! The next 5 to 8 days will tell.
He is not cured and is still spreading the virus.
I don’t him dead; just not in the White House forever . . . or another four years.
I did not have to watch CNN and/or MSNBC to know those facts.
So the president is 74. Big deal. 50% of all men die before they are 76 years, 2 months. That, too, is a fact.
I doubt they want him dead, he’s their favorite topic. Trump has been such an easy subject to cover over the last few years, they’ve probably grown complacent.
He’s clearly not healthy. He’s obese and eats junk food so I would assume he has high cholesterol. They don’t want him dead. No one else is as much fun to ridicule.
@cheebdragon The only sure way of not having him in the White House for four more years is to have him not compete for one reason or another. And neither the networks nor most of the readers here want that possibility.
@chyna “They don’t want him dead”. I believe you are dead wrong.
No. No one wants him dead, probably not even those who expressed that sentiment in public. I just want him to go away, not die. So, no, they didn’t. They were just reporting the facts, even if you didn’t like the facts.
Love how crazyguy tries to deflect by going astray on life expectancy. What does that have to do with the question, anyway? You asked if these stations wanted him dead. The answer is no, even if he were 90 years old.
@crazyguy That was the latest figure I had. Before that it was 76.6 years. The highest it got was 77.6 years.
@AlaskaTundrea I did not ask if these cable news channels wanted him dead; I asked if they were disappointed that he did not die. The difference is one of degree. In both cases the ultimate desire is for Trump to die; wanting him to die is slightly different than hoping he will die.
The fact is that people over 70 years old have about a 94.5% probability of surviving the disease. Did you get that from CNN or MSNBC?
@kritiper I was not quibbling about the actual number, just the difference between mean and median (sorry, that is the engineer in me).
@AlaskaTundrea I did not deflect. I responded to a deflection.
CNN and MSNBC have been fucking ridiculous in their coverage of the president having covid. See my recent question and comment on this Q.
For the life of me I am not sure what CNN and MSNBC are trying to achieve. After seeing some of the comments by friends on my facebook I think a lot of people think anyone obese and in their 70’s will definitely wind up with severe illness from covid, and I guess CNN and MSNBC are feeding off of that. Plenty of people who are old and overweight don’t get very sick from covid.
For all we know Trump has the Delta 32 gene mutation and maybe it guards against covid like it is suspected to have done for the plague and people with HIV. I’m just making that up, but who knows, he might be genetically lucky. Now that I think about it, I think they should be testing for that mutation regarding covid. I’m not a scientist though, sorry for rambling on.
He’s not completely out of the woods yet, but it does seem he had a fairly mild case.
I don’t think they want him dead. I think they are convinced he would get extremely sick if he caught it. I also think they like to get ratings and money.
Trump is an idiot for joy riding and putting others at risk. That should be the story. Just report the facts of what is happening with his illness and his shenanigans and that is sufficient to know he is selfish, self centered and not presidential.
I haven’t watched Fox. What are they saying? Are they going along with “don’t be afraid of covid” and reinforcing not taking precautions? That is even more sinister if they are. I hope not. So irresponsible of Trump to tweet that.
No. They would be forced to find, or make, real breaking news if President Trump dies.
No one wants him dead.
I would have found it quite distressing if he had died. Why? He had access to the best medical care in the world. If doctors can’t save him, no one is safe.
Plus, Pense is no jewel.
Why should the networks be disappointed? The networks know just as well as you and I that no matter how much misfortune is wished upon him, the fool is destined to receive the best medical attention that exists. The accusation is bizarre on its face. How does either network profit or benefit from the moron’s death? What business model is footed on the planned demise of Trump? If anything, the longer he persists, the higher are the networks ratings, and the more chances for spectacular stories on the calamities guaranteed by his reliable stupidity—the man notorious for downplaying the disease visibly promoting contagion throughout his entire administration—that’s the kind of news the most rabid Trump hater could hope for, and a story money can’t buy. From a business standpoint, Trump and his fkups are a true godsend for news networks and standup comics. He’s the gift that’s guaranteed to keep on giving for anyone interested in his derision or ridicule. You might have noticed for example that I never had it so good or so easy making fun of him and for that matter poking fun at your silly ass for supporting him. No, the networks, just like me, want this jackass around to receive the truckload of misery awaiting him.
