Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

We had a seminar at work yesterday about preventing unconscious bias against people of various protected population groups. Is stupidity protected?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33724points) October 6th, 2020

Among other things, groups are protected by law is they are discriminated on on the basis of:

- religion, religious dress, etc.
– gender
– gender identity
– race
– ethnic background
– disability
– political beliefs
– ethnic origin, background
– and so on.

Can I discriminate against stupid people?

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9 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I think yes, stupidity is indirectly protected. Be nice to everyone. Only say nice things. Everything gets back. Don’t gossip.

janbb's avatar

If stupidity wren’t protected, this country wouldn’t be the mess it is right now.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Discrimination is a neutral term. It does not mean “bad”.

Unlawful discrimination and unethical discrimination are bad, but any time we make choices we discriminate. Employers discriminate when they hire one applicant over others. They discriminate when they pay some people more than others.

You rightfully discrimate when you don’t put a stupid person in any position they cannot perform.

kritiper's avatar

Inherent stupidity, possibly, but not selective ignorance.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You can’t call them dumb as a rock or they have the IQ of an old tree stump.

You can think those things; just not out loud.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Is that because it would be offensive to rocks and tree stumps?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think it is.

gondwanalon's avatar

That seminar sounds brutal. Likely designed to beat you down just before the brain washing.

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