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chyna's avatar

Remember all of that toilet paper you bought at the beginning of the pandemic? Have you used all of it yet?

Asked by chyna (51769points) October 6th, 2020 from iPhone

I’m now on the last roll of a huge package that said it was like buying 96 rolls. Not sure if that is true, but it did last me about 6 months. Are you still using what you bought way back when?

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44 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Yeah, pretty much, but then I always buy the giant packages from Costco anyway.

janbb's avatar

I’ve been going with the flow; actually always a bit ahead of it fortunately!

chyna's avatar

It does seem that any tp shortages have been wiped out.

hmmmmmm's avatar

I was slow to realize that people were hoarding tp, so we (family of 5) got pretty darn low on tp before I was able to find some. It was close.

chyna's avatar

^Wow, bet you were sweating it out!

hmmmmmm's avatar

^ To be honest, we probably would have run out if it were not for a family member that drove up and threw a couple of packages from their car that held us until we started finding some limited stock in the stores. :)

canidmajor's avatar

@hmmmmmm I objected to the idea that most people were “hoarding” TP, no matter how heavy the mocking and judging got (especially here), as I know a number of families, like yours, that were suddenly looking at the prospect of 5 people being at home all the time, instead of spending most of the time using other bathrooms, at school and at work.

Because I always buy from Costco I was able to help out a few friends.

JLeslie's avatar

End of February I bought an extra package of TP. That’s two 6 pack double roll, because I needed one TP anyway. In early March I bought another extra. Then my husband came home from Nashville with 5 rolls in his package. I didn’t need to buy TP for a long while. I think around July I bought some TP, and again a few weeks ago. Those last two were from Walmart and 18 rolls. I had to change brands.

Before covid I usually had one to two packages of TP at any given time. Now, I keep two to three. Each bathroom has some rolls and then an unopened package for back up. That’s what I have now.

filmfann's avatar

My daughter (family of five) as having to hustle deals with people on social media to find toilet paper.
( “I have a pack of Cottonell wet wipes I will trade for a 24 pack of TP rolls!” )
As for us, we have always kept a pack ahead of need. No different now.

Demosthenes's avatar

My mom already had a couple packs in the garage from months before the pandemic. We didn’t run out during the peak of the panic buying and by the time we needed a new pack, stores were well-stocked again. It was a gamble, but I’m glad I didn’t buy into all that frenzy. It wouldn’t have been necessary.

Jeruba's avatar

I stocked up back in March with a couple of 7:30 a.m. “senior hour” trips to Target. That got us through the early shortages. I’ve restocked since, though, so yes, I guess we used it.

I’ve also restocked paper towels since then.

Finding them is still dicey at my regular shopping places. Sometimes the paper product aisles are just bare. So it’s still a real thing, not a delusion.

The threat of shortage caused a lot of impulse buying. Having parents who lived through the Great Depression, I grew up with a fear of scarcity. At least I’m glad I wasn’t like the guy who bought 74 cans of tuna fish, but I did end up with a dozen cans of evaporated milk and two or three boxes of Quaker oatmeal that it’s going to take a long while to use.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Oh no, I never really stocked up much except to buy family packs instead of 4 packs. I’m still doing that to reduce trips to the store.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

We never have less than 10 weeks supply of paper goods or clothes washing supplies or dishwasher detergent.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I have only used three rolls since March. I don’t understand how people go through one a week.

ragingloli's avatar

I did not succumb to the urge to perform a Hamsterkauf.

ragingloli's avatar

What, you only wipe every 5th shit, or something?

elbanditoroso's avatar

I don’t use the super puffy stuff for delicate butts. I use the Scott 1000 rolls (or something like that) and I use what is needed.

My septic likes that too.

Demosthenes's avatar

@ragingloli xD That made me laugh. I don’t think I use much myself either, but when you go every other day…I like the super soft stuff though so it tends to get used faster.