@crazyguy The site you mentioned was from a retirement investment group. It would make sense that they would want to appear optimistic for the sake of potential investors, so I suspect a bias.
@JLeslie You are fast becoming my favorite person to have discussions with. Not only are you a fairly quick responder, but also you provide reasonable answers, and you do not get offended if we disagree. Kudos to you!
This time, we actually agree, wow! The CNN headline was a real tell yesterday when Trump got to the White House. CNN practically screamed out their disgust: “Trump stages his return to the White House”.
The one part of your answer that I do not agree with is where you criticized his “joy ride”. He did not put anybody at risk. Like Meadows said, how do you think he got to the hospital and how do you think he’ll get back?
I did watch Fox. They said nothing remarkable. They definitely did not endorse Trump’s tweet downplaying covid.
@filmfann Any patient in the world can receive remdesivir and the steroid. The only other drug he got that may be hard to secure for the average person was the monoclonal antibody from Regeneron. From what I understand that is effective only in the very early stage of the disease; so few real-world patients will benefit from it.
@kritiper I do not think you can spin life expectancy numbers because they are sooo easy to check. Besides I was not challenging your numbers. The only thing I had a problem with was that you were using the mean life expectancy figure with a description of the median.
@JLeslie Yes, not all old and/or overweight people get very sick from covid.
But people with mild cases don’t usually get put on oxygen or prescribed steroids and Remdesivir.
[Edit: I stand corrected. Caravanfan says they hand these out like candy now.]
@raum Surely CNN and MSNBC should have realized that POTUS may get slightly more attention than the average Joe?
@crazyguy Yes, of course, they mention this several times. He’s the POTUS.
What a bizarre question. You speak of “them” as if they are each one entity, one person.
They aren’t. No, I don’t think the collective “they” of those two networks are disappointed.
And curious, @JLeslie, you have, more than once expressed your annoyance and frustration with CNN and MSNBC, why do you keep watching them? There are, at last count, at least a zillion other news sources out there available to anyone with an internet connection. Why watch those two?
I’m sure a lot of Americans are disappointed that Trump hasn’t died of this.
If Trump were as unhealthy and decrepit as some of you are saying, he wouldn’t be able to eat some of the foods he boasts about, Nor would he make a quick recoivery from Covid-19
@canidmajor My husband tunes into both quite a bit, and I’m in the house. I was the original one in the house who watched Morning Joe on MSNBC, and I used to think it was great, so partly it’s habit, but I stopped watching Morning Joe every morning 5 years ago.
I try to look at the New York Times and Washington Post for better reporting, but don’t do it as consistently as I should.
I am on Facebook more than I should be and see what people are saying, and my father includes me in his discussion group emails with his friends, and I’m in discussion groups and lectures where I live. I see how the cable networks have unbelievable reach. Fox, MSNBC, and CNN. People repeat the same things I hear on those stations.
As I have said before, I care because I think MSNBC and CNN think they are helping when sometimes I think they are hurting the situation. They are too much in their bubble now, especially MSNBC.
My dad thinks it doesn’t mater if MSNBC goes too far, because most people who listen to them don’t know things are edited and just believe what they say. Most of what they say is true.
@Yellowdog There are people unable to take care of themselves, not even stand up without a walker, in nursing homes, and barely had a sniffle from covid. You just never know who is going to get very sick and who won’t. In Florida we did massive nursing home testing and my governor used to say he was amazed how varied it was. I don’t want to mislead anyone, the hospitalization rate among seniors is very high, the statistics suck if you are over 65; the risk is incredible. Trump is being irresponsible making it sound like covid is nothing. “Don’t be afraid“ is the language of the alt-right groups.
I actually agree that I don’t want people to be paranoid, but I do want people to be cautious and take it seriously. I just see his words as a dog whistle.
@Yellowdog he hasn’t recovered yet, another 10 to 25 days . . . maybe.
