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elbanditoroso's avatar

Could the fly that perched on Pence's silver hair have been a tiny Democratic drone fly sent there to annoy Pence?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33724points) October 8th, 2020

Do they make drones that small?

Does the fly need to be tested for COVID?

Why was the fly attracted to Pence? Could it have been his hair spray?

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16 Answers

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Flies are attracted to corpses. That fly understandably mistook Pence for a dead body and landed in anticipation.

chyna's avatar

Rumor has it that Ruth Bader Ginsburg sent it.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ Rumor also has it the RBG influenced the super-spreader event at the Rose Garden. She was still among us; her possible replacement got announced even before she’d been interred.

Brian1946's avatar

Real flies are attracted to fecal matter, so naturally it wanted to spend max time atop a shit head.

A swarm of Democratic drone flies would keep flying into Pence’s floor-hogging mouth, until he STFU.

janbb's avatar

BREAKING NEWS: The Fly has checked in to Walter Reed.

seawulf575's avatar

I find it funny that there is such an uproar over this. And, for all you that are trying to use it to slam VP Pence, just remember that the same thing happened to Hillary Clinton and it happened to President Obama a couple times. But I heard an interesting comment today about the one that landed on Pence. The Dems are laughing about it and claiming it helped them by making Pence look silly. But think for a moment…it landed while Sen Harris was speaking. So without looking, does anyone really remember anything she was talking about at the time or what her comments were? In other words, the fly was more interesting that anything she had to say.

janbb's avatar

@seawulf575 But Obama had a fly too? Why am I not surprised!

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ Yes, he was caught on camera, repeatedly swatting at a fly. He light-heartedly said, “Hey! Hey! Get out of here!,” with contrived annoyance, which made the interviewer laugh. Then, Obama caught the fly, while remaining cool, calm, and collected. The interviewer said, “Nice!”

Sometime last year, Trump had his own encounter with a fly, buzzing nearby him during a speech . He angrily said, “I don’t like it. I don’t like flies! I don’t like flies.”

This comparison of how two men handle a minor nuisance isn’t significant, but it’s one of the best examples of their differences. It’s certainly an entertaining example. We all laughed at Obama’s incident, but we were laughing with him, in delight at his savoir fair and sense of humor.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Obama had a reputation of keeping his fly zipped. Trump doesn’t.

janbb's avatar

@elbanditoroso I suspect if Pence doesn’t zip his fly, “Mother” does it for him.

kritiper's avatar

No. Only the Russians do that.

smudges's avatar

@janbb Something about that comment just made me go “Ewwww”.

filmfann's avatar

Flys are attracted to fecal matter, so no surprise it landed on Pense, since he often has his head up his ass. Or Trumps.

Dutchess_III's avatar

This is funny! What made it so striking is that Pence’s hair is dead white. The fly stuck out like a sore thumb.
Surely one of his aids came to his rescue?

Brian1946's avatar

If ever there was a need for a swat team….

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