Also a factor is women in the house. Women use toilet paper for more things than men do. Or so I’m told.

jca2's avatar

I get mine from Costco, so one purchase is enough for months. I bought a giant one right before the shutdown (coincidence) and then have since bought, on purpose, about three others. I estimate what I have now will last at least until the spring 2021. I have lots of back up supplies of other things, too, like hand soap, shampoo, etc.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I used and bought 2, 12 packs of the good stuff. I am grateful that I was into prepping before the pandemic.

jca2's avatar

@elbanditoroso: Do you get the giant rolls like what are in public restrooms? I ask because I have a teen in the house, and a roll will last the two of us about three to four days. Even if you live alone, to only have gone through three regular-sized rolls since March is extraordinary, unless you are never in the house, or the rolls are giant industrial sized ones.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Desmosthenes Every other day? Interesting. I still use a quarter roll a day, somehow.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We never hoarded any.

kritiper's avatar

I gave you my last roll. What did you do with it??

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Figured I would save it all for Halloween. Got plenty of old Sears catalogues lying around.

Kardamom's avatar

I’m a vegetarian. I eat a lot of fiber. ‘Nuff said.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@elbanditoroso Scott 1000. That is what I use! It lasts a long time. I actually checked it out by writing the date inside the tube when I changed a roll.

I also have one of these: Toto Washlet C200 .

LuckyGuy's avatar

I hope everyone learned to have at least a one month supply on hand so there is no need to panic when a crisis hits.
Other crises are sure to happen. Be prepared.

chyna's avatar

@LuckyGuy You have a bidet?! Love it!

JLeslie's avatar

Years ago I had a Toto. It was a few hundred dollars. It could warm the seat and the water. I used to make sure there was an electrical outlet by my toilet for it. The builders probably thought that was weird. Lol.

I was just in a meeting a couple of days ago and the presenter mentioned she bought a toilet attachment for $50. I can try to find out the name if anyone is interested. It might not need electricity if it’s very basic.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@chyna Yes. I have installed 2 now.
I love it. Heated seat, warm water wash, adjustable water pressure, air dryer, air filter, remote, 2 memories…. You can use the link above to see all the features.
It also has a sprayer for ladies. l imagine if I had the right bits I’d never leave the bathroom.
It is wonderful!.

Note: I use more toilet paper than I used to. Now I use the water function after I’ve cleaned up. and need paper to dry things.

Dutchess_III's avatar

y’all are crazy….

jca2's avatar

A friend has a bidet and she loves it, and yes, it leaves the family the option to use less toilet paper or no toilet paper.

KNOWITALL's avatar

So why isn’t recycled paper used for toilet tissue available readily nationwide still? Come on, already!

Dutchess_III's avatar

They quit recycling in my town. ;(

JLeslie's avatar

There are brands of TP made from recycled paper.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie We have to look for them here, so I’m just curious why they aren’t on all grocery shelves by now.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL I think it’s only brands like Seventh Generation and Whole Foods private label (I don’t remember what it’s called). I usually use Publix private label brand Greenwise, which is their label that is usually natural or organic or some sort of save the planet thing. Since covid it’s really hard to get it, so I haven’t bought it in months. It is my favorite TP to buy and it recycled.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Marvelous topic for right before supper. : )

jca2's avatar

@Nomore_lockout: The question has been up for over a day.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

@jca2 Well then make that breakfast and lunch as well.

canidmajor's avatar

@Nomore_lockout: Your kids can show you how to “scroll”. It’s an interesting and effective technique you can employ while on the Internet. :-)

jca2's avatar

@Nomore_lockout: Scrolling is definitely a good skill to learn, especially because the discussion of toilet paper is relatively mild compared to other conversations you might experience here, and in other places on the internet.

Brian1946's avatar

I’ve used 28 rolls (300 squares each) in the last 6 months, but the most I ever bought in one purchase was 12 rolls.

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