Here is Herman Cain’s COVID-19 timeline:
6/24: Attends Trump rally, Tulsa
7/02: Tests positive
7/10: Says he’s improving
7/15: Says his doctors seem happy
7/27: Says he’s really getting better
7/30: Dies
@crazyguy: “He did not put anybody at risk. Like Meadows said, how do you think he got to the hospital and how do you think he’ll get back?”
The difference between Trump’s ride to the hospital and Trump’s “joy ride” around in his armored car is, the ride to the hospital is a necessary ride. The patient is sick and must be taken to the hospital. The patient is accompanied by people who have the gear and the know-how to protect themselves. They do it for a living, so it’s second nature to them. The joy ride was not a necessary ride. The patient was accompanied by people who may have had the gear but they don’t don the gear for a living, they don’t protect themselves from diseases for a living, and therefore it’s not second nature to them.
@crazyguy Try this: Check your newspaper every day and count how many men die before age 76, and how many die after age 76. Comprise several months of obit reports. You’ll be surprised at just how close to 50/50 they come.
I did the math from Florida statistics and the hospitalization rate for people over 65 was about 22% from page 3 of this document if my math was right. I rounded a little. 22%! That includes people who might have been asymptomatic, so if you are symptomatic the chance you get hospitalized if you are symptomatic is higher. That is huge. Someone should check my math. 1 in 5 chance. That is pretty serious I think; something to worry about.
@jca2 The joy ride was fucking embarrassing. It was Trump and his fear of looking weak, nothing more. He could’ve used his sickness to stress how important it is to take precautionary measures, that he understands the severity of it and sympathizes with those who’ve had it, but instead it’s just another opportunity for a publicity stunt. I guess I’m getting a little tired of having a snowman who only cares about a small portion of the population for a president.
The fact that Trump is infected is in my opinion of far greater detriment to the right than Trump’s actual demise could ever be. The spectacle of “chickens coming home to roost” is so dazzling a vindication on Trump’s management of the virus that it far outdoes any brilliant campaign strategy the left might possibly devise. The very perception that the disease is running rampant through the White House has actually started conspiracy tongues wagging that the left has somehow arranged it as Trump does his damnedest to “Make America Groan Again”.
“Snowman” lol, I meant “showman”. This is why I don’t like posting with my phone.
@Demosthenes I agree 100%. Every message I have posted on my phone gets autocorrected, or misspelled by me, to read all wrong.
@cheebdragon We know he was not that sick when he got to Walter Reed. In fact, he almost backed out of going to the hospital.
@Dutchess_III So you don’t think CNN and MSNBC were disappointed? How about you?
I don’t wish him dead. I just wish him out of office.
CNN and MSNBC are news sites, not opinion blogs.
@cheebdragon I thought he was sicker than the doctor were saying – until I watched him in the SUV.
@JLeslie Here is the corrected math. Total Florida deaths just over 5%, deaths in the 65+ age group just over 10%. I think what threw you off was the percentage numbers in the data, which were wrong.
@Caravanfan I do watch a fair amount of TV news, but always with a grain of salt. BUT, thanks for the link. I will listen to the podcast tomorrow.
@kritiper And why would I want to do that? I know the difference between mean and median.
@jca2 Whether the “joy ride” was necessary or not, the question is: “Did the ride put anybody at risk?” And, I think, the answer is: “Clearly not’”
@crazyguy You don’t think anybody that was in the car with Trump for his joy ride was at risk? Even with a mask on, there is still a risk. A low risk with everyone having masks on, but still a risk. Medical experts weighed in and agree. So when you say “clearly not,” it sounds very positive and absolute whereas it’s not positive and absolute.
@jca2 They were no more at risk than our doctors and nurses who deal with covid-19 patients on a daily basis.
@JLeslie Total cases = 711,358
Total deaths = 14,767
Case Fatality Rate = 14767/711358 X100 = about 2%
Total cases age 65+ = 54,848 + 31,817 + 18,450 = 105,115
Total deaths 65+ = 3,145 + 4,285 + 4,713 = 12,143
Case fatality rate over 65 = 12143/105115 X 100 = about 11%.
@crazyguy: Doctors and nurses who are in protective gowns and face shields (in addition to masks) and are in hospitals with special filtration and HVAC systems and high ceilings are safer than people sitting in close proximity inside a vehicle which is specially outfitted to keep out outside air, has a low ceiling, and has three or four people sitting inside it, plus all of the people in it are wearing street clothes.
1. My Tesla has better filtration than most hospitals.
2. Trump was masked.
3. The two other occupants (not 3 or 4) were wearing moonsuit and masks. I did not see anybody in street clothes.
Moon suit? We call that a gown at my hospital. Moon suit implies they were in a hazmat suit. They weren’t. Then they had to quarantine for 14 days.
@chyna The video I saw did not really show the other occupants. A still photo I saw of the front seat occupants dopes how them wearing more than just a gown – see
White House spokesman Judd Deere told USA TODAY that “appropriate precautions were taken in the execution of this movement to protect the President and all those supporting it, including PPE. The movement was cleared by the medical team as safe to do.”
Yes, that’s the same picture I saw. Not a moon suit. Not a hazmat suit. A plastic hospital cover.
@crazyguy: The same article you linked quotes the following:
Experts say the president’s short car trip broke public health advice to quarantine when seeking treatment for the virus, and may have put Secret Service agents inside the vehicle at risk of infection.
“That Presidential SUV is not only bulletproof, but hermetically sealed against chemical attack. The risk of Covid-19 transmission inside is as high as it gets outside of medical procedures,” tweeted Dr James Philips, a doctor at the same hospital where the president is being treated.”
It also says the SS agents would have to quarantine for 14 days after this joy ride.
@jca2 Yippee. Two weeks paid vacation!
@chyna I looked at the picture again. I still think it is more than a hospital gown. Can you post a picture of what you think a hazmat suit is?
2 weeks paid vacation might be all well and good until you get your family sick, perhaps your wife, your child, your elderly parent that may live with you. See, it’s not just about Trump needing his joyride.
@jca2 Of course, attending a protest justified all those risks and more.
Here is a picture of proper PPE and the article is good too.
@crazyguy No I can’t post a picture as I’m on my cell phone. But if you can imagine what a bee keepers outfit looks like, then you’ve got the picture.
A woman in my town was pregnant and got Covid. They took the baby who is doing fine. She is not. She is on life support and they are discussing amputation on her feet and hands due to no circulation. I’ll bet no one in her family is saying “yippee a vacation “!
I will no longer read nor respond to you crazyguy. I think people who do not take Covid seriously are fucking idiots.
@crazyguy: we’re not talking about a protest. We’re talking about SS agents who have a job to do, and of course, part of their doing their job is when there are risks such as the President being harmed by someone. However, their contracting Covid due to the President taking a joy ride, or their carrying Covid to a beloved family member due to the President taking a joy ride is totally unnecessary. I agree with @chyna. Your flippant attitude toward this is incomprehensible.
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Since nobody here really apparently knows what is needed for PPE for Covid, let me explain. We are required to wear either an N95 mask or CAPR (which is a hood with a fan under positive pressure—mostly for aerosolizing procedures or if the person had a beard), a disposable gown, face sheild and disposable gloves.
We don all that stuff prior to going into a room, and when we come out of the room, we take off everything except the mask. Upon leaving the room we use alcohol based hand cleaner on the gloves and then remove the gloves and the gown. Then we leave the room, and pull off the mask and either discard or leave next to the door for another entry. The face shield we wipe down.
We do not use biohazard hazmat suits.
@Caravanfan Thanks for a detailed description of your PPE. The picture posted from the Dustin Hoffman movie where there is no air gap between the gown and the face covering is not something I have seen any first responder wear. Do you wear a CAPR to see a suspected Covid-19 patient?
No. I don’t wear a CAPR unless I’m doing an aerosolizing procedure like intubating a patient. I find them to be cumbersome and frankly a bit of a pain in the ass. We also have a limited supply of CAPR hoods and a shit ton of N95 masks. I don’t have a beard so it’s fine. My only issue with the N95 mask is that it can be painful on the nasal bridge after awhile, but I found that using 3M 1” Microfoam tape mitigates that.
@Caravanfan Thank you. You are a scholar and a gentleman. Now back to the question at hand: Do you think that Trump put any of the protected Secret Service employees at risk of catching covid-19 during his so-called “joy ride”?
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